Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 324 The Caring Wives

Sensing my approach, Fifi's eyes snapped open, and I headed in her direction. Her eyes widened as she rose from her seat. She blurred into motion, appearing before me in an instant. 

She enveloped me in a tight hug, her well-defined bulging muscles pressing against my body, and my head finding a resting spot on her two enormous breasts. I spoke, muffled by her embrace, "I thought you'd be asleep by now. Don't you have to fetch water from the well tomorrow?"

"I told you I'd be awake until you returned," Fifi chimed, her hug still firm before she let go and assessed my condition, her brows furrowing. She began to ask about my condition, but I quickly cut in, saying, "Don't worry, it was just an intense exercise."

Fifi regarded me with a raised eyebrow but eventually agreed with a nod. "Alright, let's head back inside."

I assented and followed her as we made our way back to the hut. Upon arrival, I noticed that those sleeping outside included Sura, Grandma Ingrid, Gina, and Lyra.

"Everyone wanted to stay outside and wait for you, but Greta used her gift to make them go to bed after giving them herbs for their pregnancies," Fifi said with a smile, glancing at the women who were using each other's shoulders as makeshift pillows while they slept. "They were the ones that stubbornly remained outside to wait for you," she added, letting out a sigh.

"Let's get them inside so we can get some rest," I said to Fifi, noticing her resigned expression. She nodded defeatedly, bending down to lift Gina first, holding her securely before turning and walking into the hut to lay her on the mat.

Meanwhile, as I bent down to lift Lyra, she stirred awake, adjusting her head against my shoulder with her curvy body snuggled in my arms. 

Her sleepy eyes met mine, and she yawned, rubbing her eyes briefly before widening them in surprise the moment she focused on me. "Orion!" Lyra exclaimed, her arms shooting out to wrap around me, causing me to stumble back and fall onto the grass as I was still holding her.

"Orion," she called my name again, hugging me tightly before releasing me and placing her hands on the ground on either side of my head, her gaze sincere. "Did you just get back?"

"Yes, I just returned," I replied, my attention momentarily shifting as I noticed Sura and Grandma Ingrid stirring awake, likely due to Lyra's scream.

Refocusing on Lyra, I saw her nod in understanding before she continued, "I wanted to let you know that Ursa wanted to wait outside with me for your return, but I convinced her to go rest for the sake of her baby." I couldn't help but smile at her concern and joke, "But aren't you pregnant too?"

Lyra responded with a snort, her tone amused. "Well, true, I might be expecting a child also, but I'm confident I'll manage better than her. Besides, she's still quite young. It's better for her to get some peaceful sleep instead of waiting up all night for your return."

Lyra's gaze then shifted over my body, her eyebrows furrowing at the patches of dirt that clung to me. She focused on me, her expression serious as she said, "Why do....."


"Orion…"I think you should take a look at

I was called by both Sura and Grandma Ingrid, their voices pulling me from Lyra's words. They quickly stood up, eyes wide, and ran over to where I was lying down.

"What are you doing, Lyra?" Grandma Ingrid's voice held a disapproving tone as she scolded Lyra.

Sura gently guided her upright, while Grandma Ingrid took the opportunity to give her a light knock on the head. "Can't you see he's injured?"

"Ouch," Lyra winced, holding her forehead and giving Grandma Ingrid an annoyed look. "Well, I was just about to ask him that before you two showed up."

Observing the two women engaged in an argument, I found myself enjoying the scene from below, my gaze drifting towards both of their shapely asses. While Lyra's shapely buttocks might not have been her most prominent feature, as her assets were more concentrated in her huge motherly breasts, it was still a delight to appreciate her matured butt cheeks from the perspective of the traditional tulga's thin bottom.

Meanwhile, Grandma Ingrid's aged protruding buttocks were, as always, partially exposed, granting me a glimpse of the rear through the somewhat scanty simple mini gown she was wearing, which barely managed to cover it.

Shifting to the side as Sura came rushing toward me, I also noticed her still maturing wide hips pressing against her traditional tulga, creating a distinct dick-erecting outline. 

She leaned down, her body close to mine, and exclaimed, "Orion, you're back!" as she attempted to hug me. Well, her efforts were in vain since I was still lying down.

I released a sigh of relief as she settled back on her feet, her gaze sweeping the dirt around me. Her face displayed concern, indicating that she was worried something bad had occurred. I mirrored her actions, sitting up and lifting a dismissive hand to wave away her anxiety. "Don't worry, I'm fine. The Stronghold Leader was just demonstrating some warrior techniques, nothing to be concerned about."

Sura's head bobbed with curiosity as she nodded, leaning in and suddenly hugging me tightly once again. I ran a soothing hand along her back, allowing her to enjoy the hug. Meanwhile, the ongoing argument between the two women captured my attention.

My face twisted into a frown as I watched the heated exchange between the two women, their voices escalating rapidly. Recognizing the potential for the situation to escalate further, I quickly intervened before their disagreement could turn physical.

"Enough, both of you!" My voice cut through the tension, silencing their quarrel. 

They paused, swallowing back their words, before both of them slowly turned around and looked at me with shame and embarrassment.

Grandma Ingrid was the first to break the silence. "I apologize for that. You didn't need to witness our argument," she muttered, her fingers tugging at the edge of her tulga, inadvertently drawing my attention to her beautiful voluptuous thighs.

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