The Villain's Story

Chapter 562 [562] Date?![2]

Chapter 562 [562] Date?![2]

I thought as I stared at the blankness of his face. I continued to look at it for a while, thinking about what to do, and why I did what I did.

Perhaps... I really was too direct. It couldn't be helped, This turn of events was shocking even for me. I had consulted some of my friends about how to proceed with this matter and...

This is what they told me...particularly Elaine, who was sitting right next to me and keenly listening to the conversation. She was chuckling when she saw Alan's face, which was still 'frozen'. As ironic as that was. It annoyed me a little.

Of course, although this was what they had told me to do... I also had a hand in it. I don't hate being around him Hell, I'd admit to it. I like him, I like being around him, and I hope that is the case for him as well.

I was too direct. Tch.

I didn't expect the words to come out of my mouth so...smoothly? I had expected myself to hesitate for a bit... But all my expectations were turned to ash when I found out that I...did not hesitate at all. In fact, when I asked him...

Do you want to go on a date, Alan?

My heart thumped. Like a maiden in embarrassing that did sound. It was just like what I had read about in those stories I used to delve in when I was stuck at home. Reading about all those knight in shining armor, or princess in distress stories.

When I was a child, as intelligent as I was, those stories were cool, fantasy books that I truly, truly wanted to be a part.

Of course, that notion weakened as I grew, but somehow, a spark of it still remained. And voilĂ , I was here.

It irked me, and yet at the same time, filled me with anticipation.

What will your response be?

How many emotions will you show as you answer me? What kind of them? Surprise? Lust? Infatuation? Or perhaps the fantasy emotion known as Love?

I hope it's not the former ones, and I...also hope it's not the latter. It's strange...isn't it?

I had lived this meager life of mine, always receiving either those emotions from people.

In my family, bastards who 'loved' incestual relations swarmed me, From the beginning of me hitting puberty. Before that, I was just a cute girl and a child.

I wanted to be that same cute girl and child again when I saw them all. Hints of lust and infatuation littered the eyes of those mentally ill freaks, who smelt like rotten eggs and looked like eggs too. That wasn't all of it. I had to deal with political pressure as well as a 'new' emotion.

Jealousy. Envy... Is it called by any other name?

There were those who were jealous of my status, of my wealth, of my beauty.

The ones who were jealous of my status were those who were always below me, in terms of thinking and in terms of life as well. Poor people, rich people, super-rich people. I was the only true daughter of the Wellington's after all. One who had the purest blood, the Blood of my mother, The only daughter of my grandfather.

They were insufferable, they would not only look at me with desire, for my position and status, but also a myriad of other emotions.

Then, came those jealous of my wealth. They were ones I could understand a bit. Although they were closely linked to those who coveted my status. There were differences.

With status, came nobility. But wealth can be acquired without sticking to the rules of the nobility... A wicked man can be as rich as me, or my family, but he would not have our status, He would not have the nobility and natural respect it would have garnered. Despite having the money.

Money is important, But connections and 'an aura' is more important. A loyalty or fealty bought with money is as fickle as a feather.

Then, came the people I truly did not fucking understand. The women who coveted my beauty.

Are you all retarded? Have a screw loose? Or perhaps were you dropped when you were a child when your mother disregarded your beauty? Did you hit yourself really hard in the head?

Fucking morons.

I always thought that whenever I met them. I...truly couldn't understand them. Yes, I am beautiful. Looking at my own mother and the people who looked at me, I can discern that... But to covet my beauty?

What is the point of it?

Status? You can achieve it.

Wealth? You can get that too... But how will you get my beauty? I was born with it. It is not something you can get.

If it was at only this point, I could have gotten it. But surprisingly, the stares of envy from those who coveted my beauty were always, more obvious, and more vicious than the rest.

I hated them, and thus, I hated my beauty.

Wasn't it the cause of it?


I suddenly remembered a time when I tried to stab my face with a shard of glass, thankfully, Father was there to stop it.

Father... I miss you, Where the hell are you?

Speaking of my father, I never understood why my mother married that man. She was the epitome of nobility, of beauty, and of grace.

How she married a mercenary with a scarred face, One that may have been a hero in the wars of the past... Was beyond me. I also noticed how my mother acted differently when around him, showing weakness...or rather a side of her that allowed one to take advantage of it.

But then, I was met with the same feeling...with this dolt. As ashamed as I am to admit it.

His white hair, as white as the snow of the top of Everest or the K-2, His eyes as beautiful as diamonds that even I could never have in my life, with the entire money of the family. His muscl-


Anyway, this dolt was beyond me. Sometimes he would be so smart that it shook me, and sometimes a complete retard. The duality of man, perhaps? I don't get it. Father had those moments as well.

At first, I was skeptical of him. I thought it was simply a ploy by my uncle to get me away from the family, and thus weaken my position. I went as far as considering this man an agent sent by him, and let's say the starting point of this odd relationship further deepened my notion of this.

He looked at me with surprise, and some desire when we first met as well. That dropped his likability by about...100% there?

I can't also believe the emotionless face he had when we saw the fireworks. I admit I had overreacted there...but his face was so similar to my uncle's that I loathed that I...almost behaved like an annoying, irritable individual.

But then... The look of desire was never seen in his eyes. Just a bit of admiration for my beauty. I didn't hate that... I liked it, actually. Loved it.

And then, the supposedly useless dolt was more than capable, surprisingly. No matter how dire a situation was, He would always find a way to get out of it. Or completely overpower the situation. He refused to give up.

Like a stubborn pride embedded deep in his blood. One of superiority. Furthermore, He was incredibly reliable. He, despite not looking like it, was serious and committed to his the point it was awe-inspiring and even bothersome for me.

He had no ulterior motive, just to do what he was asked to do. I guess that part really reached out to me.

And then, I was met with the standard scenarios of a princess being saved by a knight in shining armor...although the knight in my scenarios was Alan covered in his own blood and flesh, and brutally injured unlike the ones from the stories. Who were untouched. But that was what attracted me even more, one that actually put in sincere effort to save me...

Ah, I'm getting shy. I should stop while I am at it.

I looked at his above average, but loveable face. One that didn't hide anything at all. Like an inexperienced man, or perhaps an honest man.

And I liked him, I really did. Perhaps this is the 'puppy' love that is mentioned when one talks about romance. Although he doesn't feel like the type to do romantic things, I don't mind. I suppose I can deal without that... But all of this, my fantasies or not, as crazed as they are, will come to fruition only if he...

So tell me, Alan...

"Do you want to become my boyfriend, Alan?"

There was no hidden meaning behind my question, It wasn't filled with an implication, or anything to discern about him... It was simply filled with a wish.

Please say yes.

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