Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

Chapter 76: Crafting Trust, Seeking Cures

Chapter 76: Crafting Trust, Seeking Cures

"Did you see that speed?"

"It was like it kept on disappearing."

"I've never seen anything like it, and the fact master Yuuto was able to keep up was even more amazing!"

"How did he move so fast? I thought his talent was regeneration?"

"And that new summon of his. It looked like some sort of dragon knight. I've heard of mythical creatures, but this is something else."

"Yeah, the way it moved... almost like teleportation."

As the chatter continued, a guild member standing behind the protective barrier quietly turned away from the group. They slipped through the crowd, unnoticed, and made their way towards the edge of the arena.

Once out of sight, they glanced around cautiously before walking up to a shadowed corner. From their pocket, they pulled out a small, simple communication device. Holding it close to their mouth, they whispered.

"Alister has another summon. It appears to be some sort of dragon knight with incredible speed and reflexes."

"I believe he called it... Darven."

The device crackled softly as the message was transmitted. The guild member waited for a response, their eyes looking around the area to ensure they were not being watched.

A voice on the other end, distorted and faint, replied.

"Understood. Keep gathering information. We need to know everything about the capabilities of the creatures he summons, if you can still find out anything before tomorrow, make sure to report."

"Will do," the guild member murmured, pocketing the device and blending back into the crowd.

As the discussions continued around them, they kept their ears open, ready to gather any more valuable information about Alister and his mysterious summons.


Meanwhile, back in the arena, the excited murmurs continued as other people slowly made their way out:

"That was insane! I can't believe what we just saw."

"If he can control creatures like that, who knows what else he can do?"

"Alister's going to be a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure."

"Yeah, and with summons like those, no one will be able to stand against him."

"Do you think we'll get to see his creatures in future dungeon raids?"

"Forget about dungeon raids, we're going to own this wasteland display event!"

"I hope so. This is just the beginning, I can feel it."

The excitement and speculation buzzed through the crowd, everyone eager to see what Alister would do next.


Lady Aiko stood at the edge of the arena, her gaze distant as she replayed the recent events in her mind. The display of power and speed from Darven, Alister's new summon, left her lost in thought. The murmurs of the crowd slowly faded as people dispersed, but her mind lingered on the implications of Alister's growing strength.

"Lady Aiko," a voice interrupted her thoughts. Lady Aiko turned to see a female guild member approaching her with a sense of urgency.

"Lady Aiko," the guild member called out again, slightly out of breath, "there is something I have to report."


Meanwhile, Yuuto took a look at Alister, and said to him, "Walk with me," waving his hand for Alister to follow.

Together, they made their way out of the arena and towards the guild's main building, their footsteps echoing in the quiet corridors.

"So, you have a bedridden sister, huh?" Yuuto broke the silence, glancing at Alister.

"Yes," Alister replied curtly. "What is it to you?"

Yuuto sighed, trying to ease the tension. "You need to learn to ease up a little. I'm on your side."

Yuuto turned to face Alister, walking backward with a smirk. "So, you want to craft a cure, right? After all, what she has is notoriously known to be a death sentence."

"Yes," Alister said, his voice firm. "And based on our deal, after I won, you agreed to tell me where I can find one of the items I'm looking for. So, which one?"

Yuuto looked puzzled. "Sorry, what?"

"The items I'm looking for," Alister repeated, frustration seeping into his tone. "You said you'd tell me where I can find one of them, don't tell me you don't plan to keep to your word."

Yuuto chuckled, turning back to walk normally. "Aren't you supposed to tell me what you're looking for first, so I can tell you where it is?"

Alister stopped in his tracks, confusion written all over his face. "Wait, what? But you said you'd tell me, which means you know what I'm looking for."

Yuuto then said, "Oh, Alister, aren't you supposed to be a genius? I know most people think of me as some old immortal monster, but that doesn't make me all-knowing or suddenly give me the ability to read people's minds. I said I would tell you where to find one of the items because I was sure," he pointed a finger to the side of his head, "with this extensive knowledge of mine, I would certainly have an answer for you, not because I can read your mind or any sort of nonsense like that."

Alister paused, a slight look of shock on his face. Indeed, a part of him had assumed Yuuto knew it all, being an immortal and the fact he was suspiciously so nice and all that stuff with the Overlord Heirloom. He had also assumed Yuuto knew the things he was looking for, what he was hoping to craft, and the fact he was most likely hoping to give it to his sister.

And the fact Yuuto wasn't offering to help him despite the fact it wasn't necessarily his obligation, made him silently dislike the man.

Yuuto observed Alister's reaction, recognizing the shift in his expression. "Look, Alister," Yuuto said more gently, "I want to help you. But I need to know what you're after. Speak up. We can find it together."

Alister eased up a little. Perhaps Yuuto wasn't the cruel, all-knowing being he had thought. However, the fact that there were still secrets related to him, the heirloom, and his past that he was sure Yuuto knew but kept secret from him still made him keep his guard up. Alister's thoughts raced, 'Telling him all the items I'm looking for could allow him to tell me the one I can quickly get my hands on. Better yet, if he has it stashed away somewhere completely different from the treasury. The only problem with that is there's a chance he could figure out what I want to craft with them and how valuable it could end up being. Can I really trust him with everything, or do I have to pick one?'

Just then, Terra's voice echoed in Alister's thoughts. 'My lord, calm down. Yuuto has no ill intentions towards you. In fact, from what I can tell, it appears he plans to be on the best

terms with you.'

'Terra, are you certain?' Alister asked.

'Indeed, my lord. These eyes of mine have never been wrong.'

Alister let out a sigh and then said, "Alright, I'm currently looking for three items."

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