Chapter 606-607: Sun Wukong vs Lilith

Chapter 606-607: Sun Wukong vs Lilith

Wukong showed no change in expression as the swords neared him and in fact gave a small sneer and it was soon easy to understand why.

“This is useless!”

The thousands of swords struck him but to no avail, and he simply ignored them and changed the length of his staff, shortening it, causing Lilith to falter, before sweeping down the staff toward her head.


This was the technique created by Wukong after he observed Fafnir. Unlike the man, Wukong had no interest in providing absolute defense for an army. All he needed was to make sure no one could hurt him. The Vajra body was in his opinion, no weaker than the War Form of Dragon Kings and the results were clear.

Lilith managed to avoid easily the staff as she mocked Wukong,

“Do you think you can easily block all my attacks? With your bare body?”

Not even Sol could do something like this despite him having a body nearly immune to magic.

Indeed, at the end of the onslaught, Wukong could feel a few parts of his body with small wounds open. They were not bleeding and in fact were already healing. But this was the proof that indeed, he had been wounded.

This was quite a surprise for Wukong. His body was impervious to water, fire, and metal, his defense was perhaps one of the highest in the world.

“Your sword intent…”

“There is nothing in this world I cannot cut. This is my belief.”

Her aura went up in crescendo and reached a level so high, that Wukong doubted this was something a mortal could reach.

“Beautiful.” He muttered and increased his aura, causing them to clash. The resulting pressure born from those two aura would have been enough to erase the entire army if they fought in the mortal realm. After all, the two of them were demigods.

Looking at the new swords that were appearing all over the place, Wukong knew that he could not let the situation continue as it was.


“You are not the only one who can fight on multiple fronts.” Dodging ten swords that were ready to skewer him.

Lilith opened her eyes wide when a myriad of Sun Wukong appeared all over the place, their numbers nearly matching the number of her swords. The worst was that she could feel those clones were in no way weak. Each of them was more or less equal to a Duke level.

She laughed. This was indeed a reminder of why people like them were not allowed to participate in war. Her swords could kill thousands of Dukes without her moving a single step, and clearly Wukong could do the same.

What followed could only be described as a dance of death between two armies. One made out of swords and one made out of flesh.

None of the clones of Wukong could survive her swords but at the same time, the energy in the sword would be spent after killing a clone and Lilith would have to create a new one.

Even as the clones and swords fought, Lilith and Wukong did not stay idle. With his cloud under his feet and a flying sword under hers, the two of them were zipping around the battlefield exchanging hit and slash one after another, showing the depth of their martial art and weapon technique.

Because the range of her attack was restricted by her weapon and her swords were blocked by Wukong clones, Lilith found herself in a dangerous position and passiveness as she had to constantly defend against the ever-changing range of Wukong’s magical staff.

Not only could the Ruyi Jingu Bang grow and shrink at will, it could also be increase and decrease its thickness. Something she learned the hard way as she was swatted like a fly by what looked like a mountain and crashed down.

Cough~This is not good. I would have been in really bad shape if this was my previous body.

She coughed and cleared her throat from the congested blood and immediately moved away as a giant pillar came down where she previously was. Her body felt horrible but a body recreated with divine energy, dragon blood and phoenix nirvana would never break down so easily.

Something that would have broken her bones in the past was now just a minor inconvenience.

I understand now why Sol loves to act like a meat shield.

She laughed out loud even as she escaped from more and more close call. All her life, Lilith had been fighting in a body that was too weak to support her might. Her high reserves of mana were useless as her body could not conduct mana fast enough and she had to waste too much energy in cladding herself because the slightest mistakes would mean death.

Always acting carefully, always paying attention to the slightest details, always cursing her limitations.

She realized that her previous thought about sacrificing herself to beat Sun Wukong had been extremely short-sighted. Had she fought him as she was in the past, she would have lost.

Now though…Now things are different.

Lilith’s heart beat faster and faster in her chest and the movement of her body became better, while her mana continued to increase as if it was endless.

She is getting faster?

Wukong was astonished by the performance Lilith was putting on. On paper, outside of her Sword Art, there was no domain where Lilith should have been better than him.

Even less so when it came to speed, strength and resilience. His own body was equal to dragon kings after all.

There is no doubt no. There is no way she is a human.

But if not a human then what? He did hear rumors about Lilith being partially succubus but even such a thing should not have been enough. Demons of now in the mortal realm were nothing but fallen Divine Beasts after all.

Well, it doesn’t matter.

Wukong stopped flying and gazed at Lilith in the distance. His clones were dwindling and the number he could create was limited. If things continued like this, he might really lose after wasting all his energy.

Such a defeat was a humiliation he would never accept.

“I believe it’s time to stop running away.”

He threw his staff in the air and clapped his palms together.


The world shuddered and space twisted as five pillars similar to fingers appeared all around, creating a fighting ring no one could escape from.

What is happening?

Lilith was surprised by this sudden display of power, and even more surprised by the apparent effect.

“This is a cage, a ring made exclusively for battle. A zone born from my desire for battle uninterrupted that I created after observing a Holy Territory from the Supreme Daughter once in the past. There is no escape and the space will continuously shrink. Even a dimension mage would find it hard to forcibly break down this space. The only way to leave… is by beating me.”

Wukong caught his staff as it fell down and twirled it. This was a zone he rarely used but every time he did, the results were always the same. The expression of his opponents would morph into despair as they realized they would be imprisoned in a ring and forced to fight.

This was why…

“So you're telling me. That we are stuck here and that this space would not get affected by this dimension no matter what we do or how hard we fight?”

Wukong found himself very disturbed when he saw Lilith smiling with all her teeth out as if she was a kid receiving the best present in the world.

He had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.


The distance between Wukong and Lilith was less than 200 meters now. It was still a considerable distance for many, but for the two of them, this small distance might as well not exist.

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“I don’t understand why create this ring when a larger range gives you a greater advantage with your weapon.”

She did not know how far his staff could reach if he so-willed, but she knew that it gave him an incredible breath of movement.

“Well, I didn’t create this ring just to restrict your movement.” Wukong chuckled as he started twirling his staff in his hand. His form was slowly changing as well. His height increased, and so did his hair, and a patch of golden fur covered his skin, leaving only his chest open.

“You…You are still holding back, right?” His elegant appearance completely vanished and left the place to a more savage one. His muscles twitched as if they could barely hold his power and his hair swayed under the wind. “I do not understand why. Perhaps because you are buying time? But it should not be just this. I thought about something but then I made a deduction. Most likely, you have a power or a skill that could negatively affect this dimension.”

Not all warriors were equals and while Wukong did not think he was weaker than Lilith, there were definitely means and techniques that she possessed that he did not. Wukong had always been quite straightforward as a fighter. Simply relying on his innate strength and godly defense to crush all that stood in front of him.

In front of absolute strength, all tactics and strategies are useless.

This was his motto.

“Then, what will you do?” He brought his hand forward and taunted her.

Lilith sighed when she saw Wukong's transformation and felt how much more threatening he became.

So this is the path Sol is following at the moment.

Absolute strength and absolute defense. Using one strength to defeat a thousand techniques was not something anyone could do. Only people like Sol and Wukong could recklessly fight and care for nothing else.

Wukong was right. She had indeed been holding back. But it was different from what he might have thought. Sol had already taken into account the possibility she might lose and prepared subsequently by bringing the witches in his dimension.

Even if Wukong won against her, the situation would not change and this dimension would be his prison until Sol decided otherwise.

The reason why Lilith had been holding back was simply that her strongest attack would most likely destroy the wall separating this dimension from the mortal world.

Sol’s dimension became far stronger than she fought against him in the past and his control over it was admirable. But she had also grown exponentially stronger after obtaining a new name and reaching her current level.

She could destroy the wall of his dimension, so when she was literally at the verge of death and when she was only a King. She could do so even more easily now with her new name and her power as a half-step demigod.

“I hope you won’t regret this.” Lilith swung Muramasa slightly causing the sword to hum. A few cracks were running alongside the blade, likely a result of blocking the repeated attack from Wukong’s staff.

But it was still more than good enough.


To fight, one needed to breathe the right way. Lilith exhaled slowly as all the mana that had been dispersed in the air and in her swords started to gather toward her, fusing in Muramasa.

Once she was done, Wukong and Lilith gazed at each other before rushing at full speed once again.

The sound of metal clashing resonated once again. This time there was no gimmick, only pure strength and technique.

Wukong’s eyes were burning with fighting spirit as he showed why no one wished to fight in close combat against him. Lilith blocked a downward swing from Wukong, causing the ground to crack under her feet because of the weight of his attack

From the sound that reached her ears, the ground was not the only thing that cracked as she did the same and her own bones groaned.

“Incredible. Ruyi weighs more than 7000 kg, you are truly strong.” Wukong laughed and tried to lift his feet to kick her but Lilith anticipated his action as she planted her heel on his feet before taking a step forward and striking his solar plexus with her elbow.

Wukong did not even bother avoiding her attack. Even if her arm was covered in sword intent, it was impossible for it to be as strong as it would have been had she used a weapon.


He simply laughed and ignored the small amount of pain that was transferred to him before leaning down and headbutting Lilith causing her to stagger.


Lilith groaned, her forehead was bleeding. This was proof that not all the changes she received were positive. In the past, cladding herself in sword intent had been one of her strongest techniques as she saw herself as a sword and her King name reflected this reality.

Now though, she was a sword master and while her strength with a sword in hand increased, her body lost in sharpness.

I simply need to change gears.

She was not discouraged, she sidestepped the incoming attack from his fist, ignoring the sharp wind that was caused by the friction of his smash and how much damage she would have received if it landed on her then used his chest as a springboard and pushed herself backward.

Wukong was about to ignore her attack once again but he grimaced when he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.


He looked down, only to realize that she had breached his defense by attacking twice the exact same emplacement, and on the point of her leg was a small blade filled with sword intent and mana.

The wound is shallow. But the wound is taking time to close.

Lilith’s sword intent seemed to be filled with a strange power that had only destruction and annihilation as a goal. This was a power completely foreign for him but he knew that he could not let things continue as they were.

Lilith meanwhile knew that she could not last long in this fight. She barely reacted to the Wukong attack and her strength was a limiting factor. in the face of the weight he could use.

“You should give up. You cannot win against me.” He spoke with confidence and she had a hard time denying his words.

The fight continued like this for a few minutes, neither relenting, each of them giving their all in order to win and gain the title of strongest. Their wounds accumulated, slowly but surely.

Sun Wukong was less wounded overall but Lilith used any occasion to stick small blades in his body, causing him great pain. The lack of healing did not help. Lilith meanwhile was bruised on nearly every part of her body.

Not much damage could be seen externally, but she was sure that her organs were a mess at this moment.

We are more or less evenly matched.

Neither could say that they were superior to the other, and they knew that any error at this point could be fatal.

This was a dangerous moment. One where their very life was at stake and yet, the two of them showed exhilarated expression.

For Wukong, his heart was bursting with happiness because he was finally able to have the kind of fight he so dearly wished for, while Lilith was delighted by her ability to use all the techniques she had long stopped using.

Even as they fought, they kept growing in power and technique. Proving that they were indeed singularities. Beings who could ignore Fate to a certain extent or use it for their benefits.

The two separated, Lilith's breath was ragged as she grabbed the hilt of her sword with her right hand. No matter how much her body was trembling and shivering because of tiredness, her grip stayed steady.

She scanned the surroundings, the ring created by Wukong had shrunk, leaving only a diameter of about 20 meters now. Beyond this ring was Sol’s dimension, a somewhat white and black monochrome world with hints of colors appearing.

It should be enough time, right?

She sucked in a deep breath. She did not know what was happening on Sol and the girl's side but she believed in him and she knew that he would keep Lilin safe.

I was really arrogant.

She laughed at her past self, who thought she could have easily won against Wukong if she went with the mindset of sacrificing her life. Thanks to Sol, she was able to fight at one hundred percent, but she was reaching her limit.

This situation felt somehow amusing for Lilith. In the past, she had been the one to protect Sol. Because he was weak, because he was young, because he was not mature enough.

So many reasons and yet, all of it boiled down to the fact that she lived for years with the mindset that everything rested on her shoulders. A sense of responsibility that was so strong it was crushing her.

Now though, she was free from all this sense of responsibility, because she knew that even if the sky was to fall down, he would be there to hold it for them.

A smile graced Lilith’s lips. One different from the one born because of her joy of fighting a worthy opponent. Her stiff joints became relaxed, her erratic breathing calmed down and calmness filled her mind and heart.

At this moment, she could feel it. A moment of absolute calmness, the moment when she and her sword became one.

There is nothing I cannot cut.

This was the belief in her heart. The reason she created the Immortal Slaying Art and upgraded it to God Slaying Sword Art.

I will cut everything in his path.

She was no more a sword seeking a master and yet as a swordsman it was necessary for her heart to be filled with a purpose and at this moment she had decided what would be her purpose.

I want to see it.

Sol wanted to create a world only for them. One beyond the grasp of even the goddesses. This was a selfish goal but at the same time, this was one filled with selflessness as it showed the love he had for those he cared for.

I want to help him create such a world.

For that he would be a vanguard. Someone who would cut down those who oppose him.

I will cut everything.

Be it the strings of fate, the angels, or even the goddesses. Nothing would stop her sword and nothing would stand in his path.

At this very moment, Lilith reached enlightenment as she swung her sword,


A scream of metal getting crushed echoed from the sword even as she completed her movement and sliced through the air like a beam of light at a speed nearly equal to it. The entire space along the trajectory cracked apart.

At that moment, Sun Wukong’s eyes dilated as he faced a crisis like never before. A gigantic sword strike, rendering space and time itself meaningless, was hurled toward him.

Chills ran down his spine as the light filled his vision. All his instincts were screaming at him.

You must not stop this attack with your body.

Sadly and in an ironic twist of fate, there was no possibility of escaping as his movements were limited by the very prison he created.

For the very first time in his entire life, Wukong faced the prospect of true death. A primordial fear filled his veins at his possible and incoming demise.

Ah…So this is it.

Both Lilith and Wukong were singularities, and both of them were geniuses with few equals. Light filled his eyes as he realized something at this very moment between life and death.

He was Sun Wukong.

Even in the face of death, he would never give up. Never stop forward.

Since he could not flee — he would just have to block it.


This was not enough. Not even close to enough. He needed more. Way more than this.

Golden light filled his body as he shouted toward the sky,


Like this Wukong was entirely swallowed by the sword strike. The last thing he heard was the sound of a sword breaking reaching his ears.

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