Chapter 601: Eve of the Final clash

Chapter 601: Eve of the Final clash

“It’s beautiful.”

Camellia muttered as she sat under a blooming Sakura tree with a steaming cup of tea in her hand and looked at the impressive display of skill. In the current weather, it should have been impossible to have a blooming tree, but such a thing became less complicated when you had the Witch of Life and a Phoenix with you.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her hair, Camelia took away her eyes from the two people that were showing off. This all started because Lilith wanted to test Lilin’s skill after they came out of Sol’s dimension. After all, in the incoming fight, Lilin would be at the vanguard to fight Lupus.

No matter how much they looked down on Lupus, this was only based on his morals. Power wise, Lupus was no pushover and out of all of those who were going to fight him, Lilin was undoubtedly the one with the weakest defense even though she had theoretically the second-strongest attack.

As if they had all discussed beforehand, as the fight between the two dragged on, more and more of the women related to Sol came to the tower. At first, there was only Sol, Milia, Lilith, Lilin, Nuwa, Setsuna and Isis. Then Camelia came with Clara and Scheherazade because she wanted to discuss with Sol and asked the way to the elf and the little fairy.

Following this, the four witches, Persephone, Medea, Freya, and Kali also appeared followed by their mother, Ambrosia, and the Succubus queen Pandora.

From this, Milia immediately took things in her hand as she was used to doing, and a small gathering was organized in a flash.

Looking down at the tea in her hand that was reflecting her appearance, Camelia could see that she was sporting a very conflicted expression.

The people who were in this place were technically all at the highest possible level in terms of power, influence, or even appearance. Yet here they were, all turning around a young man as if they were a planet orbiting the sun.

From her place, she could see the looks that they gave him, the hunger in their eyes, and the way they sweetened their voices.

This scene was something she was used to and brought many memories of the past. The actors were different and the overall power level was also different. But there was no denying that this was similar to Mars being surrounded by many of her companions.

The only difference was that Mars had acted voluntarily in order to not hurt the feelings of anyone in the groups. In her mind, this had been much more cowardly than truly being dense and not understanding the feelings of the women around him.

“A Penny for your thoughts?”

Persephone asked as she sat next to Camelia and shared a small cake sent by the maid. The training session between the two swordswomen had quickly become a sumptuous picnic. Pandora was also behind Persephone.

“I was just thinking about how familiar this current scene was.”

“True.” Pandora gave a sly smile as she sat on the other side, “Looking at his team, truly reminds me of the past. It was pretty fun back then.”

Camelia nodded, she had been the only one in the group to not have feelings beyond friendship toward Mars in the group, and it had been pretty frustrating to watch all their weird antics at the same time, it had been one of the best times in her life.

Exploring the world, fighting alongside people she could trust, getting more companions, and escaping from dangerous dungeons after cleaning them up. They were young but strong, and their sense of justice was even stronger.

Stolen novel; please report.

Slowly but surely, the ragtag group of young ruffians with a dream bigger than their eyes became known as strong adventurers and then powerful heroes.

“How do you think this will end?” Pandora asked quietly.

“I am surprised you are worried about him. I was pretty sure you would hate him or at least keep your distance.” Persephone chimed in, prompting a bitter smile from Pandora.

“Well, I was indeed a little resentful. Being outplayed and slightly coerced by someone I thought I could manipulate easily is definitely not a great feeling. But, later on, we had a more level-headed discussion. We both tried to use each other. I was simply less skilled. But now, the two of us are allies in the truest sense.”

“Heh. I like this. I thought your story would end in tragedy, but it seems like it became more akin to a romantic comedy.”

Pandora sighed, “Anyone ever told you your way of seeing the world is creepy?”

“I was told it was pretty cute.”

“Then the one who said this must have rotten eyes.”

“Still better than the expression you made when Sol dominated you in bed.”

The two women laughed and exchanged insults easily while keeping a smile on their face.

As for Camelia, she was very thoughtful, and in the end she expressed her thoughts, “You asked how this will end, right?”

“Pandora and Persephone stopped their banter and looked at her.

“Had you asked me this a few months ago, I would have most likely said that this would end with Lilith and me most likely dying or completely crippled. We were the only war deterrent of Lustburg and while we had a few Dukes, none of them was really game-changing outside of the White Knight. Lustburg was weak and helpless, and the only things we could do was act bigger than we were. Sol was not even a Duke so it would have been impossible for him to lead the charge. Meanwhile, we were still at odd with the witches.”

No matter how one looked at it, the situation of Lustburg had been very grim and desperate. If a war truly occurred back then, their losses would have been tremendous.

“It didn’t help that our internal structure was a mess, since Lilith had no true legitimacy. The nobles became more and more restless, and traitors appeared out of nowhere. In order to change the situation, I used all my wits. Lilith was dying, I was the only true war potential and Sol was weak. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, and so I started fighting dirty. I lied and manipulated the man I liked and plotted behind his back because I was sure I knew better.”

If she had to be honest. “I do not regret what I did.”

By risking her life, Sol was given three boons, by manipulating Gerald behind his back, she was able to kill a vast majority of traitors. She did not regret her action. No what she regretted was,

“My greatest regret is underestimating him.” She grinned, “It has only been a few months but in his hand, Lustburg current situation is akin to a complete reversal.”

Internally, Sol managed to get the allegiance of the three remaining Duke houses and proceeded to gradually clean up the kingdom while using the Crown’s Shadow. The fortune of those nobles were seized and used for the country.

New posts and administrative jobs were opened, and they even had the help of tireless undead to make the job easier. As if it wasn’t enough, Sol healed Lilith, brought Isis, and helped awaken Setsuna while making Lilin far stronger.

Externally, he managed to make a true alliance with the witches, brought Envilya to their side and will also make sure to bring Southern Pride. As if it wasn’t enough, he found a secret Dwarf dungeon thanks to his relationship with Theresa, he managed to create one of the most terrifying special forces in the world.

Camelia witnessed miracle after miracle, watching how the young man she underestimated became a charismatic and powerful leader while bringing more and more dangerous people under his umbrella.

She sipped her tea quietly, “Even though there has never been a case of a Duke beating a King in history, I can say with full assurance that Sol will win tomorrow.”

“Why? Do you know his secret plan?”

“I do not know and it does not matter. Sol said he would win tomorrow, and so he will win. The how and the why does not matter.”

“Blind devotion is dangerous, you know?”

Camelia chuckled at Pandora’s words and finished her tea, “I was born blind, and I thought I was able to see clearly after my eyes were opened when I awakened. What I did not know was that my pride and prejudice blinded me once again from reality. Now though…”

She looked in the direction of Sol, who coincidently looked at her while pushing Scheherazade with his finger. The two of them exchanged a smile and Camelia felt her heart pounding with joy, love, and happiness.

“...My sight has never been clearer.”

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