It was a party to congratulate the future wedding but at the same time, though unofficial, it was a party to celebrate the future union of Lustburg and Salem.

After all, if Salem was considered a country, Medea would be considered as more or less the crown princess.

Marrying her made the two countries allies on every front.

Many witches were still worried, not knowing if this moment was a step towards a brighter future or a doomed one.

But — they had hope. A seed of hope had indeed been planted in their heart and while they knew that what would happen next would not be easy, they still hoped that things would work out for everyone.

Thousand years of hatred and discrimination would not vanish instantly but the witches could allow themselves to outlive a few more generations until the newest generation got rid of their prejudice.

Everywhere Befana walked, she could see the witches drinking as much as possible to get drunk, laugh and scream, while many others gushed about how handsome and charming the prince was.

'How long was it?'

Befana felt moved.

For years now, Salem slowly fell into decadence, becoming a ghost city with streets always empty and witches ever working alone in their towers or exploring the Astral realm.

The witches were unhappy and alone. Creating a vicious circle where they only isolated further.

Many witches died in this way, simply because they had no more drive to strive for more knowledge. Why wish to live longer in a world that doesn't want you?

'The witches who are currently exploring will be quite surprised when they come back.'

Befana continued to advance, ignoring the way some witches muttered on her way about her.

They knew that she was the one who antagonized Sol the most even before this whole negotiation began.

"So, how does it feel to be seen as the bad guy?"


Befana looked at her side, only to see Persephone holding a stick filled with grilled meat.

She seemed to be having the time of her life.

Seeing Persephone smile at her with a mischievous smile, Befana took the stick that stretched towards her and started to eat as well. She did feel a little hungry.

The meat was indeed well-cooked and tasty. She wondered briefly what was the origin. But one of the rules in this place was to not think too much about the origin of some food.

As long as it tasted good and wasn't human or looking like humans it was good enough.

'Perhaps we should change this rule.'

She mused as she looked at the meat with suspicion before simply shrugging her shoulders and continuing to eat.

"Honestly, I don't mind being seen as the bad guy."

She looked up at the fake starry sky, "If everyone is good in a group, that group will inevitably break or be used by people without scruples. A balance is necessary and it's my role as the current Number One of the council to play this role."

She looked at Persephone and smiled, "This is why the four departments exist, right?"

Her only goal was the well of the witches and if she had to be considered bad because of it. Then so be it.

"Furthermore, didn't you always say that a story cannot be complete without two sides antagonistic to each other? I guess I played my role well enough, right?"

Persephone nodded. This was one of the reasons she didn't act to convince Befana even though one word from her would be enough for her student to back down.

For Sol's plot to be perfect, they needed someone to play the bad guy. Furthermore, if the witches had simply meekly accepted to follow Lustburg, there would have been many problems lurking.

At least like this, the illusion of struggle would make them feel better.

"You worked hard."

Persephone patted Befana on the head and looked in the distance.

"Though, you do not have to worry. I do not know what the future has in store for us but no matter what the result is, it will be a glorious story."

She had seen the path the young man was walking. It was a hard path but for him, the chance of success was so high it was ridiculous.

"I have witnessed and participated in many interesting stories since I met him."

Befana looked at her teacher with suspicion, "I guess some of those stories are not meant for children?".

The small laugh of Persephone was enough to answer. Which made Befana speechless.

In the end, she could only laugh alongside her teacher.

Her actions had only pushed the inevitable slightly away.

But still, she did not regret them.


While Befana was being consoled by her teacher, Medea was walking hand in hand with Sol, while she continued to admire the ring adorning her finger.

Even now, she felt like she was in a dream and that everything was just her illusion.

Though she had meddled with her body with him and given her virginity to him, deep down, Medea always had a small fear that this relationship would never go further.

Even though she knew that marriage was nothing more than a simple confirmation of their relationship. It still made her so happy she thought her heart would burst.

Watching her, Sol smiled and was about to tease her a little but he stopped when he saw Ambrosia appear in front of them.

"How are you mother-in-law?"

He smirked. Now this name was truly well-earned.

Ambrosia's answer to his joke, though, was something he would have never anticipated.

"I am happy. But are you interested in meeting your grandfather-in-law?"

The smirk on her face was truly a sight to behold.

(AN: So, I wanted to make a smut chap. But it would only take away the pace I think. Later I will either bring it through a special chapter or a 'memory' kinda like I did with Persephone and Setsuna with Sol.

Two or three more chapters and this arc finally ends.)

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