Chapter 438 VOL 12/CH 402:MY DEARCITIZENS


Lustburg, is one of the seven kingdoms standing tall in the mortal realm. The kingdom represented all humanity and a few more mixed races.

It had now been two weeks since the Prince came back from his travel in the astral realm and the different territories surrounding the capital could feel the slow change that were happening.

The first startling news had been when all the bandits' groups who had started to settle and extort the traveling merchants near the capital were exterminated.

On that day, it was said that blood covered the ground as the Prince alone ravaged more than ten campgrounds.

Not only did he massacre a great number of bandits, but those who did survive were forcibly conscripted to serve as cannon fodder during the war.

It was for the reason that not all bandits were necessarily evil. Most of them were just young or old starving farmers who had no choice but to turn to banditry in order to have something to eat.

While they were still guilty, their circumstance allowed them to not be directly executed.

The prince made an open announcement that if they survived the war, those bandits would be released and given proper citizenship as well as a chance to redeem themselves.

As if not satisfied, the Prince followed by giving an extremely large reward in Lust coins, promising anyone adventurer who would bring the proof of bandits' presence in a place or exterminate them would be rewarded handsomely.

It was said that many nobles complained. As this would greatly affect the coffer of the kingdom. But all of this was useless as the Prince simply ignored them.

Overnight, the security greatly improved as Bandits who had been rampant went into hiding.

It was hard to assure this in the fringe of the Kingdom, but at least the center was slowly going back on the good track.

Aside from showing his might through his power, The Prince also announced the First Royal Examination which would take place in a month.

Education was not something particularly uncommon for peasants. All the previous Kings or queens had preached the importance of schooling children and King Mars had made sure to create an Academy in the capital where both nobles and commoners could enter.

Even King Neptune, despite being a simple puppet king funded many school courses, that were mostly related to science as a whole.

But the Royal Examination was different. No matter what was your position, your blood, or your origin. Whether you were a scholar or a fighter. Anyone could participate as there were different characteristics judged.

If this was all, people would be surprised but not particularly thrilled. But the rewards were simply too attractive.

After all, those who succeeded would be given permission to join the government.

​ All the citizens knew that after the recent rebellion, the administration had been quite affected.

They understood that the Prince wished to unearth talents and they knew that this was something they could not miss.

The number of young people with dreams in their eyes who started to walk toward the capital was unprecedented.

There was no one in this world who wished to live in mediocrity all their life. So all those who had even a shred of confidence in their talents were ready.

The first phase of the examination would happen in the three main Duchy. For the territory that were previously under the Gorfard Duchy, they were to find the examen center in the Marquis territory.

Once the first phase was finished, the winner would walk through a portal and reach the capital where they would have the chance to see the Prince and even receive the reward directly from the Prince and the Supreme Daughter if they finished with a high enough rank.

The last news that shocked people was the start of recruitment for the soldier.

This news gave the confirmation that all citizens had feared—War was coming, and there was absolutely nothing they could do.

At least that was what they thought until they were told that there would be no mandatory conscription.

This left many people speechless. After all, even the previous king did not get rid of mandatory conscription in times of war. Back then, Lustburg had been fighting against Greed Dyke so there was absolutely no leisure for them.

This time, rather than forced participation in the war, all those who decided to join the army would receive an annuity high enough to be free from the pain of hunger for a long time.

The consolation reward given to the family of the bereaved was also tripled and it was officially announced that people with enough achievement could, not only become knights as it was common but also receive a true hereditary noble title as Baron with a land.

This was perhaps the greatest new all citizens had heard in decades and it was even more so when they learned what followed.




On that day, all the citizens of Lustburg looked at the sky as the picture of a young golden-haired man sitting on a golden throne was projected in the sky.

The last time they had seen this young man was during the prince ceremony as he fought in the Gladiator arena.

The prince back then had been dashing and powerful but anyone could see that he still had much to learn.

The one they were looking at right now was completely different.

Wearing a simple white military suit embroiled with gold medals. Showing an easygoing but heavy smile.

Even though they were separated by a screen, none of them dared to focus on his face as many of them lowered their head and another vast majority outright kneeled on the ground.

“My Dear citizen.”

His voice was calm,

“I am the Bearer of bad news, but it is my duty to share this to every last one of you.”

Their heart started to thump as they anticipated what would be announced,

“War is coming.”

The reactions were varied. Old people closed their eyes as they remembered the time they wished to forget.

Mothers hugged their children while thinkings of the deceased that would never come back, children looked around, confused by the solemnity in the air, while some young people showed excitement at the news. Already imagining themselves riding on the battlefield and fighting for honor.

“The ruthless Tyrants of Wratharis; the ungrateful man who seized the throne by slaying his own blood-related brother, decided to break the peace earned by my beloved and respected father.”

Few people noticed how the prince covered his face while seeing this but their hearts went to him. Thinking that he was overwhelmed by rage and sadness.

Silence reigned for a while before the Prince took away his hand, “My dear Citizens, I apologize.”

All other Lustburg, citizen opened their eyes wide. They could see the reddening of his eyes. The emotions in his voice but more than anything — The Prince apologized.

“My incompetence led to the Tyrant landing his hungry gaze on us. It’s because he believes us weak that he so brazenly decided to attack. But— He made a mistake.”

Everyone looked up, their eyes hanging on every word that came from his lips, wondering what he would say.

“Weak I may be. Inexperienced surely. But…WE are not weak! Lustburg is not helpless! My citizens are stronger than anyone else!”

The sadness was replaced by a blazing inferno as the Prince stood up and clamored.

The blood of the crowd began to boil at his words.

“I, Sol Dragona Luxuria. Crown Prince and Future King of this land hereby declare.”

The tension was at its maximum.

“Be not afraid — For victory will be ours!”

It was like a wave.

Many people were septical. Many more knew that this was nothing more than a speech said to appease them.

But… Even so…They could not stop the feeling blooming in their heart.

All of them clamored, excited, and shouted alongside the prince.

Even so, deep down, many of them felt fear.

Those with experience knew very well that nobles always put their well-being first and when a war started, the ones who suffered were the poor citizens. Not the noble.

As if he could hear them, the prince smiled,

“I address this message to all nobles of my beautiful Kingdom.”

The nobles who had been scoffing as they looked at the stupid peasants who were shooting and crying were startled.

“This war will be fought by us all.”

His voice was low now, filled with threats,

“Once again, I, hereby declare — All nobles who increase the taxes during those tirings time will be demoted by one rank.”

The nobles opened their eyes wide. But it wasn’t the end.

“All nobles refuse to participate in the war or conscript anyone against their wills. Will be demoted by two ranks.”


“All nobles who refuse the punishment as dictated will automatically lose their noble rank and become commoners. That is all.”

The screen went dark and the projection stopped.

The nobles were speechless. They could not understand what the prince was doing.

Lustburg was a large country. Too large for one king to rule effectively all parts of it. Even more in times of war.

Was the prince not worried about them rebelling and joining Wratharis? After all, even though humans could not hurt the King directly, there was no obligation that forced them to be loyal.

Commoners cheered. Understanding that Sol would be a king who cared for the people.

But Old nobles snorted. Those who had been acting like kings in their territories seethed.

The Kingdom fell into a strange state of calm. But great undercurrents were moving everywhere.

Meanwhile, Back in the Royal Capital, the one who had made such a provoking speech was looking down between his a beautiful cow-horned maid unbuttoned his pant.

Sol closed his eyes as he felt his lower part being engulfed in Milia's moist lips and released a sigh,

Even though it was only through a screen and he had not been able to see the reaction, his heart had been beating like never before as he spouted bullshit after bullshit with no hesitation.

He would have never thought that speaking like this to millions of citizens could give such a rush. A mixture of feeling between stress, anticipation and feeling of power.

Sol finally understood one of the reasons why Politicians in his world liked power so much.

(AN: Welp. Sol will be Sol. Heh. Vol 12 might long or short. But I plan to try a mildly long arc. A time for Sol to truly relax you see? Not just sex scenes but more moments like festivals. Vol 11 was frustrating for many so time for relaxation. I also use this volume to slowly introduce more of the world. It will be either Salem or Elve Kingdom. The heroines of this vol are Setsuna and Lilin. Also, this wasn't the way I planned to start the vol but lol. I was writing while listening to Attack on Titans OST. so yeah. Got influenced. Haha. XD)

VOL 12 starts.

Vol 12: Two Swords/Two Princesses.

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