Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 101: Unrivaled Slaughter, Ancient Savage Beasts

Chapter 101: Unrivaled Slaughter, Ancient Savage Beasts

One of the level 2 apes let out a fierce roar, causing the vines to shake. More apes gathered at the edge of the forest, standing on the branches and howling.

With the amount of food they had to consume each day, this group of apes were aggressively territorial. In order to remain the overlords of the surrounding forest, all outsiders needed to be killed and eaten.

However, despite their warning, Chen Chu and the others continued to slowly advance.

Seeing this, one of the level 2 apes roared again, and over a dozen three-meter-tall apes jumped down from the treetops with fierce expressions, charging towards the four of them.

Although Chen Chu and the others emitted dangerous auras, in the eyes of these simple-minded creatures, they were still too small in size. A dozen of their ordinary members could kill them easily.

"I'll handle this."

Seeing the charging apes, Xia Youhui emanated a heavy earth-colored true power, covering himself and his heavy shield.


Every step Xia Youhui made caused the ground to tremble slightly as he charged forward like a Black Tortoise. In the blink of an eye, he collided with one of the apes.


The ape’s arms fiercely smashed into the heavy shield. Xia Youhui’s true power exploded, shattering its arms and causing it to spurt blood from its mouth as it flew backward.

Just with a charge, Xia Youhui killed the first ape. He smugly grinned. "Hehe, just because I’m good at defense doesn't mean I can't attack."

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The surrounding three apes roared in anger, looking like they now wanted to turn this murderer into minced meat. They slammed their robust and tough arms down on him, one even picking up a huge boulder to use.


Xia Youhui lifted his shield above his head. His earth-colored true power circulated as it redirected all of the impact and weight of the attacks into the ground beneath him, causing the earth within a few meters of his feet to roll from the shockwaves. His body, on the other hand, remained unmoved.

"Get out of here!" With a shout, Xia Youhui gave a massive shove with his shield, the rebounded force sending the three apes flying with a boom.

"Haha... Xia Youhui, you're still best suited as a meat shield. Leave these guys to us."

Laughing, Li Meng's blue true power erupted, and he leaped high from behind Xia Youhui, his heavy hammer blasting through the air.


One ape raised its iron arms to block the terrifyingly heavy hammer, only to get its flesh pulverized, its bones shattered, and finally its head blown apart by the dominating force.

Roar! Roar!

The tragic scene of such a miserable death made the surrounding apes even more furious, and they rushed towards the two like a group of miniature giants, intending to tear them apart.


"Get out of my way!"

With a sharp shout, Li Meng swung his heavy hammer horizontally, and the four apes that had been rushing toward him were directly sent flying, as bones shattered and flesh splattered from the impact sites.

The so-called Iron Arms that could resist rifle bullets were no match for true power.


Another ape's head was smashed in by Li Meng's hammer. Flesh went flying, and hot blood sprayed several meters high, drenching him in blood and creating a murderous aura.

Seeing that several of them had died in just a few breaths, with several others gravely injured, the remaining apes suddenly became restless, emitting violent howls as they dropped from the treetops and rushed down.

The six level 2 apes also jumped down from the trees, shaking the ground with their huge bodies.

Under normal circumstances, apes were more afraid of pain and death. If an enemy was too fierce, and several of their companions had died, they would be scared off and wouldn't dare to approach.

It was unclear whether it was due to the mutation, but this group of Iron Arm Black Apes was far more ferocious and violent, not seeming scared at all. It could have also been the presence the multiple extra-large apes, making the rest think that they still had a chance of winning.

Either way, it worked in the four’s favor..

Seeing the aggressive apes rushing down, Chen Chu and Li Hao no longer watched from the sidelines. Violent and domineering auras erupted from the both of them.

Li Hao, with his burly silhouette, was surrounded by red true power as he carried his four-meter-long iron pillar. He rushed forward to meet a six-meter-tall ape.


Seeing Li Hao charging towards it, the ape, as tall as a two-story building, let out a ferocious roar. It used its pillar-like arms to raise a huge boulder weighing over a thousand kilograms, and slammed it down.

Not only was this ape incredibly powerful, but it also knew how to use weapons. This strike could flatten even an armored vehicle.


Covered in red true power, the thick iron pillar swept up through the air and slammed into the huge stone.


Under the terrifying force, the stone in the ape's hands exploded, and rubble flew everywhere. Not slowed down in the least, the iron pillar continued its arc, smashing into the ape that had been holding the boulder.


With one strike, the level 2 ape’s head exploded into countless pieces, splattering blood and flesh over a range of ten meters.

Li Hao stood with the iron pillar, his black-red battle armor drenched in blood. With two pairs of curved horns over a meter long, he looked like a terrifying demon.

The other apes were momentarily stunned by his aura and didn’t dare to approach.

But if Li Hao was crazy, Chen Chu was ferocious. He wielded his straight saber and darted forward, leaving a white wave of air behind him from how quickly he was moving as he landed right in front of a level 2 ape.

The ape couldn't react at all. It could only watch as the black blade tore through the air and descended upon it, occupying all of its vision in an instant.


With a sharp sound, the sharp blade cut through everything, instantly splitting the ape in half from top to bottom.

Chen Chu lunged forward, the ground within half a meter of his feet exploding. With another string of white air waves, he suddenly appeared in front of a level 1 ape over ten meters away.

Seeing the monstrous figure appearing before its eyes in an instant, the three-meter-tall ape let out a terrified scream. It had just started to raise its arms when they were split in two by the black blade light.

Its body did nothing to slow the attack’s momentum, and the saber hit the ground with a boom.


In an instant, a violent sword qi burst forth, the overbearing power of the Dragon Elephant Art cracking the ground within several meters and tossing up a huge amount of soil.

At the same time, the split bodies of both apes exploded, splattering blood and visceral organs everywhere.

Chen Chu's figure was like lightning, darting between the enraged and violent apes and madly slaughtering them.

With a speed exceeding a hundred meters per second and the black sword qi covering the blade, not a single opponent had a chance against him, not even the level 2 apes. Wherever he went, everything was cut in half. He was unstoppable.

In just a few seconds, Chen Chu had killed over a dozen apes. Broken and mangled bodies lay on the ground, their blood staining the ground red and emitting a strong smell.

At the same time, Li Meng had only killed a few, and Li Hao was just picking up his iron pillar from the corpse of the level 2 ape.

While Xia Youhui had unparalleled defense while carrying the heavy shield, his primary weakness was killing speed. He could only stand there in a daze, looking at the bodies steaming on the ground.

They weren’t the only ones stunned at the sight. The hair of the two remaining level 1 apes was standing on end, and their faces were filled with an almost human-like fear.

Waah! Waah!

The apes let out fearful screams, then turned and fled for the forest behind them.

That monster was too terrifying. Too terrifying. Only the king could deal with it.

Chen Chu stopped as he watched the fleeing apes, blood dripping from his straight saber. His eyes were cold, but he didn’t continue to chase. Those Black Apes would be the ones to lure out the Golden-Backed Rampage Ape.

Xia Youhui gulped, looking at Chen Chu, who exuded a terrifying murderous intent from afar. "I... shit, Ah Chu, how did you become so fierce?!"

Li Meng also looked at Chen Chu in astonishment. He couldn't understand why Chen Chu had become so absurdly strong when they had all just broken through to the Third Heavenly Realm, especially considering that he was only cultivating the low-level Dragon Elephant Art.

Due to cultivating the high-level Primordial Might Hammer, Li Meng's strength and true power intensity had become stronger than the average person's after breaking through. Even though his art was still in the beginning stage, the explosive amplification of his strength and the intensity of his true power made his combat prowess comparable to the middle stage of the Third Realm.

But Chen Chu had easily crushed him at the First Heavenly Realm, and he had become even fiercer at the Second. Now, after reaching the Third, it felt like he was in a completely different league from them.

On the other hand, Li Hao only had a slightly serious expression, not too surprised by Chen Chu’s terrifying strength.

Among all of the first-year students at Nantian, other than An Fuqing, Chen Chu was the only one whose strength he couldn't figure out. That was the main reason why Li Hao had specifically invited him on this hunt, and he had not disappointed, demonstrating a combat power that completely surpassed the Third Heavenly Realm.

Chen Chu shook his wrist, flicking blood off of his blade, and shook his head. "It's not that I'm too strong, it's that these mutated beasts are too weak.

These were only level 1 and 2 beasts. While they weren’t weak in strength, defense, or agility, they were still somewhat mediocre in all aspects. With the level difference, especially in strength, and using my sword qi, I could easily tear their bodies apart without any resistance."

Although Chen Chu's analysis made sense, both Xia Youhui and Li Meng could tell that this wasn’t the actual reason.

Xia Youhui, however, simply shrugged it off, already accustomed to Chen Chu's modest character.


Just then, a roar that shook the mountains and forests resounded from afar, containing a terrifying pressure, like that of a king of the beasts. The trees on the mountainside began to shake violently, countless birds flying into the sky in panic, as what could only be a huge creature was rushing towards them.

"It's here."

The four of them became serious, knowing that their true target was approaching. With almost the entire group slaughtered, it would definitely go crazy once it appeared, and would likely launch an immediate thunderous assault.

From the roar to the shaking, it took less than a minute for that terrifying mutated beast to cross several kilometers and crash down from the mountainside, breaking countless trees along its way.


A golden-black figure leaped dozens of meters into the air, landing with a deafening crash that instantly shattered the earth and raised a small dust storm.

In the dust, a figure over eight meters tall, with popping muscles and black scales instead of hair, stood in the massive crater. The most eye-catching feature was its back, where a row of golden scales extended from head to buttocks, exuding an indestructible aura.

The Golden-Backed Rampage Ape stared at the four of them with blood-red eyes, exuding an extremely fierce and violent aura.

Their expressions became solemn under its gaze; Li Meng, the weakest among them, even gulped a little.

They could all feel their survival instincts kick into overdrive, as if they were not facing a mere ape, but a terrifying ancient beast.

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