Hero of Darkness

Chapter 992  Demand and Repayment

Chapter 992  Demand and Repayment

Legolas wanted Alfheim for many reasons.

This was comparable to Verlassen fiefdom he had in the Rakos Empire whether it was in terms of dungeons, monster resources, mining cores, economic hub and even authority in the empire's matters.

Having this under his complete rule, independent of the empire's jurisdiction was akin to having his own Duchy.

Although Alfheim was only 600 kilometers in its total span, much smaller than Verlassen fiefdom which spanned 8000 kilometers, the monetary and resource values it held were astronomous.

Just by controlling who entered Alfheim and who did what kind of business in these lands, Legolas could gain a large amount of money in the name of tolls and taxes alone.

Hence, with the pride of the entire Zivot Empire on the line, Legolas did not hold back and directly asked for Alfheim as his reward.

"Think about it, lord Abbot.

What would all the other empires think if Hero of Life shows up without even a party?" he stated and asked calmly, hiding his greedy expression.

"All the Emperors and Empresses as well as the chosen Heroes and Heroines will treat the Zivot Empire as a joke globally.

And on top of it, if the Hero, in whom the empire has invested so much resources and is supposedly the representative of the great God of Life also ends up dying during the Conclave of Heroes… It will be too big of a problem for you." he cited in an articulate tone, hinting further reprucussions.

"Who will herald the Elven Empire during the upcoming war against the Demon God?" asked Legolas in a coy tone.

Abbot on the other end, was completely surprised.

"How did you know that? The war with the Demon Empire and the Demon God has not been made public yet by any of the empires that aren't directly on their borders." inquired the Abbot.

"I have eyes and ears in this empire too, you know. I didn't become the no.1 mercenary guild of Alfheim within a year by pure luck." iterated Legolas as he leaned back on the sofa.

"Still, ownership of the Alfheim is too much of a price." said Abbot with a hesitant voice.

Normally, they wouldn't be making such a polite demand from anyone and used his strength as a Peak 7th stage saint to make others submit and serve them without question. But the circumstances had forced even him to tread carefully while talking with Legolas.

"Compared to the importance of Hero of Life safely returning to the empire and the faith of all the citizens staying loyal to the imperial family which will also keep the High Kings elven class at bay…

I'd say you're getting a very favorable deal." responded Legolas with a casual smile.

"You can't have everything for free in this world, lord Abbot.

You need people to believe in your supremacy and in your capabilities as rulers and protectors of the empire.

If you give them a reason to no longer support you… there will be a civil war between both Commoner class and the High Elves.

The Hero of Life returning alive is far more important than keeping Alfheim under your control." said Legolas as he implored the Abbot.

Kahn was a master negotiator at this point in his life who knew how to use the opposition's weakness to the fullest extent.

To his proposition, the Abbot spoke softly…

"A lot of people will be unhappy, especially all the High Elves classes across the empire." To this worrying words, Legolas replied…

"Let the dogs keep barking. If they try to bite me, I will pull out their teeth by myself.

All you have to do is give me the ownership of Alfeim as its sole ruler and officially declare it in the whole empire.

I will deal with the politics and potential threats without letting them affect you or the Emperor."

"I have two conditions though." spoke the Abbot.

"What is it?"

"We want that newly ascended 5th-stage saint in this party.

Also… we want Lagertha Skjoldottir among the list of warriors." he cited his terms.

"But why her?" asked Legolas, hiding his surprise. Then the Abbot replied calmly…

"We know you recently absorbed the entire 12 Valkyries after 7 of their saints died in the Immortal Dungeon.

And since you can't be present in the Hero's Party yourself, we want someone with experience and strength to lead a group of Saints. Consider it as a safety measure." he explained.

"That decision lies with Lagertha. I can not decide it for her myself.

Also, iff she dies… then all the members of her previous guild will blame it on me that I sent her to the gates of hell." explained Legolas.

In reality, he could risk his subordinates because the original him could always revive them even if they died in the Conclave of Heroes. But the same could not be said for Lagertha, the 4th-stage saint Berseker guildmaster of 12 Valkyries.

After some time, Lagertha was summoned in Legolas' office and met the Abbot.

"I'm not even the strongest person in the guild. Yet you considering me worthy to join the Hero's Party is a great honor." replied Lagertha and bowed in respect.

She then agreed to the Abbot's terms and the contract was officially in motion.

After few minutes, the Abbot used an artifact and talked with the Emperor in private. After an hour passed, both of them swear through an oath scroll, a form of conduit to make their contract official, that Legolas will be granted Alfheim as long as Ervalen returned alive from the Conclave of Heroes.


After the Abbot left, Legolas spoke to Lagertha in a solemn tone...

"You know… I didn't want you to go there. It has been just 5 months since the remainder of the 12 Valkyries joined us as part of the Misthios guild.

Most of them still think of you as their guildmaster.

If anything were to happen to you, it would cause great chaos among the guild which would be deadly to not only the innocent guild members but also those who make a living in Sparta." he iterated.

"I know that." said Lagertha.

"But I have my own honor as well. This contract would be a pivotal milestone for you and the entire guild.

And it was about time I repaid you, guildmaster Ragnarsson, for saving my people." she declared in a vehement voice.

Legolas in return, shook his head and spoke…

"All I did was raise my own manpower, nothing more."


Lagertha on the other end, shook her head as well and sighed… "I know that you don't like taking credit for all the good deeds you do for the poor and helpless people…

But you practically paid all of our debt, settled all the affairs with big clients, stopped other guilds from poaching my Saints and normal guild members, and stopped our old enemies from annexing us one way or another." she revealed events of the past.

"You also stood like a wall and saved thousands of lives of my guild members from those who wished to devour my guild through their schemes.

Even I would not have been able to hold it all together for this long despite being in this profession far longer than you." she declared in a thankful tone.

"Thousands of my people now have homes in Sparta, they have honest and respectable work, and most importantly… they can hold their heads high while making a living." said Lagertha in a content voice.

"After most of my sisters died in the Immortal Dungeon, even I had lost all hope.

Like a savior, you appeared in front of us and saved us from nigh annihilation.

For that, as the former guildmaster of 12 Valyries… I owe you my life." she stated resolutely.

"And I wish to repay that debt by doing this job for you."


This time, it was Legolas who sighed and spoke…

"One thing I have learned while being a leader in my life so far is that your responsibility isn't just to protect only your people but also the community around you in the society.

If one pillar falls, so will the rest sooner or later. What I did was done for that very reason." he explained the reason behind his own actions.

"Still, if you wish to repay me this way… I won't try to stop you and end up insulting your honor as a person and as a warrior." he replied with a smile.

This arrangement between Legolas and the Abbot, caused by the consequences of them blaming the Hero of Darkness to hide their own failures created an unforeseeable coalition between the Imperial Family and the Misthios Mercenary guild.

Legolas ended up creating plans for supporting his own original self while also reaping huge rewards by using this opportunity to further extend his influence and authority in the Elven Empire.

This was the very cause why Omega, Rudra, the Six Generals and Lagertha were present at the Conclave of Heroes.


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