Hero of Darkness

Chapter 988 The Parting Gift

Chapter 988  The Parting Gift

It seemed Marcus had come to realize the flaws in his actions and appreciated Kahn's role in helping him confront the stark differences between his delusions from his past on Earth and the reality of his failures as the Hero of Nature in Vantrea. The divine key now held in Kahn's hands marked a significant turn in their dynamic, leaving Kahn with a potent symbol of an unexpected twist of fate amid the chaos of their conflict.

With a sense of awe and realization, Kahn held not just any saint's core but the divine key belonging to a chosen hero—a peak 6th stage saint at that. The significance of this artifact was profound, representing the culmination of Marcus Brutus's power and the essence of his conviction despite waiting for 700 years just to leave Babylon.

If the God's Domain hadn't put the restriction of 6th-stage saint rank being the highest in these lands, Marcus Brutus of today would have already been at least a 9th-stage saint.

[WARNING! System Overload!

The influx of world energy is too substantial for gradual assimilation. The host is scheduled for a forced breakthrough to the next Saint rank in approximately 1 hour. This timeframe allows the system to efficiently assimilate and create a secure pathway for the immense world energy in the host's own core, mitigating any potential negative impact on the host.] informed the system out of nowhere.

Kahn found himself stunned by this revelation.

[This feels eerily reminiscent of the last time I inadvertently touched Flamescion.] pondered Kahn, drawing parallels between the two instances.

Much like Axel Lobethrox, the Hero of Fire, the concentration of world energy within this core surpassed that of a normal inhabitant of Vantrea by 4 to 5 times. The unique ability of summoned heroes and their souls allowed them to absorb this energy at a significantly higher rate. Kahn himself was a viable example since he became a 5th-stage saint in just 6 years while many natives of Vantrea couldn't even become a 4th-stage saint despite training and absorbing the natural world energy for decades, sometimes even centuries.

Reflecting on the past encounter with Axel, when Kahn faced the 3rd-stage saint ranked Hero of Fire, he experienced an instantaneous breakthrough from 1st stage saint to 2nd stage saint. Now, history seemed to repeat itself as the same phenomenon unfolded with Marcus Brutus's core. Although no longer awakened, the abundance of world energy within it was triggering an expedited breakthrough for Kahn, a development significant enough to prompt a warning from the system itself.

Unlike Axel, who was a beginner 3rd-stage saint, Marcus Brutus stood as a formidable peak 6th-stage saint. His level of mastery and experience elevated him to a point where defeating him would have been nearly impossible, if not for the strategic collaboration between Rathnaar and Kahn. The duo's prior knowledge of Marcus's divine abilities, coupled with Maximus's own Progenitor of Nature divine ability, played a pivotal role in dismantling the complexities of Visionary's Reality.

While some might argue that their victory against the 7th Hero of Nature was propelled by luck, given the specific conditions and the combined efforts of two chosen Heroes, the undeniable truth remained: Marcus Brutus was a saint with 700 years of experience, dwelling in God's Domain where world energy was three to four times denser than the outside world. The only environment that could rival the density of world energy found in Marcus Brutus's core was none other than Kahn's Tablet of Arcana, a relic left behind by a Demi-God. In this analogy, it was akin to the gates of a dam being unleashed, with the only available outlet being a narrow canal.

If not managed with precision, the unleashed energy threatened to become an overwhelming flood, capable of sweeping away everything in its path. In this scenario, Kahn's body acted as the vessel for this surge, even though he was already a peak 5th stage saint. Fortunately, the system was actively working to create a secure pathway for the imminent breakthrough, granting Kahn a crucial hour-long window to organize and prepare for the impending surge of power.


Back in the final region of the Peninsula… the remainder of the Hero's Party approached Kahn in his Atreus persona.

"Atreus, what happened?" "What was that purple light and the core binding itself to your chest?"

As Maximus and the others inquired about the sudden development, Kahn began to explain the extraordinary events that transpired.

"The 7th Hero of Nature attempted to take over my body by linking our cores in his final gambit." Kahn revealed, his tone carrying a mix of gravity and explanation. "However, he failed in this endeavor because his life force had already been extinguished when I ended him within the illusion world, sealing his fate and preventing any further intrusion into my being." he elaborated sternly.

Kahn saw no reason to divulge the complete truth, refraining from sharing the details of how he exposed Marcus Brutus to the memories of his past in Rome and Caesar. There was no need to invite unnecessary questions or risk the revelation of his true identity.

In his pragmatic approach, Kahn didn't feel compelled to narrate the apologetic demeanor of Brutus in his final moments. Real life, he believed, was not a drama series where one might sympathize with a villain merely because they expressed remorse in their last breath. Kahn recognized that not everybody deserved or needed a grand or impactful closure to their story.

Finally, they departed from the battlefield, making their way back to the imposing black castle. After some time, they reached the throne hall where they had initially encountered Marcus Brutus.

Following a dozen minutes of settling arrangements, Maximus ventured into God's Altar crafted by the God of Nature. Meanwhile, Kahn implemented several security measures before creating a doppelganger to occupy his place.

A few minutes later, with the creation of a Legendary Rank isolation barrier, Kahn entered the Tablet of Arcana, gearing up for his next objective…

To become a 6th-stage saint.

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