Hero of Darkness

Chapter 941 Leap Of Faith

Perhaps the Venerable Monk saw a potential in Kahn that extended far beyond the scope of the Conclave of Heroes. Maybe he perceived that Kahn's true purpose and destiny lay in something greater, something that transcended the boundaries of the empire and even the mortal realm.

Whatever the reasons, Kahn knew that he would have to trust in the monk's wisdom and guidance. The Venerable Monk had lived a long and enlightened life, and his insights were likely based on profound experiences and spiritual knowledge.

Kahn was trying to understand the profound meaning behind the line… 

'There are no accidents.'

What did it mean in Kahn's case? 

[No matter how I see it… it feels like everything has worked in my favor although it didn't go according to how it was supposed to be.] thought Kahn to himself.

Empress making him a member of Hero's Party despite Kahn not wanting to. 

And that too when the Conclave of Heroes was right around the corner. 

Then the supposed powerhouse whom Romulus previously spoke of not being able to come for Kahn after the end of the Elysium Tribal tourney... 

And lastly, a Sage of Divination expecting Kahn's arrival at the present moment and willingly choosing him to pass. 

All of it felt that it was somehow… Predestined. 

[Is this my Canon Event?] wondered Kahn. 

What was a Canon Event? 

Something that was supposed to happen regardless of the changes in plans, timelines or even destiny itself. 

The crucial aspect of a Canon Event is its inevitability. While the means to achieve the event may change and deviate from the original route due to unexpected turns of events, the outcome remains fixed. 

Many times, the Canon Event must happen for the sake of the world. 

Also, it can not be shifted, skipped or changed no matter what you did. 

Whether one changed the timeline or even the universe itself… The Canon Event will take place despite different interventions. 

And the way everything went on so far, Kahn was certain that this was one of those pivotal milestones of his journey.

[But why do I feel like I'm almost walking at death's door?

This is a clear Death Flag from my past life's experience as a Weeb and Otaku. 

Hell, someone with years of experience can easily predict such a plotline. 

Yet here I am… With no choice but to go along with it. 

Because if I don't, this will be my last day in this world.] spoke Kahn and sighed.

At the present scenario, he truly didn't have any other choice but to go along with the current situation regardless of his reservations. 

[But I guess there must be a good reason why event this monk is letting me pass despite serving an empire that wants to hunt and kill me. 

For what reason… I will have to see for myself.]

He chose to take a leap of faith first, leaving his fate in the hands of the sage who seemed to have seen a part of Kahn's destiny.

"Wear these cloaks. It will mask your appearances, species and auras completely." spoke Kaali and summoned golden and emerald patterned cloaks with intricate designs with the sigil of the Nadur Empire on the back.

After everyone adorned those cloaks, a small illusion sphere was cast on them that changed their appearances and even height.

Forget the others, one would be fooled by their own aura as if it belonged to someone else.

"Although some of the Heroes and Heroines have made public appearances, there is no information available on the likes of Hero of Lightning and Hero of Space.

Even Hero of Light has never shown his face to anyone as if he was never summoned in the first place." 

"We can't let everyone know which one is the Hero among the group and let others mark them from the very start." spoke the Empress, explaining her reasoning.

After everything was said and done, the final moment came…

Their golden and partially transparent shapes acted as keys to open an invisible door that came into existence out of nowhere.


As the Venerable Monk, Oogway, chanted in an ancient and mysterious language, a profound aura filled the air. Hundreds of golden and partially transparent sutras materialized, hovering in the air like floating keys. 

These sacred symbols acted as the means to unlock an invisible door that seemed to materialize out of thin air.

With a resounding sound, a brilliant blue light emanated from within the doorway, illuminating the surroundings. The passage to a different dimension had been opened, revealing a path leading to an unknown realm beyond.

This was the entrance to the sacred and hidden realm which was to host the Conclave of Heroes.

As the door opened, it beckoned the members of the Hero's Party to step forward and embark on their journey into the unknown, where destiny and fate awaited them. 

The Conclave of Heroes would test their mettle, forge their character, and shape their paths in ways they could not yet comprehend. 

And for Kahn, this moment marked the beginning of a profound and life-changing adventure.

Finally after walking through the long passage… Kaali, Romulus and the members of the Hero's Party saw an otherworldly environment that went beyond normal sense of existence.

"We're here. This is… Hesperides." declared the Empress while everyone was entranced in the beauty of this realm.

Since ancient times, this realm was addressed as Sacred Grounds or Holy Lands by the Empires serving the Gods.

But it had a different name long ago. It was also called as…

The Land of the Gods.

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