Hero of Darkness

Chapter 927 Setting Bar Too High

The battle within the Hero's Party intensified as the three elemental domains—Wood, Ice, and Fire—merged and converged upon Atreus, overwhelming him with their combined might.

From the domain of Wood, hundreds of towering trees and vines shot forth, resembling spears thrusting towards their target. The already-established domain expanded its reach, seeking to ensnare and pierce Atreus with its vegetative assault. Alongside the trees, the colossal flowers radiated a blinding light, their petals creating a dazzling spectacle meant to disorient and confuse their opponent.

Simultaneously, the domain of Fire manifested through hundreds of raging phoenixes, their battlecries resonating across a vast expanse of 20 kilometers. These majestic creatures, fierce and relentless, unleashed their fiery attacks, aiming to engulf Atreus in a storm of scorching flames and searing heat.

Adding to the onslaught, the domain of Ice presented a chilling and formidable display. Hundreds of 10-meter-long icicles, shaped like deadly bullets, formed within the domain, each iceberg possessing the power to freeze entire towns into ice statues in an instant. These icy projectiles hurtled towards Atreus, their sharp points threatening to pierce and freeze him in place.

The unified assault of the three domains showcased not only the individual power of each member but also their exceptional synergy as a team. Despite the different elements at play, none of the saints' domains neutralized or diminished the efficacy of the others. Instead, they seamlessly combined their strengths, maximizing their collective might against their target.

"Good. They should be able to do this much in the past 8 years since this party was formed." said Atreus.


As the battle raged on, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. Rolakan, the mage of the Hero's Party, conjured a multicolored formation in the sky, creating a magic formation that further enhanced the combined effectiveness of the three elemental domains. Acting as the team's support character, Rolakan utilized his magical abilities to buff the team's attack skills, amplifying their collective power.

The formidable synergy of the three elemental domains, now augmented by Rolakan's magical enhancements, unleashed a tyrannical and terrifying pressure. The sheer intensity of their combined efforts would have sent a normal 5th-stage saint into a state of fear and distress, potentially causing them to tremble with terror and even pee their pants.

However, what the others in the Hero's Party failed to realize was that Kahn had been testing them all along. He had intentionally allowed them to activate their domains and unleash their attacks, giving them the false impression of gaining the upper hand and weakening him with their debuffs.

Kahn's true intentions were hidden beneath his composed demeanor. He wanted to observe the full extent of their abilities and test the unity and resilience of the Hero's Party. By waiting and enduring their onslaught, he could gauge their strengths and weaknesses, understanding how they operated as a team and whether they could maintain their cohesion under pressure.

[System, how much now?] asked Kahn to his royal advisor.

[All stats have been suppressed by 45% and senses as well as agility is further decreased by 53%.

The host is now comparable to a peak 3rd stage saint with the current stats.] reported the system.

[Nice! This is better than I thought.] replied KAhn, relishing in the further decrease in his strength.


As the combined forces of the Hero's Party converged upon him, Atreus stood steadfast, facing the onslaught of fireballs, vines, icicles, and lightning attacks. The air crackled with energy as the elements collided in a cataclysmic display of power.

The massive fireballs hurtled towards him, trailing tongues of scorching flames. The vines, like living spears, sought to ensnare and pierce his defenses. The icicles, sharp and menacing, aimed to freeze and immobilize him. Above, the magic formation in the sky unleashed a barrage of lightning attacks, crackling with raw electricity.



The battlefield was engulfed in chaos as massive explosions reverberated and shattered the sound barriers, their earth-shattering impact sending shockwaves rippling through the three-kilometer radius. The rumbling of the sky matched the intensity of the explosions, and the blinding light that emanated from the epicenter forced everyone to squint their eyes against its brilliance.

As the dust and flames gradually subsided, a solitary figure emerged from the remnants of the devastation. The figure stood in the epicenter, a haunting sight that sent shivers down the spines of those who bore witness.

The humanoid figure's appearance was a grotesque spectacle. Its once majestic fur was all but gone, revealing a skeletal framework and mangled body parts.

Bloodied internal organs spilled forth, and pulsating veins snaked across the exposed flesh. The absence of a jaw left a ghastly sight, exposing the inner workings of the figure's cranium. The right leg was entirely missing, adding to the overall image of mutilation and destruction.

Despite the brutal injuries and the staggering display of resilience, it remained defiant, its beating heart pulsating behind the sternum and costal cartilage. This survivor bore the scars of battle, a testament to the harrowing trials endured during the clash.

This ghastly sight terrified even Borat, Xavoless and Speki, the attackers as they watched in disbelief.



  As the onlookers watched in astonishment, a miraculous transformation unfolded before their eyes. The veins within the battered body writhed and squirmed, reminiscent of snakes in motion.

Broken and shattered bones began to elongate, weaving together with newfound strength and resilience. From the spinal cord and femur, new bones sprouted forth, rapidly regenerating at a visible rate.I think you should take a look at

In a matter of mere seconds, the missing bones and organs were fully restored, as if they had never been injured in the first place. 

The wounds healed, and a new layer of skin and fur grew, covering the once-mutilated body.

Atreus, in a display of extraordinary regenerative abilities, made a full recovery, emerging unscathed from the devastation.

The scene was nothing short of soul-trembling.

The power of rejuvenation and regeneration, inherent within Kahn's Fenrirborne lineage, had mended his broken form with astonishing speed and efficiency. It was as if the very essence of life itself flowed through his veins, granting him the ability to transcend the limitations of mortal injury.

"This… This should be impossible!

He regenerated 60% of his body despite our debuffs and his reduced stats in just 18 seconds! That's impossible even for a True Descendant." spoke Conan who saw this from 15 kilometers as he was charging his attack skill while others attacked Atreus.


But before anyone could even grasp this unbelievable sight…

"Three fully developed domains and so many debuffs at the same time, and y'all still can't one-shot me." he stated while his blue eyes glowed light flashlight.

"You are just a fucking disappointment." 

Kahn's wrathful voice resounded and sent shivers to all the opponents.

Even Maximus, who did not partake in this fight was shocked beyond belief.

"Shame on me for setting the bar so high. I shouldn't have expected something from rejected losers like you who can't even become your clan or tribe's leaders." said Atreus, thoroughly infuriated.

With his wounds fully healed and his body restored to its prime, Atreus stood tall and unwavering. The harrowing ordeal he had endured and his subsequent rapid recovery stood as a testament to his resilience, determination, and the incredible depths of his abilities.

He just survived a combined attack of 3 domains, 2 of which were from 6th stage saints. 

The Kahn of the past, with his limited training and experience, would have been utterly overwhelmed by such an assault.

In those circumstances, he would have had no choice but to activate his Drakos Armor and Asura Mode simultaneously to even stand a chance of survival. However, after undergoing intense training under the guidance of Romulus, Vildred, and Rathnaar for a year, Kahn had grown exponentially in strength and skill.

And the funny fact was that he was solely using the Godbeast Fenrir's bloodline to face the brunt of that combined attack. He didn't use Basilisk or even Dragon bloodline's defensive scales or armor. 

What no one also realized that Kahn was already completely immune to Fire and Water/Ice element.

The only element that damaged him was the wood element and that too because Kahn actively chose to let himself get hit.

An intriguing aspect that went unnoticed by the others was Kahn's complete immunity to the Fire and Water/Ice elements.

His resilience against these forces was absolute, rendering them ineffective against him. The only element that seemed to cause him any damage was the wood element.

However, what others failed to realize was that Kahn deliberately allowed himself to be struck by the wood attacks, using it as an opportunity to gauge his physical capabilities and endurance in the face of different types of attacks.

"I'm deeply hurt to the point that I might start crying because of you people's incompetence." declared Kahn, his gaze turning furious for the first time.


Revealing his intense killing aura that spread and encapsulated the 30 kilometers radius in a few moments, Kahn spoke in a domineering voice.

"Let me show you who is the Alpha Wolf of the pack."

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