Hero of Darkness

Chapter 749 New Settlement

Thousands of people were heading towards the southern end of Alfheim after anticipating and being excited as they looked forward to a particular event that was about to happen today.

All the roads, flying ships and magic trains were full of people whether they were someone who was going to partake in what was about to transpire or just act as spectators.

In the past month, the entire city spanning 150 kilometers in radius had heard of the Misthios guild officially establishing a new settlement as they expanded their headquarters and also hired new mercenaries as their guild members.

However… this new announcement didn't just include offering employment to anyone with fighting class professions and the ability to use magic, but to their families as well.

The Misthios guild was basically going to adopt the entire family as their employees and other than the individual with required qualifications, they'd also offer homes and various forms of facilities and institutions such as free education, magic academics and work related to the families of these members.

This was a step no one had ever taken in the history of their empire, especially not in the Mercenary profession.

In a way… this step was too enticing for thousands of people regardless of their race with the ability to use magic.

Because not only their employment along with fair compensation to their families was promised should they die during a job… but their families would get a lot of benefits and job security.

However, if not a single member of the family could meet the conditions, then this offer wasn't available to them.

Yet, to many people at the bottom of the social structure and those who were poor and needed jobs, this was a huge opportunity.

Thus… thousands of people who awaited this day were flocking like birds towards the main headquarters of the Misthios guild.


Kahn in his Legolas appearance was waiting inside his office while all the subordinates were tasked to overlook the affairs of the launching ceremony.

Many top-tier clients, their respective forces, business organization heads, people of the imperial rule and even officials from the military were invited for their opening ceremony.

There was a section arranged especially for these top figures of Alfheim and were treated with care and respect while receiving a warm welcome.

As for why did Kahn go so far?

He knew that just having a mercenary headquarters and a Blacksmith company wasn't going to cut it. There was a limit on what they could achieve as just a group of hired bodyguards or hunters.

Kahn was once a sovereign in the Rakos Empire, the person who made decisions that decided the fates of 230 million people depended on when he was their Sovereign.

So he decided to make an establishment of their own. Like a small town that they would use as a base to further their income.

Soon, they'd start their own businesses in various sectors and build buildings and houses.

As for the Business… Kahn used his connections here.

First, he offered Denzel, the 3 Qebika, Lukions and count Horik to establish their branches here, out of their domain.

And thus, their establishment was going to become a massive trade hub let it be a mercenary or adventurer.

They even made an academy for magic practice.

Thanks to the efficient elven construction methods and dozens of massive machines that worked on magic and earth element… their construction greatly expanded in the past month and now, 80% of the establishment was developed and ready to use at this point.

As long as people signed up according to the qualification… they'd be taught skills to make a living in the world.

They'd also be given jobs in the settlements and new companies or establishments Misthios was building like restaurants, construction companies, service sector.

With their connections with powerful people and bribing the honest men and also offering to do work for them at half the usual price no matter what it was… Legolas had gotten clearance from imperial authorities.

His identity as an Elf came in handy and his top-level clientele which also included a lot of Exalted and High Noble houses played a big part.

Even the President of the Mercenary Association was now trying to create a friendly relationship with their guild given their prestige and standing in society.

In the end, strength was the quickest way to rise in Vantrea.

The strong and powerful would also be favored upon.

Thus… it led to the current scenario where the 10 kilometer radius established filled with houses, enormous buildings and many squares were full of visitors and those who planned to join their guild.

However, the atmosphere around this estate was that of a merry celebration as thousands of people adorning weapons and armor along with their families including the young children had gathered in the widespread open spaces as if there was some cultural festival.

There were no guards or soldiers to maintain peace, rather it was the people amassed here who were the ones in charge of making sure that no one caused any form of trouble since everyone present thought of this occasion as a life-turning event.



Tall and monstrous creatures with horns and different colors of furs also trode among this crowd.



Finally, when the mood was settled… the main tower surrounded by various buildings, extended a platform forward towards the crowd below.

A group of people walked on this platform, adorning different armors and weapons of their own.

A white-haired hybrid, a mage, an assassin, a berserker, an archer, a healer, a tank and finally, a trident warrior appeared at the top of this platform and the crowd turned silent.

Raiden, Loki, Scorpion, Dante, Icarus, Darwin, Sigurd and Rudra made their appearance.

But soon, all 8 of them parted ways and divided into 2 groups of 4, standing quietly on opposite sides.



Finally, a short white-haired humanoid figure came out of the top of the tall tower and walked forth towards the end of this platform.

Legolas Ragnarsson aka the guild leader had his arms folded behind his back as he proudly gazed at all the people down below.

After he reached the end of this long platform and gazed down at the crowd of 30 thousand people, the majority of whom were warriors and magic class fighters… the surrounding froze and no one even dared to breathe loudly given the prestige of this person.

"Welcome to my humble settlement." said the ironborn elf.

"Free education for your children. Free living quarters allocated to each of you and your families.

We have already built practicing grounds to hone and perfect your battle skills and spells for each class and profession.

Soon, there will be multiple hospitals built and free medical care will be provided to everyone who is registered as part of our organization.

After we are officially open, there will be work for everyone who can't use magic including women and the elderly based on their experience and capabilities in the businesses in the settlements we're to establish.

For those who can use magic or invoked any particular skills… we will provide them with resources and training facilities to increase their strengths and mastery of their skills." declared Legolas, using various artifacts, his voice resounded in 5 kilometers radius and reached the ears of all the attendees.

All the people who heard these words spoken by this saint in the 5 kilometers vicinity had an excited as well as worshiping expression towards the individual who had given them a new life and provided a haven for their families.

"So tell me, Misthios…" spoke Legolas as his prestigious and domineering figure gazed from one end of the crowd to the other.

"What is your profession?!"




Suddenly, the entirety of the crowd chanted together.

Everyone belonging to a fighting profession class started banging their weapons on shields or with other weapons. The mages, enchanters and summoners stomped their staves and scepters on the ground.

While the archers on flying monsters shot their arrows high in the sky that exploded loudly, releasing different elements and colors similar to grand displays of fireworks.

"This isn't just some settlement of hooligans and a ragtag bunch of outlaws. You're no longer without a place you belong to." said the elf as he raised his right fist high in the air.

Everyone present here looked towards this enigmatic yet oddly reliable figure with vehement eyes as if they were gazing at their life savior.

"This is your Sanctuary! This is your new home!" he roared like a lion, his voice reverberating and sending goosebumps to everyone present.

"This is Sparta!"




Chanted more than 30 thousand people collectively spread across the 3 kilometers wide open grounds as they released their War Cry.

Those without weapons and fighting professions started stomping their feet. Even the ground trembled from the vibrations and loud cheers.

"All hail our mighty leader." screamed thousands of people in joy and excitement as all of them praised their ultimate leader to whom they had pledged their loyalty.

"The Mercenary King!!"

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