Hero of Darkness

Chapter 609 The Fitting Name

Because by that logic… this weapon was not only extremely powerful already… but Rudra could even make it stronger by mixing the Basilisk bloodline.

Who were the Basilisks? In ancient history, out of all the Godbeasts… only the Basilisks were strong enough to stand toe to toe against the Dragon race. Many records even said that there was a time when both species nearly went extinct because of each other.

Although Rudra had a 50% Basilisk bloodline… even he wasn't a true Basilisk but only a Variant that Kahn created using the Synthesis divine ability.

Yet, he had the advantage of being able to absorb and purify both these bloodlines. An oddity that never existed before.

On top of it… if he could use this weapon with Dragon's bloodline and add Basilisk's on top of it…

It's like the exam was of 100 marks. But Rudra would be able to score 150 marks instead. Breaking all the rules of the examination system.

[But you're not even in a human form yet even though you're done absorbing the Jatvuarym's mythical rank metamorphosis bloodline.] spoke Kahn.

Because for some reason, Rudra still hadn't managed to gain a human form even after he was done with completely eating and absorbing the Jatvuarym's body in the past year.

To his words, the variant replied in an indignant tone.

[I need a strong bloodline to incorporate Basilisk and Dragon bloodline together. Your human bloodline is simply too weak to help me take a humanoid form that can sustain and balance both of them at once.

I need a better specimen or a body to absorb.] said the bloodline expert of their crew, shifting all the blame on Kahn instead for not being able to take a human form.

[He is correct, boy. There have been hybrids of both bloodlines in the past. But in both cases, a strong bloodline capable of bearing the pressure of these two species was needed.

A Lion may be able to breed with a Tiger. But it's not the same case with a rabbit.] said Rathnaar.

[Fine. I don't know how to fight using this weapon either. I will keep it reserved for you.] said Kahn.

All of this conversation took only 10 seconds in real-time of the world since all of them were saints and above while possessing minds that were dozens of times faster and stronger than normal people.

"Give it a name." said Throk.

Kahn then walked close and grabbed this weapon.

[This is a weapon worthy of a King. Give it a fitting name, human.] Rudra chimed in again.

Kahn gave it a thought as he looked at the long weapon in hand.

Three black and sharp-edged prongs, the one in the middle being the longest. All three ends had pointed ends that could easily stab and tear apart anything whether it was an armor, a weapon or a living being. And the design of these prongs was robust yet elegant at the same time.

Just a single swing and it would be able to overpower an enemy with its momentum alone.

The black and violet color combination gave it a sense of mysteriousness and also represented Destruction just at the first glance.

The weapon Kahn held in his hand was a…


"A weapon fitting for a king that represents regality, dominance and destruction… I guess I do know a perfect name for it." said Kahn as he looked at the majestic trident that exuded the aura of the guardian dragon.



Kahn let out a sigh and inwardly… he was extremely elated. Because all the trouble he went through to make the deal with Throk nearly a year and a half ago finally bore fruit, a very juicy and rewarding one at that.

None of them even tried these weapons and armors but they were already certain how amazing they would fare in a life and death battle.

All the time they invested in helping Throk to get out of his predicament because of the second prince, then help Oakenshield company get the support of the first prince as well as the third princess, having a confrontation against the hero's party which led to the Church also getting involved. Lastly, Kahn accepting this blacksmithing challenge between Oakenshield and Tawerik in the Dwarven Council… all of it had greatly benefitted him.

Although he was not even worth mentioning in the same line as his master… Kahn knew that he indeed had the solid foundation of a great blacksmith. Just that needed more time, experimentation with different types of weapons and perfecting these different skills taught by Throk.

He wasn't an ignorant idiot who would think that he was already the best blacksmith in the world because of his sudden rise in the Blacksmithing and Artificing profession.

He had the advantage of being taught by one of the best blacksmiths of the empire. And the Weapon Mastery blessing given by the War Deity helped him increase his efficiency by a hundred folds.

On top of it, the Gifts he received from the Blacksmithing Deities Eitri and Brokkr played a vital role in his skills and techniques greatly advancing in a short time.

Nonetheless, although he was using all these cheat codes along with his Doppelgangers… the fact also remained that Kahn too worked himself to the bone while bearing the mental pressure of 16 different consciousnesses at the same time.

The Blacksmithing Duel… even if he lost, it could not take away this rich experience and knowledge he painstakingly earned in the past 18 months.

Now all he had to do was continue his training and accumulate real experience in the future to come and maybe one day, he would be able to surpass both Albestros and Throk in his lifetime.

All the effort and risks they took till this point were indeed worth it. And the best part of it was that…

It was just the beginning.

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