Hero of Darkness

Chapter 598 Two lssues

As the days closed by, Hector was making rapid decisions among his followers and trying to sway as many people as he could whether they were influential people in the empire, owned big franchises, selling favors to nobles or even using his authority as the prince to make underhanded and unethical deals just so he could increase his support to become the Crown Prince.

Venessa on the other end fared far better because to many of her followers, she was on good terms with Throk who occasionally called her to meet her or Kahn, the old dwarf's disciple who was to participate in the duel.

In their eyes, Throk also represented the support of the Church of Hetrax. And even if he were to lose at this point… they were ready to extend their hands and support the dwarf because the endgame was more worth to them.

And everyone was already aware how compared to Hector and Rogis, one of whom had lost the rights as a prince… Venessa was smarter, stronger and her potential surpassed her brothers by a lot.

Although many had qualms about her heritage as half-human… the visionary people also had their minds working differently and could see many possibilities that would actually help them reign supreme if they supported Venessa instead of Hector.

Because the rumors of the Hero of Fire being enamored with Venessa had already reached their ears recently.

The source obviously being the church of hetrax, just that they didn't reveal their face and used their other side branches hidden from the public to deliver this information to these figures.

In reality, the church had plans of their own and both Hector, as well as Venessa, played a part in it. This rumor… was just one of the seeds they were planting for the future.

Because soon, there was going to be a change in the ruling powers.


While everyone went about their daily lives, there was a completely different scenario in the imperial castle.

Five figures were seated in the throne hall of the emperor. 4 of whom were adorned in completely red robes. These four figures, each of whom was a 5th stage saint themself was seated on the luxurious chairs below the main throne.

And on this red and golden throne, was a fireborne with crimson hair that moved and floated like a blazing flame. These four figures were the official advisors who appeared during the imperial trial for Rogis, the second prince and the person seated on the throne who emitted the saint pressure of an 8th stage saint was the Emperor of the Vulcan empire himself.

Havi Hos Sigfreed, the 6th and the current ruling emperor of the empire of fire had an agitated expression on his face as his 4 trusted advisors made reports about the current happenings of the empire.

"So nothing on Hero of Darkness even now?

It's been a year already and our spies found nothing about him in both the enemy empires?

What kind of joke is this!" his voice thundered in the room, sending shivers to even his advisors.

"We apologize, your majesty. But we know for certain that he isn't in our empire either.

There hasn't been any new emergence of any noticeable human in our empire. Someone like a chosen hero would not be able to keep quiet for long.

And even the Hero of Fire used Sage's Eye divine ability to track him at the starting point of the No Man's Land to our empire.

He reported that the Hero of Darkness indeed hasn't entered our empire." spoke the elderly fireborne with white hair as he tried to maintain gaze with the emperor with his frail body.

"Tch! Then at least confirm if he's in the other two or not. You all know how important the key is.

We have Axel to hold our end… but another key will decide our future and standing during the war against the Demon God when the time comes.

The Hero of Darkness is the only one without any powerful allies or an empire protecting him unlike the rest." he spoke in a discontent voice.

"What about the church and dwarven council? Any major movements from them?" he asked.

To his query, a female fireborne advisor responded in a meek tone…

"Recently, both the church and the dwarven council are working hard to spread the matters of the blacksmithing duel. The face-off between the disciples of master Throk Oakenshield and master Bifur Tawerik." she responded.

To her report, the Emperor had a complicated expression.

"First both of my children, then the church and finally the dwarven council…

Why do I feel like this matter is overblown many times?

It's not like there haven't been such duels in the past.

But none of them became the empire-wide sensation.

What angle is everyone playing at?" he questioned in a hushed tone to himself.

But after hearing his word, one of the advisors decided to speak.

"I have a report regarding that matter as well, your majesty." he said in a hoarse voice.


"Recently, we found out that the Oakenshield company is directly selling their products to prince Hector and princess Venessa.

The quality is superb and using those high-ranked weapons and armors… both of them have been secretly luring many top figures, military commanders and nobles to join their side.

And from the past 10 months… it has been working in their favor.

Compared to before… the number of retainers and followers who support their claim to the throne as your successor has risen by 30 times already.

These numbers… they even surpassed your majesty's in the past." he reported.

"Oh… so that was why they got mixed up with him after Rogis' matters became public in the imperial court.

And here I thought they did it because of my history with Master Oakenshield when I was not even the crown prince… To win my praise and blessings." he said after contemplating a few things on his own.

The emperor suddenly remembered his old days as a brash and hot-headed prince of the empire.

To him, dying as a warrior on a battlefield while basking in the glory was more important than becoming the emperor.

He never wanted to become the emperor in the first place. Only because of his father's untimely demise due to illness and his elder brother, the crown prince falling in a battle against the Zivot empire, their neighbor and enemy empire that was ruled by the Elves… Havi was forced to step in and rule as the emperor as his responsibility 35 years ago.

But before all that… he had a good friendship with Throk Oakenshield who had become a saint Blacksmith only a couple of decades ago and had known Havi as Throk was the one who made his first set of weapons and armors.

After becoming the Emperor… he couldn't be associated with many people from his past for too many reasons. And even when he heard about Rogis targeting the old dwarf, he couldn't directly intervene.

As for his 2nd son who was a total scum… he had no care about him at all.

Even to an emperor or an empress… their children are born mainly because of alliances and political gain… Havi was no exception to this.

Thus he did not bat an eye while sacrificing his useless son to bring down the church and nobles after Rogis' deeds were exposed.

As for two of his children using Throk to gain influence… it was understandable to him. Because not every strong individual was inherently powerful or had many skills.

To many warriors and mages, their weapons and armors played a vital role in their overall performance and battle prowess. The higher-ranked weapons and tools obviously gave them more edge so it was already common knowledge that everyone wanted epic rank weapons and armors.

Thus using a Saint Blacksmith to their advantage after supporting his company and using the goods he sold them directly to make business and also gain the support of influential figures… it was indeed genius planning.

Little did he know that it wasn't his children who had this idea but rather the very human he was trying to find.


Back to the present moment… the advisor told him superficial information first but then his expression contorted.

"There are two main things I think your majesty should know." he said.

To his words, the rest of the advisors also had complicated expressions as if they already knew what he was about to reveal.

"One of them concerns the issue of those who are protecting it. To be honest it's not the issue of their rank but their numbers.

The Oakenshield company has a total of seven saints as guardians."

"What?!" even the emperor himself was bamboozled after hearing this revelation. Because Saints were powerhouses no matter which empire or force.

And seven of them guarding just a weapon production company... It was something that even he couldn't digest easily.

But the second is very critical." he said and sighed.

"What are you talking about?" asked the emperor with a suspicious gaze.

"It's about the relationship between princess Venessa and the master Oakenshield's human disciple." replied the advisor and spoke in a grim voice…

"Kahn Salvatore."

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