Hero of Darkness

Chapter 375 - The Big Fish

They just spared enough to not break the whole ecological system and the food chain of the forest as it would only cause dire consequences for them and would be no different than hitting your own feet with an axe.

The main reason being that if all these monsters inhibiting these regions were wiped out, it will adversely affect nature as well as the professions and economic sectors related to monster hunting in the long run. Because the normal population needed to make a living on hunting these things.

So using these opportunities, Kahn's generals also thinned out the numbers in due process so that if the time came, there won't be a monster tide of millions of numbers and different vicious species.

So they only hunted the monsters that seemed useful to be added in the legion or can get Kahn useful abilities. However, finding the strong ones became a hassle because even the generals were more than enough to kill a Lord rank monster on their own very easily. But there was no shortage of low-ranked monsters and species spread across different regions of the forest.

And as a result, the number of Legion members rose to 26 thousand in just four days of consistent work. This was also a useful way to get new and improved versions of different monsters, their abilities and new fodder subordinates for Kahn for a large-scale battle.

For half a dozen Lord rank monsters they fought, none of them even had to take their true forms or fights with their full capacity as variant monsters.

Omega and others brought a few rare and lord rank monsters for Kahn to create new subordinates. However, unlike Omega and the Generals, these creatures were only good for either brute strength as well as pack hunting buffs and skills.

As a result, Kahn kept getting more abilities but none of them were top tier or above A rank skills and abilities. Even the new merged abilities were subpar compared to previous SS and SSS rank abilities that he already had.

"I guess dungeon bosses and semi-saints are built differently than wild monsters in the end." spoke Kahn.

Because unlike his previous experience, these monsters and lord rank regional bosses didn't offer a plethora of skills compared to the floor bosses of the Bromnir dungeon where Kahn often hunted in the beginning months of his arrival in this new world.

But before he could dwell on his disappointments, he received a transmission from the general of his air force.

"Master, I've found something." reported Oliver.

"What is it?" asked Kahn in curiosity as he had an expectant expression.

"I've found…. A high lord!" replied Oliver as he exclaimed in joy.

Silence! There was a minute of silence from the receiving end.

"Master… can you hear me, master?!" queried the emerald archer.

"Grgh… take care of it yourself. It's afternoon anyway. You're the strongest at this time." replied Kahn as he had a dejected face again.

"I will, master." complied Oliver and cut off the communication.


Oliver and his squadron of flying beasts reappeared in front of Kahn who was resting under the shade of a thick branched purple tree while some of the humanoid subordinates created a nice and cozy campfire around him.

Behind them, was their ginormous black warship that basically looked like a mountain in itself.

Oliver then took out a gigantic creature from his space ring and presented it to Kahn.

And in front of the sovereign, now lay a body of a ten meter tall worm-like aquatic monster.

"But why?" asked Kahn with a surprised expression. Because the creature was as hideous as it could be. And Oliver had done a great job at creating numerous holes in its body while he killed this High Lord rank monster that was on the same level and rank as him.

"The terrain was limited and all of its abilities only had the effect in the water. And since I could easily attack from the sky and the more subordinates I had, the more attack output of my skills became; killing this monster was an easy task.

I still remember the squealing noises it made when I launched a volley of fire elemental arrows and piercing attacks. Hahaha!" explained Oliver as he praised himself like a true narcissist.

However, this was indeed a perfect target for Oliver since he could attack from above and had many precise aiming abilities. This High Lord monster was just unlucky to meet its most perfect natural enemy.

Kahn then absorbed the abilities and received a few aquatic abilities such as longer breathing underwater skills and decreasing body temperatures like a cold blood creature similar to sharks and other fishes.

For now, these abilities were completely useless to him because he was a tiger on land and not a killer whale of the sea. As an aftereffect, Kahn became even more bored because he wasn't simply yielding any results as he expected before he began the whole hunting spree.

Kahn pulled the body of this massive creature inside his top-grade and epic rank space ring because he currently has no subordinates to mix with this specimen or needed to. Plus this high lord was completely restricted to water-related terrain so it wouldn't be a good choice to mix it with any other generals either.

Just then, Jugram sent Kahn a message through a communication artifact and reported a discovery.

"Master.. I've found something. And it's definitely not a High Lord." spoke Jugram who led his own army of melee fighters and was currently 100 kilometers in the northern end of this forest range.

"What is it?" asked Kahn.

"I don't know. It's not mentioned in the list of monsters Ronin gave us either.

I think you should come and see it yourself, master." replied Jugram and relayed his location to Kahn.

"If hope it's not anything disappointing." said Kahn with a deep sigh.

"Everyone, I'm sending you the location. Head back to Jugram's position as soon as you can." commanded Kahn to all of his generals and their battalions through the transmission artifact.

After relaying his commands, Kahn then boarded the warship and headed towards Jugram's current location. And as he came close in 5 kilometers radius, the warship landed on an open ground that was full of large and small rocks.

Kahn then exited and summoned one of the new monster steeds he recently created. He himself jumped on the back of his new six-legged hybrid monster steed that was perfect for traveling through rocky terrain in such an area.

Kahn then quietly traveled through a canyon and with his senses already able to sense everything in a two kilometer radius around him after he became a grandmaster in space law, Kahn avoided unnecessary fights and alerting anyone. This was why he chose to land this far from the said target because he didn't want to alert it beforehand.

He then finally reached a peak of a tall mountain and finally met Jugram.

"Why are you standing here of all places?" asked Kahn to the Hell Berserker general.

"Where is it?" asked Kahn.

Jugram did not speak or tried to explain. He just walked at the edge of the cliff and pointed his fingers towards the target he informed his master about.

As Kahn finally walked to the edge of the cliff and stood beside Jugram… from the bird's eye view, Kahn finally saw the gigantic creature and understood why Jugram chose to keep a distance lest the target sensed him.

3 kilometers away from Kahn, stood a ginormous four-legged creature that was nearly 20 meters in height alone. And it had a long mouth with multiple massive tusks coming out of its jaws. Each tusk being as big as a mammoth in width alone.

"Can we kill it?" asked Jugram to Kahn who was too stunned to speak.

"I'm not sure… but based on the aura alone." said Kahn and tried to focus his mind and comprehend the space around him to sense the density of mana and world energy in its body.

"No way… Even if all of us gathered together… it will still be extremely hard to fight in a head-on clash. This creature is simply too high leveled even for Rudra.

And I'm certain of one thing." spoke Kahn with a baffled expression on his face.

"It's a Legendary Rank monster!"

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