Hero of Darkness

Chapter 338 - The Painful Memory

At this moment, Kahn recalled the events of that night when he and his warships went to arrest this bearkin warrior.

During that night, Kahn had publicly called out this commander and told him to surrender peacefully. Because if both of them were to fight, the damage to the headquarters of this semi-saint would be severe and many people would have gotten injured as collateral damage.

But despite the risk of getting many innocent people involved if he and Kahn fought, the bearkin semi-saint still chose to duke it out with him and prepared for a frontal clash.

Taking the normal residents of the city into consideration, Kahn quickly used an epic rank domain artifact and inside the 1 kilometer radius of the isolated domain, their battle started.

Kahn was already 3 times stronger under the Hero of Darkness title being in effect at night, so he thoroughly thrashed the battleaxe warrior to a pulp while no one being able to see them inside the domain that was isolated from the rest of the world and arrested the bearkin with his own hands.

And to stop the information getting leaked out, Kahn used his new force aka The Covenant soldiers to put a curfew on the entire city lest the news alerted the accomplices of this warrior who committed too many crimes despite his position needing him to serve the people.

Even now, the semi-saint commander was actually placed under many magic formations and restriction barriers that were invisible to the common folks.

"People of the fiefdom… commander Aswala has been arrested and brought before this court under the crimes of corruption, money embezzlement, violence against his fellow soldiers of the army, illegally selling military provisions and equipment to some business organizations and local clans.

And to top it all… he has committed 3 murders. 2 of whom are from commoner origin while the last one is a late lieutenant of the Igi army that is led by him." revealed Kahn in front of the entire populace.

Kahn then signaled a soldier to open the binds on the bearkin's mouth.

"Commander Aswala, do you accept these charges against you?" asked Kahn in a serious tone.

"Lies!! You have no proof. This is a ploy against!" shouted the bearkin as his enraged face was revealed to the entire fiefdom.

"The sovereign is abusing his power!" he shouted again.

"Is that so?" replied Kahn and then signaled towards a group of people on his left who were managing the broadcast.

"Run them one by one."

The next moment, various recordings of the bearkin making deals with influential people showed up on the broadcasting screens.

Him telling them to get rid of the evidence such as burning the documents and relocating the stolen money appeared in front of millions of citizens.

Kahn then ordered the soldiers to bring in the records and the ledgers holding the proof of his misconduct and soon, all of them started showing the commander's own signatures, deeds of lands bought under the names of his family members as well as fake companies owned under their names.

At this moment, the semi-saint bearkin had an aghast expression on his face.

Because he couldn't even believe how Kahn gathered these recordings and documents without him or his people noticing anyone infiltrating in their ranks and headquarters.

And in most of them, the hidden locations, headquarters and ledgers were shown from his point of view.

As if he led these spies and the whole operation himself.

[[Author : Reference Art for commander Aswala in chapter comments.]]

"This.. This is all forged!" shouted the bearkin in denial despite his appearing in the records as he made deals with many business tycoons as he casually talked about selling the batches of weapons and armors that were allotted to the army.

"Ah, so shameless. Still denying it. Well then.. How about this?" spoke Kahn and gestured to his left.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A wolfkin dressed in black and blue armor walked in. He bowed in front of Kahn and then gave a hateful look towards the bearkin.

"Speak freely. You're under my protection." spoke Kahn and gave an understanding nod to the wolfkin.


The bearkin commander was shocked as if he had seen a ghost.

"You! What are you doing here?!!" shouted the bearkin with an aghast expression.

But instead of responding to him, the wolfkin looked at the projection artifacts and spoke to the normal citizens of the fiefdom.

"My name is Neiblorg Canthu. I'm an intermediate rank grandmaster and also the 2nd lieutenant of the Igi army." the wolfkin warrior introduced himself and continued in a serious tone.

"Seven years ago, the commander and some of the officials from the ministry of finance ordered a tender for weapons crafting to a private company. It was the time when I had just joined the army.

I served in the battalion under that time's 1st lieutenant, sir Blavr. He was a man respected by all the soldiers and many looked up to him.

During the time when the annual monster tide was just a week away, we received the shipments of the armory from the company that the commander had favored the contract to.

But the quality was subpar and the agreed amount of weapons and armors hadn't come on time either.

When the time for the monster wave came that year, we were mostly unequipped and the gear we had was of extremely poor quality."


Shocked gasps filled the entire fiefdom as people found this unbelievable truth about one of the strongest people of the fiefdom. One who was tasked with protecting the lives of millions of people.

"And what were the results?" asked Kahn in a solemn tone.

"The… the… the result, my lord…" stuttered the wolfkin as his voice turned grim and heavy.

He spoke with his fist clenched tightly as if he was remembering an unforgettable tragic memory..

"It was a massacre!"

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