The Daily Life of a Female Esper in Ancient Times

Chapter 129

"I'll go with you," Li Hui felt obligated to help since Xuan Ning was injured for Liuzhou's sake, but added, "After we return, I hope you can tell me the truth about what happened to my sister."

Xiao Changyou wasn't bringing many people on this trip. Li Hui's offer to help was most welcome. After some thought, Xiao Changyou agreed, "Alright."

"When do we leave?" Li Hui asked, seeing Xiao Changyou's agreement.

"In an hour. We'll need to stay in the mountains for two days," Xiao Changyou explained the situation.

"Good, wait for me," Li Hui didn't waste words and turned to go back to the estate. He first went to find Mrs. Lu and told her the Supreme Court had assigned him a temporary task requiring his assistance for two days. Hearing about the assignment, Mrs. Lu didn't ask many questions. She packed some things and told Li Hui to be careful on the night road.

Li Hui set out with Zhang Hu, Qing Zhu, Shan Zhu, Ban Zhu, and Wen Zhu. The four "Zhus" had been training with Zhang Hu while Li Hui worked at the Supreme Court, fearing they couldn't protect Li Hui when facing dangerous criminals. Zhang Hu saw their sincere desire to learn and taught them the skills he had learned from Master Jiang Zhou. After half a year of intensive training, the four Zhus' abilities had improved considerably.

At night, Qiu Shui kept watch with Qiu Ling, worried about leaving her alone.

Qiu Shui took the first half of the night, Qiu Ling the second. Qiu Ling brought tea to Qiu Shui, saying, "Sister Qiu Shui, have some tea."

There was a slight tremor in Qiu Ling's voice, but Qiu Shui, focused entirely on Li Xia, didn't notice. She reached out, took a sip, and set it aside. Her eyes remained fixed on the sleeping Li Xia.

However, as she stared, her vision began to blur, and her head drooped. Qiu Ling came forward to support Qiu Shui, calling, "Sister Qiu Shui, Sister Qiu Shui..." After several calls with no response, she gently pushed her a few times, still with no reaction.

A slender jade hand touched Qiu Shui's wrist. "The drug works well."

"Miss, what should we do next?"

"Put Qiu Shui on my bed," Qiu Ling carefully supported Qiu Shui, laying her on the bed and covering her with a blanket. Turning around, she saw Li Xia had changed clothes. "Miss, where are you going?"

"Stay here and keep watch. I'll be back before dawn," Li Xia instructed before opening the window and floating out like the wind. Qiu Ling was surprised at her mistress's impressive martial arts skills.

Leaving the Zhou family villa, Li Xia arrived at the foot of the mountain. She took out the last pill she had been saving and swallowed it to ease her pain.

After walking for about an hour, Li Xia stopped, carefully sensing the sound of clashing weapons. Li Xia had no interest in meddling at the moment and continued on. But a cry of "Young Master" carried by the wind, followed by the sound of a blade entering flesh, made her pause.

It was Zhang Hu's voice. Why would Zhang Hu be in the mountains? Then a new voice came on the wind: "I'm fine, go help the others." It was Li Hui's voice, and he sounded injured. Li Xia flew towards the sound at incredible speed.

As she got closer, she heard more voices: "Xiao Changyou, next year today will be your death anniversary."

Xiao Changyou gripped his sword tightly, his heart full of unwillingness to die in these unknown deep mountains. But those protecting him were already wounded and powerless to fight back. On Li Hui's side, only Zhang Hu was still holding on. Xiao Changyou cast an apologetic glance at Li Hui, sorry for involving him.

As he saw the blade swinging down towards him, Xiao Changyou instinctively closed his eyes. The expected pain didn't come; instead, he heard several thuds. He looked down to see the black-clad men who had been pursuing him lying dead on the ground.

Chou Ming, Xu Dayong, Wang Fang, and Li Bing, who had been lying on the ground, struggled to their feet despite their pain. "Doctor Xiao, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Xiao Changyou said, taking out medicine for the others to bandage their wounds.

Zhang Hu and the four Zhus stared at the newcomer with their mouths agape.

"Se-Se-Second Young Miss," Wen Zhu stuttered, only to be kicked hard by Shan Zhu, promptly shutting him up.

Li Xia walked up to Li Hui and saw that his shoulder and back had been slashed. Her face darkened. With a wave of her hand, the black-clad men were lifted into the air and slammed back down heavily.

"Xia Xia, I'm fine," Li Hui tried to appear relaxed, but the pain made him purse his lips involuntarily.

"Big brother, don't talk," Li Xia said, then turned to Zhang Hu, "Hemostatic medicine."

Zhang Hu hurriedly took out the hemostatic medicine from his pocket. The four Zhus, ignoring their own injuries, got up to treat Li Hui. Li Xia stepped aside to let them bandage Li Hui.

Xiao Changyou, having quickly bandaged himself, walked over. He unconsciously gave Li Xia a placating smile, "Miss Li, what a coincidence to meet you here."

He hadn't expected to see Li Xia here; she was indeed no ordinary young lady.

Li Xia gave him a sidelong glance. Xiao Changyou felt a chill run through his body from that look.

"I didn't ask your brother to come. He insisted on it himself," Xiao Changyou completely absolved himself of responsibility.

"How lively," a playful light chuckle interrupted everyone. All present, except for Li Xia, tensed up, unsure if this newcomer was friend or foe, and whether Li Xia could defeat them.

"Why are you here?" Li Xia's tone held a familiarity that made Li Hui glance at the newcomer. He appeared to be about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, with an unnaturally pale complexion that seemed to bewitch people's hearts like a ghost in the moonlight.

Zhou Heng didn't answer Li Xia's question. He moved swiftly to her side and grasped her wrist. The others, who had been watching closely, stepped forward.

"What are you doing?" Li Hui also forced himself to stand up.

Ignoring Li Hui's words, Zhou Heng took Li Xia's pulse. His expression grew increasingly grim. "Why am I here? I'm here to see how you die. I've repeatedly told you to use less martial arts. You haven't listened at all." As Zhou Heng muttered, he took out a jade bottle from his pocket and handed Li Xia the medicine he had prepared earlier.

Li Xia took it and swallowed, grimacing slightly, "You didn't add honey again."

"It should be bitter. If you don't want to take medicine, then don't use martial arts," As a doctor, nothing irritated him more than patients who didn't follow medical advice, and Li Xia was exemplary in this regard.

"Xia Xia, what's wrong?" Li Hui, who had walked over, urgently asked after hearing Zhou Heng's words.

"She's nearly dead," Zhou Heng said irritably.

"Zhou Heng," Li Xia called out in warning, then looked at Li Hui, "Big brother, I'm fine."

"You still consider me your big brother? Answer me honestly, what's really wrong with your body?" Li Hui looked at Li Xia with a serious expression. His agitation caused him to cough, pulling at his wound and causing it to bleed again.

"Zhou Heng, come quickly and take a look at my brother," Zhou Heng grunted but didn't move. Xiao Changyou, who was standing nearby, stepped forward to examine Li Hui's injuries and administered some internal medicine.

"Anger harms the body. You mustn't get upset," Xiao Changyou advised in a low voice.

"You're the young master of the Precious Plant Pavilion," Zhou Heng remarked, his tone carrying an ambiguous meaning as he watched Xiao Changyou treat the patient.

"I am Xiao Changyou. Zhou, you're a doctor as well? May I ask where you practice?" Xiao Changyou inquired curiously.

Regarding Li Xia's condition, after taking his pulse, Xiao Changyou had been pondering treatment options but couldn't think of any effective method. Zhou Heng clearly had a treatment approach in mind. Xiao Changyou had visited many renowned physicians across the country but had never seen or heard of anyone named Zhou Heng.

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