Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 58 Deal With Old Man Buckle...

They feed us like poultry animals with worms, raw meat and dried grain. And then they slaughtered us as such.

Day after day, they were fewer of us.

Many of us lost our appetite to eat as we also lost hope for survival.

Because of the terrible maintenance system at the time, many easily got sick and they died.

Of course even those diseased meat would not be let to go to waste.

Every bit of it was enjoyed by the sick fucks.

After a while, They came across a certain problem. And this was  a very serious one really.

you see from the moment they came, all they did was to slaughter and consume.

Naturally, the human population fell drastically in size.

And soon, the demons and devils would unfortunately be facing a shortage.

A society without sustenance would naturally fall eventually.

And so the higher Echelons of their society did two things. The first was what any leader in any society would normally do.

And that was to create a distraction from the current problem.

And so they adapted a means that human leaders had created for centuries, and that was making sports for entertainment. This was how the first Gladiator Match was formed.

Human beings were placed against animals and themselves for survival.

The second thing they did was to let humans breed with one another.

Anyone that was thirteen and above was forced to mate and give birth to more 'Food'.

However, they soon faced yet again another problem.

The human gestation period was just too long. In fact, it was terribly too long and inefficient.

It took a human woman nine months before she gave birth to a child, and then it took the child many years before it acquired enough flesh that they could enjoy.

As they fell short on the side of securing more food, they also fell short on the side of warriors for their battles.

And the recovery period for injured humans before the next fight was just too long.

It was in this time were they were stuck on both fronts that they came up with a bright idea.

The plan was simple.

Demons were not exactly picky eaters when it came to meat. They just preferred those that were intelligent as it makes them stronger.

In other words, if necessary, they were not closed to cannibalism. In fact, I have seen some myself.

Sometimes, they could eat one another just for the fun of it, or to declare their power.

They decided to introduce their gene into us in very crazy inhumane experiments

Hundreds died and even more ran mad and ended up becoming deformed creatures.

After many tries, they finally found a way to make our bones stronger and more resilient.

Our muscles became thick with their power. that was how I got my Darkline energy.

For a time, this plan of theirs worked.

in fact, it worked very well. However, the human and demon gene had a fault to it.

If humans were to use their newfound ability in excess, it would cause a strong corruption and they would instantly die in an explosion.

With the things that happen in the Arena, it is easy for you to understand how easy it is for people to reach that point. Especially when they are at their wit's end and hungry for their survival.

We called this the BLACK END

Many of our brothers faced the probability of the Black end on a daily basis and many of them even decided to intentionally have it.

Once more, our enslavers faced yet again another problem.

It was in this time that they finally found a way to have offspring with human beings.

Such a thing revolutionized their world.

the Gestigation periods for human beings was reduced to barely two months.

After which the time from child hood to adult hood was as low as five to ten years.

These children were then called Half-borns.

They retained the appearances of humans but inherited the strong genes of their parents.

It is this method that was later pushed down.

Slowly, those of us that had become too hold from the previous experiments were butchered and eaten.

At the time, I was already in my thirties. It had been a very painful world for me.

I wanted to live more and I wanted to have more.

My younger sister was one of those that was used for the birthing of the Half borns

From when she was thirteen till the day she died, her only use to them was to give birth to their lunch.

Different kinds of monsters had her.

I was only able to see her once in a while with my Points instead of getting food.

At first, my aim was to eventually buy both our freedom. But it did not take me long before I realized that it was not just possible.

The system was just too rigged for such a thing to happen.

And so I and the other older generation plotted our escape.

It was the first in this Arena.

Many of us died, and only a few of us made it out.

However, when we came out, they was no where for us to go.

Demons and Devils filled the world and without the protection of the Arena walls, we became free game for all.

Even though we had become strong enough to hold our own, we still died like livestock.

In fear, we came down here to live.

Unfortunately, this home too was already occupied by someone else.

or in their case, something.

Fortunately for us, the queen of the colony was at the time still young, and we were soon able to find a place for ourselves.

My sister had unfortunately not made it.

Her lower half had been weakened through the years of continually producing children for their farm and entertainment.

She died. But not before dropping the last Child.

I took care of the child until she grew up.

One thing led to another, and we had our own children.

However, she, unfortunately, got old and died.

This was the unfortunate thing about them. Half-borns do not only grow up fast, but they also have very short lives.

The Quicker the Mature rate, the faster they meet their end.

I have been here since that time. I have watched as my children grew and had their own children and them their own.

I have also seen how easily they die and move on.

It has really not been an easy experience for me.

To see the beginning of their lives and also the end has not been easy on this old man. However, there has so far been nothing I can do about it.

At least not until the queen of the Colony started producing these insects that look like humans.

I learnt a couple of things from the experiments conducted on me by the demons.

That knowledge was priceless.

I decided to use it and do some experiments of my own.

And I was making significant progress. At least i was, until Crusher and his Crew came along. They took my last direct Daughter away from me.


Old man Buckle turned to Lenny, "I have seen what you can do. I have battled for a long time in my life. I know when I see the skill of a trained killer. You are not at all an ordinary man are you?"

Lenny raised a brow at the man, "what exactly do you want from me old man? Why tell me the story of your life?"

Old man Buckle laughed a bit, "Well, you catch up fast. However, it is not what I want from you but rather what you can do for me."

"And what is that?"

"I want my daughter back. the success rate of my experiment to increase their age increases with her blood as she is of the first generation from my wife. If you can help me get her, I'll help you too."

Lenny heard what the Old man had said and he raised a brow at him.

"How exactly do you want to help me?" Lenny giggled, "you an old man that lives in a cave of insects with your children you got from your niece."

"Good point! So what about this? I have lived under this demon city for many years. I already know a safe passage out. How about you save my daughter and I show you a way to freedom."

The moment Lenny heard that, he was immediately interested in the offer.

However, he was still a sceptical person by nature.

"As you can see, I'm only at the E class," Lenny pointed at his chest.

"How do you want me to help you? Even some of your kids are stronger than me."

Old man Buckle laughed, "that might be true but that those not mean that they are as capable as you are. Also, they do not know how those Gladiators think." Old man Buckle brought out his hand in a shake, "so what do you say? Do we have a deal?"

Lenny gave a slight smile...

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