Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 56 Fate Of The Bullied...

He had a full black-bearded face.

he was menacing to look at, especially with the scars on his body.

Aside from him, Lenny easily found the Class numbers on the body of the other Gladiators.

He walked forward and stopped right in front of the aged man.

"Old man Buckle, we had a deal," he looked at the old man with eyes that seemed as if he was going to eat him soon.

Old man Buckle did not move. Instead, he stared right back into the eyes of the Gladiator, "Yes we had a deal. And you broke that deal."

"I broke the deal?" Crusher raised a brow, "I sent an associate of mine to come get my tribute. That was seven days ago."

"Your associate!?" Old man Buckle turned to Lenny, "The same associate that now has one of my children?"

Crusher looked in Lenny's direction.

He raised a brow as he grabbed the old man by his robe, "Are you fucking with me old man? Does that scrawny piece of shit look like D789 to you?"

"D789?" Lenny thought to himself. If he remembered correctly and he did, that was the class number he saw on the chest of the woman he had killed only a few days ago.

If that was true, then that meant that she was the person that this Gladiator was talking about.

"I sent her to collect the tribute. And now I wake up this morning with no food to eat," Crusher pulled old man Buckle by the robe, and whispered into his ear, "do you know what happens when I get hungry old man?" his voice was close to a whisper but everybody could hear it loud and clear.

"I get horny and when I get horny, I FUCK!!! And last I checked, your last remaining daughter is still in my cave," Crusher looked into the eyes of old man Buckle, "Unless of course, you want me to break her very fragile waist."

Those words made old man Buckle's eyes widen, "No! please. Don't do anything to her. We have done all you said. We did not see any D789. I assure you, we would have given the Tribute."

As old Man Buckle Pleaded, Lenny could see that Bugger and his other Big looking brother clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in anger.

However, Lenny could also see that they were not the only ones.

Assassins were very sensitive to moods, body language and even habits.

The moment that Crusher said something about old man Buckle's daughter, the expression of all the villagers fell.

Old man buckler waved his hand, and some youngsters brought along boxes that were clearly made from the Carapace of insects.

They dropped the boxes before Crusher and his men.

In total, they were three boxes worth of food.

Seeing this made Crusher smile.

"Good! Good old man."

Crusher turned to leave. However, a Gladiator suddenly whispered something into his ear.

"Yes! before I forget. We will be returning these back." Crusher waved his hand, and some gladiator women walked into the cave with three women.

the women were naked and had bruises all over their bodies.

However, they wee clearly still alive.

the women were dropped before the people of the village.

the villagers immediately went to pick them up, as they hurried to treat their injuries.

Old man Buckle looked at women that were being brought in. He was really holding himself back from fight.

At least this was what Lenny could see.

Then again, he had no choice. If a fight were to break out against these well-trained killers, many of his villagers would die. There was just too much to lose.

"Hahaha!!!" Crusher patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, They are not dead. That half Demon Reptilian part of them makes them very resilient. They would be all healed up in about a week."

Old Man Buckle Hid his fists behind his back.

he was truly holding back on his anger, "Is that all?"

Crusher chuckled a little as he waved his hand at the Gladiators behind him to take the big boxes of food away.

"Aren't you forgetting something else?" Crusher asked.

Old Man Buckle sighed as he waved his hand.

from the crowd of villagers, three women stepped forward.

One of them was a nursing mother. She had to hand over her baby to her mate and move over to the side of the Gladiators.

With out a doubt, Lenny could tell that this people were being threatened, used, and abused.

They even had to submit their women for servicing.

"Good! Good!!" Crusher commended as his Gladiator men and women licked their lips the moment they saw the fresh women that had been handed over to them.

"I always love our friendly deals, and as promised, I got you something in return."

The Gladiators went outside and pulled in a creature that had its legs and feet bonded tightly.

Yes! legs and feet. It was an insect that looked like the Humanoids that Lenny had seen in the cages.

The Insect human looking Creature struggled fiercely, but no matter hard it tried, it could not release itself from its binds.

Some villagers came along and pulled it towards the back of the village to where the other human looking insects were.

"You can play more with this one! I'll advice that you be extra careful with that one. Its kind of feisty."

Crusher laughed one more time before he and the rest of his gladiators left the place.

As he did, he looked once more in Lenny's direction. However he only frowned a bit before walking away.

As they left, the Stone slab was closed behind them.

Old man Buckle sighed lowly.

Bugger on the other hand punched the ground fiercely in anger.

Just then, Old man Buckle raised his head to look in Lenny's direction. As he did, so did Bugger.

Lenny suddenly felt a chill go through his spine.

He frowned as he held the sharp rock in his hand tighter to the head of the boy.

Slowly, he moved back holding the child tightly.

Lenny was not a fool. He understood how the dynamic of the exchange worked.

He knew that he was only as safe as the kid in his arms were.

This villagers and their strong men already had pent up frustrating anger from what had just happened to them.

At the moment, he was the perfect object that venting could work on.

however, he still had one of their own in his hands.

If anything were to happen to the kid in his hands, then these guys were definitely going to snap.

The was a good example of the phrase: The gun is only a threat if the bullet never leaves the barrel.

As he took steps back, he looked around for a way to escape.

However he could not find anywhere.

And then he looked up.

High above the dome were windows that were obviously caved out for ventilation purposes.

That was going to be his way out.

Now, all he needed was a distraction.

Just when he was thinking of plucking the boy's eyes and throwing him at the villagers, a loud scream was suddenly heard.

Everyone turned to the sound of the scream.

It had come from behind the village.

A teenage looking boy suddenly ran over with this arm chopped over.

Lenny recognized him on first sight.

He was one of two that took the human looking insect to the cages.

And now, he was running over and screaming for his life with just one arm.

That could only mean that...

Just as Lenny thought. There they were.

One of the humanoid insects chased behind the boy with the boy's arm in its mouth.

And then another Humanoid insect showed up. And then another and another.

Even Lenny was smart enough to understand that this was bad.

All of a sudden, Chaos descended on the place.

The abominable beasts attacked all in sight.

As they did, Old man Buckle and his Two burly sons immediately rushed for the rescue.

However, even Lenny could tell that they were doing it wrongly.

they were going about trying to help those that were being attacked and only barely defending against the beasts themselves.

This was definitely the wrong choice.

However, Lenny could not really be bothered with them.

After all, he was looking for a distraction all along and one had just presented itself to him.

He no longer had to stress himself.

He immediately let go of the kid and rushed to climb the walls.

However, as he did, he suddenly got an alert from the system.

<Daily Quest: Eliminate the Humanoid Insects>

<Bonus points for every kill>

Lenny smiled as he sharply turned.

The boy he had just left was about to become Insect food. One of the Humanoid insects dived for him.

As it did, so did Lenny for the insect...

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