Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 48 Naked Man Vs Colony

Suddenly, Lenny heard slight crocking sounds behind him.

He immediately turned and just in time too.


A splash of blood went into the air as Lenny made a few somersaults backwards.

He paused and looked in the direction of the attack.

He frowned.

His opponent was a giant prey mantis. However, it was not as big and definitely not as fast as the other one he had seen.

If it was, that slash would have definitely cut him in two.

<Host is Poisoned>

The system gave an alert. Lenny willed to be detoxified.

<Detoxifying Host>

A bloody scar now laid on his back.

It was long and diagonal.

But Lenny could actually care less about that at the moment.

The Prey mantis had compound eyes just like the other insects Lenny had seen in the Colony.

Lenny used Surveyor on the beast.

<Name> Praying Mantis soldier

<Race> Chimera ant





<HP 50/50>

<Exp: Birthed Habits>

<Ability= Slice and Dice>

This Chimera ant was of the same Level as the cotton Ant Lenny had seen earlier on, but it was nothing like the cute blue eyed petrifying worm.

In fact, it was anything but cute.

Lenny noticed that every moment he made was closely monitored by it.

This beast had Lenny in his sights.

If Lenny made a turn, it would too. It's compound eyes had sealed off Lenny's Fate.

Lenny knew from the moment that this beast was a able to sneak up on him even though he was an experienced assassin that the beast was not normal.

*Slash! Slash!*

It attacked him again. He had no choice but to flip backwards.

As he did, he made clear observations of his opponent.

The preying mantis had compound eyes that caught every movement Lenny made.

Even when he picked two rocks, threw one straight for the head and another one through a bend to the abdomen.

The praying mantis used it's piercers to slash at them.

This for Lenny was bad.

He was an assassin.

Their entire style of fighting was comprised of taking advantage of blind spots and this beast did not have any.

Even if it did, Lenny could not see it.

The praying Mantis occupied the entire passage way.

Lenny did not even have the privilege of going to attack from behind.

Even if he did, he would come across another obstacle.

Which was the strong carapace of the Preying mantis.

In speed, the preying mantis could not be challenged.

In defence, it was practically wearing an around shield.

And in Perception, it had compound eyes that did incredibly well to observe every moment that Lenny made.

This was truly a terrifying beast.

To make matters worse, Lenny did not even have any weapon he could fight with.

All gladiators returned their weapons whenever they were done fighting in the arena.

The only thing he had was the cotton covering his private made from the skin of the Chimera ants he ate.

However, he had to find a weakness he could exploit.

Somehow, he had to find a way.

The Preying mantis had speed, good defence and incredible perception.

This was an incredible combination for a soldier. However, mother nature was never fair with her gifts.

Roses were beautiful but had thorns on their stalk for whoever wanted to touch them.

This was the way the world worked.

Lenny did not know how, but he knew that he definitely had to find a way.

He picked a lot of stones from the ground and threw it at the preying mantis.

As expected, the preying mantis dissected them like a skilled butcher did meat.

However Lenny's sharp eyes caught sight of something. It was a very small stone. However, this small stone had actually passed through the center of both piercers that the preying mantis had.

Without a doubt, this was it. This was what Lenny was looking for.

Unlike the traditional preying mantis, this one had a gap in between it's piercers.

This gap was small and was easy to miss but it was definitely there.

The front legs of a preying mantis were usually for grasping but this one was for chopping down.

Therefore, there was a flaw in it's make.

The Preying mantis screeched an annoying insect sound as it struk again and again. It's impatience of the prey Infront of it was obvious.

Lenny kept a safe distance from the beast. However, he knew that there was only so much backing up he could do.

If another one of this preying mantis were to appear, his Fate was as good as sealed.

He did another backflip to dodge another series of attacks. As he did, he searched around for something he could use as a weapon.

Luckily, he found one.

It was a stone that was shaped like a dagger.

He held it in a reverse grip as he rushed for the mantis.

The Preying mantis brought down it's piercers for Lenny's head.

However, Lenny had a trick up his sleeve. Although a very risky time to try it, it was his best bet.


He uses the petrifying ability he had just acquired from the cotton worm.

The Praying mantis was very perceptive and this was usually it's biggest advantage. However, not in this fight.

This praying mantis was stronger than Lenny and therefore the ability could barely show the true worth of it's effectiveness.

But the bit it showed was enough.

Lenny made up the rest with the speed and technique he had achieved over the years.

Just before the piercers could snap, he stabbed into the center of the beasts chest.

Right in the soft spot that allowed for joint movement.

Yellow liquid poured out as the praying mantis screeched in pain.

However, it was also not willing to give up just yet.

It clasped hard on Lenny.

It was hard and even though it was not the blades on his skin, it did not change the fact that the beast was now crushing him with tremendous force.

"Ahhh!!!" He screamed. But this was not in pain. It was in the force at which he used to stab the stone into the chest of the preying mantis.

His hand went so deep that he actually felt as if he reached something important.

And then he used his fingers to pull at it.

The preying mantis gave one last screech before it fell to the ground.

Lenny breath heavily, and his bones arched however he had won.

Just when he was enjoying his relief, he raised his head and looked and two more praying mantis approached.

Both were of the same type as this one.

Surely, he knew this fight was not going to be easy.

However, if he was going to be fighting them, he rather did it with an advantage.

Half Borns were not weak in the first place. And after the continuous it increase by the system, Lenny was not one that should be thriffled with.

He already had significant strength.

Against the two coming, he needed weapons to level the fighting field.

He grabbed the piercers from the first one he had killed and then he pulled them out of body of the dead beast.

This was an audacious process for him, but he had no choice.

He pulled the sharp piercers out, and then using the cotton skin he used to cover his private, he quickly strapped them to his forearms.

Once again, he was naked.

But his hands now looked like that of his opponents.

One of the praying Mantis soldier rushed for him. This time around, he was ready.

He raised his hands in defence.


Thew sound that came out was like metal against metal.

One hit and he was sent flying like a cannon ball.

He had slightly overestimated his strength.

Or rather, he had underestimated the beast's strength.

He stood to his feet and spat out some blood from his mouth.

"Nice! You hit hard, I can hit hard too!"

He rushed for it again.

This time around, he used his ability.


The moment he noticed the petrification effect take hold of the Preying mantis, he stroke as ahrd as possible.


Yellow liquid went up in the air as it was accompanied by the head of the preying mantis.


It's big body fell to one side and so did it's head.

This time around, killing was easier.

All he needed to do was time when he used the petrification technique with his attacks.

Once more, he kicked against the ground and went for the second one.

However, even before he could finish with this one, he saw six more rush towards him.


He roared like an angry Gorilla as he rushed for them.

And them him....

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