My Bio-Nanotech System

Chapter 27: Mission Briefing 1

Chapter 27: Mission Briefing 1

"I heard he is a new..." The voice was cut off due to the new figure that just appeared in the room.

A middle-aged man dressed in an official business suit. Yet that still was unable to hide his ferocious aura with the inhumane scar running down his left eye and his bulging muscles barely held together by the suit.

His piercing gaze was directed towards them all, especially on Khan the most before warming up his throat.

"This mission requires some important things that must be best kept secret by you all. Leaking any of the information that I am about to give you will lead to severe Punishment from the guild ranging from the demotion from your current rank and if incredibly serious, death!

"With that understanding, let us get into it.

Suddenly the man clapped his hands twice causing a holographic to appear mid-air, the clear image of a circular vortex present on it.

"This is the ruin you all will be sent into..." The man said pointing to the image.

"It was a new ruin found just a week ago. An exceedingly special one as far as ruins rankings go. You might be wondering, 'Oh a new ruin? Good, but we're not ruin explorers'. Yes, we've set ruin explorers into it, immediately on sighting, one of the best ruin explorers too but out of the ten only three returned alive.

But from the three that returned, they all came back with plenty of Mythic Level Artifacts and even a Legendary Tier artifact. All gathered from the ruin."

The man said as Khan heard the sound of exhaling and inhaling increase in the room causing him to turn his head to look at the others and he was disappointed with what he saw.

They all had their curiosity piqued and focused to the highest level. Something that wasn't displayed until now.

'Tch, greedy idiots...' Khan thought to himself removing his gaze from them. He knew of all these people too well and the majority of them didn't return alive.

"That said, the ruin explorers only covered 5% of the entire ruin. A single building in a City-sized setting to be exact..."

"Only a single building and they gained so much treasure, what if the entire city was ransacked? This is a jackpot..." One of the Adventurers said drawing the nod from others, except Khan. Khan had his eyes narrowed instead.

"Do you have a question that is bothering you, Mr.Khan? I'll advise you to tell us so I can clarify that might just end up saving your life..." The man said as all attention gathered on him.

'Well, it won't hurt, would it?'

"I heard you say the ruin explorers only covered a single building out of the entire city, right?" Khan asked.

"That's the truth..."

"So you're telling me a total of ten humans entered into only a single building out of perhaps a thousand and still 7 died? Isn't that ringing a bell in all of your heads?" Khan asked turning to look at the others whose eyes started widening as they slowly comprehended what he meant.

It was true that their entire squad almost got obliterated while in a building. What if they moved outside it?

"That's very true..." The man said, his perspective of letting a 3-day-old recruit join a calamity-level mission changing slightly.

"From the three survivors, we have gathered bad news too. It is said that the entire building was filled with mindless creatures. According to the reports, we were able to draw the most accurate image of the creatures..." The man said clapping his hands together as the holographic changed and on the image was a creature.

A huge being was portrayed on it standing on its two powerful legs. From its toes, sharp nails emerged from its feet and its hand ended in large steel-like claws that glinted coldly. Dried scales coated its entire body.

Two huge bat-like wings emerged from its back, and its face was elongated like that of a wolf with sharp rows of large homodont teeth emerging from its mouth.

"This newly discovered creature from the ruin has been named Devir. According to our report, its strength is comparable to that of a fifth star awakener and therefore very difficult for an ordinary mortal to go toe to toe with. Even then, the explorers sent were all above the fifth star rank stage, and handling a single one should be no problem.

But that is where the major problem comes in. They were facing almost five hundred of these creatures all at once. They might be stronger, but the creatures are close to a thousand In numbers in the building. A thousand against ten, do you understand?."

The adventurers took in deep breaths on hearing that, the gleeful cheer in the room disappearing into nothing.

"An interesting thing about this is that these creatures have actually been once discovered by humanity before. In another ruin that opened up in the wild but it was the skeleton that was found. It's a miracle that we found a living one in this ruin and so many too.

According to the reports, these creatures are the only ones capable of stopping your expedition. If eliminated, then this ruin exploration would be a simple walk in the park.

Therefore great studies are ongoing that have produced quite the results. We were able to gather some very important information about the devirs."

Immediately ears perked up as his eyes turned to look at the man in absolute focus and he wasn't the only one. The entire adventurers also had their curiosity piqued.

It was just as his master, Oni-sama always tells him:

" If you know the enemy and know yourself, Khan, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

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