Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 848 848 Lights Cameras

Chapter 848 848 Lights Cameras

That caught the attention of the camera operators, who Wolfe could tell were witch blooded villagers without enough potential to have an aura.

Once everything was set, the camera operators gave him the thumbs up, and the screens on the table lit up with information. The feed was now live, and being broadcast on the local news channel as a special bulletin.

"Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for taking a moment to listen to this announcement. I can assure you that it is not a waste of your time." The General began, and Wolfe thought that the cameraman might actually faint from shock.

"We have concluded a deal just now with the combined representatives of Morgana Coven, Sylvan Coven and Forest Grove. The essentials of the details are as follows. The Grand Dutchies military will be standing down from control of the region, and passing it to civilian authorities, headed by a Guardian appointed by Forest Grove. That Guardian will be a Fae or Demon above Rank Five, as per our agreement.

For most of you, very little will change in your daily life, other than the face on the news. But for some, there will be considerable changes. In compliance with Alliance law, slavery will be prohibited, and the people of Forest Grove will be assisting in the relocation of captured slaves back to Sylvan Coven territory beginning effective immediately.

Secondly, as the region will now be under the supervision of the Forest Grove Alliance, it will be included in their trade policies. When the Guardians arrive, they will have the details for multiple international trade groups, which will cover everywhere from here to Gormana. All of which will be open to trade both in and out of the cities.

Finally, on a more personal note, the members of military command have agreed to not only step down from control, but to stand public trial for crimes against the people of the cities. The trial will begin tomorrow, and continue until all evidence that is deemed relevant, both condemning and exculpatory, has been presented."

With that, Wolfe heard the clatter of multiple microphones falling to the ground as the reporters were too shocked to continue holding them, and the camera feed tilted off-centre, as the operator went weak in the knees for a moment before recovering.

"We will remain right here at the Parliament building awaiting trial, under the custody of Saint Noxus himself. As many of you may know, Saint Wolfe Noxus, the first Magi Saint since the Great War, was better known as the Snow Demon during the invasion of Sylvan Coven and through the Frozen Wastes.

He has my confidence in his impartial judgment, but I do request that all who wish to have their voice heard gather here as soon as is feasible. Now, I will turn the stage over to Lady Lulabeth Priya, of Sylvan Coven, who has the details of the repatriation."

Wolfe couldn't help but see the happy tears in the reporter's eyes as Priya walked past the General to take his place.

"Good afternoon everyone. I will ask that all those currently wearing slave collars stop to listen to this announcement. Your enslavement is no longer lawful. We will be visiting the towns to gather those who wish to return to Sylvan Coven today, and we request the assistance of everyone in ensuring that there are no attempts to hide or harm the freed slaves during this time.

Violators will be dealt with harshly, under Forest Grove law, which I have been assured is very similar to Gormana law on the subject."

That was a standard that every common soldier would understand. Gormana executed slavers on sight, but gave those found with slaves a public flogging and a jail sentence. They would all be aware of it, and the Gormana controlled villages who could see the broadcast would understand as well.

"Miss Priya, will there be a reparations order, compensating those who have lost their property today?" One of the reporters asked.

"You can consider this more in the nature of returning prisoners of war after a surrender. Once the deal is finished, Forest Grove and the Covens will no longer be at war with the Grand Dutchies. There is no legally held property changing hands, only prisoners of war released from captivity." Priya insisted.

"What of the spells that the captured witches have been upholding?" The reporter continued, with concern in his eyes.

"They are not required to leave the cities if they do not wish to. So, whatever remaining group of witches have the power will be available to keep the spells active, and the Guardians who will be arriving soon will take over the maintenance under their own powers.

With the trade agreements in place, there will also be more powerful nature charms available for the upkeep of crops, so there is no fear of an interruption in the food supply.

We are looking forward to a peaceful transition, but be aware, we will not hesitate to deal with any signs of armed rebellion." Priya finished.

The reporters were stunned into silence. They had been aware that there was a negotiation, but they hadn't expected it to end this way. The General turning himself and his officers over to the courts, then the announcement by the Covens and Forest Grove that they were taking over, it was more than they had ever expected.

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