Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 698 698 Loyal Friend

Chapter 698 698 Loyal Friend

"With the new Fae from the Rank Three Familiar Summoning, and a couple of the higher ranked Faeries that have come to visit. They donated a lot of materials devoted to nurturing white witches so that we could get along with them better.

Even my Familiar broke through at the same time that I did, and the other said it was really impressive at her age. I think that helped because the very next day they had more books for me to learn, and they're all healing.

Plant healing, water healing, people healing. All the sorts of healing."

She was so excited that her fluffy black ears were twitching wildly, and Wolfe couldn't help but to pat her head and straighten out the mess that her hair was in.

"Well now, that really is spectacular. What sort of healing did you want to specialize in? Or did you want to learn them all at once?" He asked.

"All at once. Forest Grove has the Mana Purification, so I waited on the cleansing curses and evil spirits part of the book, but being able to heal everything else sounds incredible."

"How do you heal water, though? Like purify it?" Wolfe asked.

"Sort of. Sometimes it is purification, and sometimes it's a water elemental creature that needs healing but doesn't respond the same as a fleshy creature to normal healing spells. The plant one is the same, it's not for plants, but for things like Dryads. I heard that you brought back a dryad."

"She's half dryad and half Demon Princess. Her name is Nimue, and she's a little younger than you are, but not by much." Wolfe replied.

The other young witches looked envious. "A dryad and a princess. That's just cheating. You can't multiclass like that, can you?" One of the girls asked.

"I think you need to start out that way. I asked the Elves, and they said that I couldn't pick the forest ranger class after I was already a witch." Another of the girls replied.

That sounded a lot like a polite way to let the young ones down, since the forest rangers were elite Elven military forces, not just patrols with cooler uniforms. But it worked when they were thinking of magical skills in terms of job skills, and Wolfe was rather impressed that the normally haughty elves had actually phrased the answer in a way that didn't hurt the kids' feelings.

"I will drop in some time and see how the school is doing. It looks like you're learning very well, if you can move to the advanced healing classes so quickly. It hasn't even been a full year yet, you're still freshmen, and you're moving up already." Wolfe congratulated them.

The girls all giggled and congratulated each other, while Katerina ran forward to hug Wolfe.

"Wish us luck, as soon as the festival is over we will be back to full-time classes again, and it's going to be all tough stuff, not things that I already knew."

Wolfe patted her on the back and smiled. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. They wouldn't have advanced you if you couldn't keep up. It won't be long at this rate, and you'll be a fully trained and graduated witch, ready to work with the medics and show everyone how awesome your healing is."

"Thanks, Mister Wolfe. See you later!"

With that, she turned to chase after her friends, and they all took off to stay out of the sight of their supervising teacher, who Wolfe could see scowling at them in the distance.

They were likely supposed to be studying right now, even if there weren't official classes this week. But it hadn't been long since he was that age himself, and Wolfe knew very well that no revision got done during a public holiday, and even if it did, you had to go over it when you got back to see if anyone actually understood what they were reading.

Why waste all that time studying on holiday when you could just pretend you didn't understand and learn it all when you got back?

Wolfe made his way into the spire, where Millie hurried to catch up to him before he got on the elevator.

"You're really popular here. Like, not as a leader, but you're everyone's friend." She commented.

"That's just how things developed here. I was in charge because I was the only one who could do everything that they needed to stay safe in a hostile environment that was under attack by foreign countries, and instead of being the authoritative leader, everyone just began to look to me for answers.

I would say that it has worked out well enough, since nobody questions my position, but the people of Forest Grove aren't really big on strict rules." Wolfe agreed.

"Well, I would like to say good work. It usually takes a lot for a leader to become beloved of the people, and every species here appears to be fond of you. That's the strongest start you could ask for."

"Just wait until you meet my true fans, and you might reconsider." Wolfe laughed, leaving his bodyguard confused.

When they got to the top of the stairs, a large black dog with fire leaking from its mouth, and huge black wings nearly tackled him off the platform as Ember welcomed him back. The hellhound dropped a scorching hot rock in front of him as if it were a ball, and Wolfe smirked at Chloe.

"See, what did I tell you? My true fans are waiting."

Chloe burst into laughter. "Isn't that Cassie's Familiar?"

"It is, but it is much more forgiving than she is. See, I didn't even get yelled at." Wolfe joked as he rolled the ball down the hallway for the hellhound to fetch.

The one good thing about fetch with a hellhound was that the ball was never wet with dog drool, the fire breath dried it instantly. But that didn't stop it from smelling like dog breath and barbecue.

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