Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 652 Obtained

Chapter 652 Obtained

As they left the restaurant, Wolfe noticed the dirty look that Rail was giving him, and decided that tempting fate on the last day of his visit to this Kingdom probably wasn't a great idea.

"Alright, I'm ready for the tongue lashing. But I will warn you, I don't know what I've done wrong yet." Wolfe informed her.

"Don't know what you've done? When you're wearing a debt promise from a princess on your wrist? I know you have a way with women, but wasn't that a bit far, even for you?" The angry little succubus demanded.

"I didn't demand that, she panicked when she thought a stranger was going to take her away. I'm sure that she will sort it out soon enough when she isn't worried about being abducted. Besides, it appears that she's some distant relative of Queen Jasmine's and that woman is kind of scary."

Rail smiled. "You aren't wrong on that one. But she's a wrath Demon, they're supposed to be scary. I wonder if Nimue is going to suddenly get big like that, or if she's going to stay Dryad sized?"

Wolfe shook his head. "She's short for a Dryad as well. They're usually taller than I am and very slender. So, she's likely going to get taller at the very least. But maybe not quickly. Dryads age very slowly, I'm told, and they take most of a century to reach adulthood."

"So she's not even an adult?"

Wolfe patted Rail on the head. "I get where you're going with this, but she passed out because of the exhaustion from the process, not the sensation. Even if she was a pure Demon, she wouldn't have been an adult, I think. It's a bit difficult to tell, but I'm pretty sure she's not that old."

Rail gave him a suspicious look, and Wolfe leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're adorable when you're jealous?" He asked.

"Cut that out. I'm not falling for your tricks, Wolfe Noxus," she insisted.

"It's not a trick, though. Now, should we tour the shops for a bit before the big parade and final day's parties start?"

"Of course, Patriarch, it would be my honour."

The pair joked and laughed as they wandered between the shops before returning to the apartment tower, where a large contingent of Royal Guard from the Wrath Demons were gathered outside.

"Ah, Senior Investigator and Patriarch, we have been hoping to see you. The Queen wishes to see your guest, but she seems a bit skittish, and is pretending that she is not in Patriarch Noxus' apartment," the guard informed them.

"She was somewhat terrified to find out that she had Royal blood, and I just finished repairing her mana system and helping her break through. Give me a few minutes to talk to her, and then you can most likely come talk to her." Wolfe suggested.

The Queen sighed and gestured toward the door for him to head into the building ahead of her. Not many people would dare to keep her waiting, and even fewer would outright refuse to open the door for her, especially if they weren't in trouble.

Wolfe tapped twice, then opened the door.

"Nimue? I'm home." He called into the small apartment, as Rail closed the door behind them with an apologetic look at the Queen.

"Patriarch. It's so good to see you. Today is totally overwhelming. Can I just hide here?" She asked.

"Unfortunately, that isn't going to work. The queen is a distant cousin of your uncle, and she's already outside wanting to meet you. I can chaperone if you like, but I can guarantee that she's not going to injure or abduct you." Wolfe replied.

"How can you be so sure?"

Rail chuckled at her concern.

"She's a Rank Nine Demon Queen. If she wanted you dead or abducted, she could have done it from across town." The Succubus reminded her.

"Can we talk in here?" Nimue asked.

"She's five metres tall. The common area might be better, this floor has smaller rooms."

The young Hybrid clapped her hands on her face, slapping herself out of her frozen state, and got to her feet. Wolfe took her hand in one of his and Rail's in the other, then let the Succubus lead them out of the room.

"Ah, Patriarch, welcome. Rail, it is good to see you again as well. And this must be Nimue. You can call me Jasmine, congratulations on your good health and advancements, I would have come to see you right away, but I was in meetings and my idiot cousin was quite excited to get to you first." Queen Jasmine greeted them.

Wolfe smiled back at her, but made no other greeting as his hands were full.

"There is a multispecies sitting room on the next floor up, how about we move the meeting there?" He suggested.

"Yes, of course.

The sitting room was more of a relaxation area for the Investigators, so there was a foosball table, ping pong, billiards and a collection of comfortable seats to chat or read, but it was perfect for their purposes when nobody was there to make noise.

"Where should we start? I'm sure that you know at least a little about who I am, and I've heard the basics of your story from your Uncle, so I suppose that I will begin with the most basic of questions. Where would you like to go from here? We can bring you back to the Palace and set you up with a proper trust fund as a minor Royal. Or now that your advancements are proceeding at such an astounding rate, we can set you up on a fast track to a higher paying Noble job." Queen Jasmine suggested.

Nimue hesitated for a moment, then looked at Wolfe. "I would like to stay with the Patriarch. I owe him, and it wouldn't be right to just ask someone to pay off my debt with money, no matter how much they have."

The Queen nodded her head, making the chains hung from her long ears jingle.

"That is understandable, and quite noble. I had intended to send some people with him when he returned home anyhow, as payment for services I intend to request, so you could be among proper tutors and still pay off your debt."

Nimue looked confused. "Tutors?"

Jasmine nodded. "Definitely tutors. Anger management, magic, combat training, weapons skills, dance. Just the basics, plus whatever trade or hobbies you'd like to pick up."

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