Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 548 548 Explaining to Peach

Chapter 548 548 Explaining to Peach

The Saints wouldn't have been able to enforce it then, everyone was sick of the killing, the world had been shattered by their war, and they would have been completely banished from society if they had tried to force the war to continue against their own allies just so that the graves of the last battleground would remain undisturbed.

Peach sipped on her tea and sighed. "So, the advancement of the witches here made them think that Rebel forces from the other Continents had come here, and they sent forces to try to wipe them out. Then they sent a whole army to force the humans out of the Frozen Wastes, while they filled the area with Cursed Talismans to mutate monsters and make them more aggressive." 

Ella nodded. "That's right. They didn't tell the witches that cast the spells what it would do to them, they just told them that they only had to do it for a few months and their debts and mandatory service would be considered cleared.

But we've seen what happened to the Witches, since one of them deserted along with a group who had been gassed by the Grand Dutchies. 

It looks like they wanted to send them on suicide missions, just like the Morgana Army did to get rid of the half-blooded witches." 

"Do you think that the two could be related? Could the whole suicide mission idea have been brought up by a Rebel from another Continent who had embedded themselves here? Even if they were weak overseas, they might have been considered exceptionally strong here, and it would have gotten them respect and authority." Peach suggested.

"That is possible, but I think it's more a matter of evil minds thinking alike. What I came here for was to get into the city. I need to gather more Magi descendants in Forest Grove so that we can prepare spells and defences for when the United World Army turns their sights on us. 

They're going to do it eventually, and there aren't many male Demons left anywhere. We need them to keep making some of the arrays that we use for our vehicles and weapons, Wolfe alone isn't enough." Ella explained.

Peach smiled in understanding. "So, you want to train the members of the Crime Families that can use mana to be proper Magi so that they can take up the slack and keep making the magical items that you are developing? If they can help you make airplanes and magical trucks, I doubt that anyone would complain about sending them your way. 

Even in the city, there is a shortage of people who can make magical items. Plus, the ones that you all are making are incredible."

"Yeah, we've got some more good things lined up for production soon, but they're waiting on us to get more people with spare time. Currently, a lot of our time is going to weapons production to give to the villages to protect themselves from the influx of monsters. They've scattered the Cursed Talismans everywhere, and focused them on places that animals and monsters gather.

On our way here, Reaper killed over a dozen monsters that had been affected by the beastification curse and evolved to Rank Two. If that turned into a Monster Tide, it would be a slaughter when they reached the Covens." Ella added with a frown.

"Have you had any contact with the Sylvan Coven?" Peach asked.

"Not much. We have radio contact with them, so we have a good idea what's happening, but we haven't sent anyone to the Fortress City to try to deal with them in any official capacity. For now, we've been focusing on the Frozen Wastes, as that is the region that the foreigners have demanded to be vacated." 

Peach nodded. "That makes sense, take care of things at home first before spreading out. The Sylvan Coven seems to have really drawn in lately, and I've gotten worried about how few of the villages have been repopulated. There are plenty of empty ones left, and that doesn't bode well for their ability to guard their borders, or even notice that there is an issue before it's almost on top of them.

Some of them are likely left empty because the nerve gas made them unsafe to live in for months, but we haven't even seen teams exploring a lot of them to check lately, so the casualties might have been worse than they let on."

Ella couldn't disagree with that. They had plenty of reports from the locals, and there had been very little movement in the Sylvan Coven all summer. They were definitely in bad shape, but there was no way to tell for sure without sending an envoy to them, and then they would likely lose a Witch from Forest Grove because anyone they sent would be Rank Two or Three, and Sylvan law would make them the leader by default.

It was a delicate situation, but they were working to prevent any Monster Tides from making it that far in the first place.

"We will have to talk to them soon, it's just a matter of finding exactly the right person for the job. You know how they're likely to react if we send a Rank Two or Three witch to them, and if we send someone weak, they won't take them seriously. So, it's a tradeoff, and I'm not sure how we're going to solve it yet." Ella sighed.

"Well, that can always wait until you're done with the Morgana Coven. You shouldn't have too many problems getting Reiko on your side if you need, but I get the feeling that you're trying to sneak in and not make a big deal about taking a bunch of people away." 

Ella smiled at the insight of the Headmistress. "That is exactly it. I would like to get the potential Magi and get out without riling up the Inquisition, the fundamentalists in the Coven or even the general population.

Even the sympathetic ones would react badly if they found out that we were taking away people who could gain the strength to defend them and didn't have a plan to send them back anytime soon. The villages in the wastes all agreed to send us their witch blooded girls on the promise that they would be allowed to choose to go home and help their families once their basic training was done."

"Good luck with that. Do you need a ride into the city, or are you going on foot?" Peach asked.

"If someone is going in, I will take a ride, if not, I'll find a way. The Noxus Family guys working the barrier around the field likely know who I am."

"I will send Professor Moon in tomorrow to pass a message to the Council, and you can catch a ride with her. She is reliable for keeping secrets, and it won't be as obvious as if I had sent one of the more powerful teachers." Peach agreed.

"Thanks. Now, do you have a spare room? I could use some sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

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