Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 486 486 Unannounced Guests Again

Chapter 486 486 Unannounced Guests Again

Three Rank Three Witches led six Rank Two witches, and an elderly Rank Five Witch with the markings of a very decorated General stood in front of him with a scowl on her face.

"What do you think you are doing, Demon? We ordered everyone to leave the War Memorial." The old woman demanded.

"In case you didn't get the memo, we live here. We've lived here since the War. We lived here during the War. If you want to memorialize it, how about you don't forget about the people?" Wolfe retorted, mentally exhausted from the evening and so not in the mood for this.

"We felt you gathering powerful Witches from all over the world to this location last night. What are you planning?" The General continued.

"I didn't gather powerful Witches from anywhere. They are all locals, born and raised here. Like I told your first group, we have the cure for the Bloodline Curse, and they were given it last night, freeing their potential and allowing them to begin to grow."

The old witch made a gesture, and the witches behind her all raised pistols that Wolfe could sense were loaded with Null Stone bullets.

"You understand that those don't work on a Rank Five Demon, right?" Wolfe replied as the sound of racking slides echoed through the park as the locals all readied weapons and aimed them at the hostile intruders.

The witches began to look nervous, but the General looked positively panicked.

"Have them put those accursed weapons away. Where did you even find such forbidden relics?" She stammered.

Wolfe smiled at her fear. "As I said, these people live here and have lived here since time immemorial. These weapons were left behind by invading armies, so we have claimed them as our own."

He smiled as a green light shone on the Witch's cufflink, a truth spell that verified his words were not a lie.

Wolfe activated a Five Layer Armour spell over everyone in sight, as he hadn't had time to make them all amulets yet, and the witches all went pale. It was becoming a running theme with them lately, and Wolfe couldn't deny that it was rather amusing to see them shocked at every little thing.

"Where did you learn that ability, Demon? That memory should be lost with time." The General demanded, but her voice was much more of a panicked plea at this point.

"How about you put your guns away, and we talk about this like civilized folk? I despise having to get violent with those who do not need to be harmed."

The General looked slightly relieved, but one of the Third Rank Witches, a middle-aged woman with chocolate skin and shockingly black eyes showing no whites at all, snorted in amusement.

"With those who do not need to be harmed, is it? Clever wording. But tell me, do we need to be harmed?" She asked with a sly smirk.

"That is yet to be determined. Now, would you prefer tea or coffee? The previous group preferred our coffee."

"Mariel, can you fetch us two pots and some cups? We will head to the lounge in the spire to talk." Wolfe called out to one of the kitchen staff that he happened to see holding a rifle in the distance.

"On it, boss. Should I bring cream and sugar?"

"Bring everything and some snacks. This could either be a very short or very long talk."

The team from the United World Military put their weapons away, but Wolfe noticed that they kept their hands at the ready for a quick draw in case things went poorly. And they very nearly did when the team sensed the Witches of the Pentacle coming down the walkway to meet them in the spire.

"Relax, they're not hostile. These Witches are among our most talented in the village, and they are here to prove to you that what I said is true. They are not afflicted with the Bloodline Curse.

Everyone sat in silence as the staff brought the coffee and the snacks, which drew another shocked look from the Soldiers.

"Do you not fear monsters here? So much magically grown food in one spot is dangerous." The General asked.

"We have no such issues. This place is sacred to the Fae, and their magic keeps the monsters docile. See, there are Pixies in the rafters and an Elf having breakfast at the far table."

Wolfe waved to Khalifa, who gave a hearty wave back before returning her attention to the underage Witch across the table from her. They were working on some sort of magical homework, which was likely due in the next hour or so when the girl got to class, and the Elf wasn't concerned about the intruders with Wolfe and the Pentacle Witches here.

The General sighed and rubbed her face in frustration.

"That is not permitted. The documentation clearly says that the Fae Forests were destroyed." She sighed, looking older and somewhat defeated.

"It's been centuries. Things change, and forests grow back. I was told that your rules are quite inflexible, but is there a chance that they will understand that their ideas about this continent are at odds with reality?" Wolfe asked.

The General shook her head. "That is not possible. We were sent here to eliminate the foreign interference in the War Memorial, not to negotiate with the locals."

Priya gave the old woman a strange look. "What did we miss? What foreign interference? The last we heard, they were upset that the quarantine was broken when we don't even carry the Bloodline Curse."

"They sensed the advancements and thought that people had portalled in, not that the limitations caused by lingering curse damage had been lifted. It is one big misunderstanding, but I don't really understand how their rules work yet." Wolfe explained to her without looking away from the General.

"It sounds like the United World Military isn't as united as the name would suggest. They don't seem to have understood or passed along our message the first time." Ella suggested.

The soldiers all looked offended. "The United World Government and through their orders the United World Military control every Continent of this world."

"Then who would have come here? If you are worried about foreign interference, it suggests that you are not truly in charge." Wolfe pointed out.

"We are not permitted to speak about that with a bunch of Condemned Rebels." The General replied, gaining back some of her arrogance despite the odds.

"Condemned, is it? I suppose that fits if your people have ordered everyone who lives on this Continent murdered. But being the last diplomat on site when you order a genocide is a risky proposition." Wolfe reminded her.

"There are over a hundred Rank Five Witches in the world. One stunted remnant of a Demon with half its memories and a few Rank Three children won't change the government's decisions." She shrugged.

The General reached for the button on her wrist that Wolfe recognized as the portal device, intending to leave with her team.

Wolfe froze her in place with a Gravity Spell that made her arms too heavy to lift, then pulled the device from her sleeve.

"Now, none of that. We are having such a fine conversation. Please finish your coffee, and you can leave once you have finished answering our questions." 

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