My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 194 Huge Profit

This reaction did not surprise Lord Ivan and the others; it was characteristic of Lord Joseph to only put stock in what he had seen with his own eyes. Rumors held no sway over him.

Lady Diana, noticing the skepticism in Lord Joseph's gaze, took matters into her own hands. With her graceful milky-white hands, she opened the window on her side and leaned out to observe their surroundings. The rush of air met her face, causing her hair to sway and dance in the breeze.

'Wow! We're moving at an incredible speed. It's much faster than I imagined,' Lady Diana marveled at the remarkable pace of their journey.

Surveying the landscape, she located Pinebrook village. It lay near the mountain range, a sizable settlement in the distance. They still had about half an hour of travel ahead of them before they'd reach it.

Satisfied with this visual confirmation, Lady Diana returned to her seat, a smile playing on her lips. She shared her findings, stating, "I've just confirmed Lord Ivan's words. We're really very close to the village, and within half an hour, we will arrive there."

"Really?!" Lady Eliza exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement.

Lady Diana smiled and nodded. "Well, you can take a look for yourself if you don't believe me, Lady Eliza."

Lady Eliza shook her head, a smile still gracing her face. "There's no need, I believe in you, Diana."

She could tell from Diana's expression alone that she was being truthful. As a Master-Ranked mage, Lady Eliza had encountered countless people in her everyday life, giving her a keen sense for discerning truth from lies.

A few moments later, Lady Diana turned to Lord Joseph, seated beside Lord Ivan across from her. "Lord Ivan, feel free to take a look for yourself if you don't believe my words."

"There's no need. Besides, I'm too tired to move now," Lord Joseph replied, his tone a bit awkward. Unfortunately for him, it was clear to everyone that he was making an excuse to save face.

Shortly after, Lady Eliza opened the window on her side and glanced at the scenery outside. She spotted the village's large wooden gate in the distance, a smile lighting up her face.

Returning to her seat, she mumbled with a playful grin, "Finally, we're about to reach our destination. I was getting tired of sitting in the same position for half a day. I can feel the soreness in my buttocks from sitting for so long."

Lord Ivan and Lady Diana exchanged strange glances after hearing her remark. They couldn't fathom how she could feel soreness despite the luxurious and comfortable seating designed for long-distance travel.

'Lady Eliza, how can you speak so openly about such an embarrassing matter in front of two men? Are you trying to flirt with both Lord Ivan and Lord Joseph simultaneously? This is so embarrassing!' Lady Diana blushed inwardly, her cheeks faintly tinged with pink.

'Sigh! As expected of a master-ranked mage, they really have no sense of shame...' Lord Ivan sighed, gazing out at the passing scenery.

He was a responsible and devoted husband, so Lady Eliza's attempts at seduction didn't faze him much.

"Cough! Cough!" Lord Joseph cleared his throat and, exuding a gentlemanly air, turned his attention to Lady Eliza. "Lady Eliza, please let me know if there's something I can do to assist you... I would be more than happy to help."

Lady Eliza could read between the lines, feeling a twinge of disgust towards Lord Joseph. However, she maintained a pleasant smile on her face. "Oh my, Lord Joseph, thank you for your concern. It's just a minor discomfort; a short walk will surely alleviate it."

Lord Joseph found himself at a loss for words after Lady Eliza's rejection. He felt a sting of embarrassment and dissatisfaction.

'This woman rejected me? Unbelievable. It's been ages since anyone turned me down...' Lord Joseph mused inwardly, a weight on his heart.

"I understand. As long as you're feeling well, Lady Eliza," he murmured, attempting to conceal his wounded pride.

'I knew you'd say that, you lecherous old man,' Lady Eliza thought privately.

"You're truly kind, Lord Joseph," she replied, her smile never wavering.

Lord Joseph averted his gaze, looking slightly embarrassed. He stole a glance at Lord Ivan and Lady Diana, but they pretended not to notice, avoiding his eyes.

Hmph! Lord Joseph snorted in mild irritation at their deliberate indifference.

Meanwhile, back at the Monore family manor, Madam Layla had finally made her way through most of the documents requiring her signature. Only a few small ones remained.

Knock! Knock!

As she worked, a knock at the door drew her attention. She paused, looking towards the entrance.

"The door is unlocked, you can come in," she called out.

Ava entered, carefully holding a large file with both hands. It was evident from the leather cover that the documents inside were of great importance.

"Mom, here's the report detailing the profit we made from selling the monster leather and bones. I've noted down all the details for you to review," Ava explained, placing the file on the massive desk.

Taking the file, Madam Layla carefully perused its contents. A wide smile bloomed across her face as she read through the report, the word 'Profit' practically glowing.

"55,000 gold coins from selling high-quality monster leather. That's a substantial profit. You did an excellent job negotiating this price, Ava," Madam Layla praised.

Ava's face turned a shade of red at her mother's unexpected praise. With a nonchalant tone, she responded, "Well, I'm not someone who slacks off from her work. Besides, you forgot to read the other report."

"Who's slacking off?" Madam Layla's brows furrowed at Ava's words, prompting Ava to fall silent immediately.

'After working tirelessly from morning till now, she accuses me of slacking off? This is ridiculous!' Madam Layla thought, her initial irritation at Ava's comment momentarily forgotten.

"Nobody, Mom... Hehehe..." Ava hastily replied, a slightly awkward smile gracing her face.

"Hahaha~" Madam Layla couldn't help but chuckle, finding the sight of Ava suddenly shrinking back like a startled kitten quite amusing. The earlier frustration now seemed trivial in the face of this lighthearted moment.

Ava couldn't help but feel a bit bewildered by her mother's recent behavior. She wondered, 'Is my mother feeling alright? She's acting rather strangely today...'

Madam Layla, however, remained absorbed in the report. As she turned the page, her eyes quickly scanned the content. It revealed that all the monster bones had been sold to a merchant from the kingdom for a total of 68,000 gold coins.

'Wow! This profit will greatly alleviate the costs of constructing the defensive wall around the village,' Madam Layla thought, excitement dancing in her eyes.

She had anticipated a price around this range for the monster bones, considering their origin from powerful creatures. 

The more formidable the monster, the more valuable its bones in the market. These bones were sought after for crafting magical items or ornaments. 

Not only that, but equipment made from monster bones tended to be both lighter and more durable than their metal counterparts.

This made them a favored choice among hunters, as they provided protection without adding too much weight. It was an invaluable asset when facing powerful adversaries during hunts.

Seeing her mother momentarily silent, Ava decided to share her experience. "Well, I did haggle for that price. The merchant initially offered a thousand gold coins less, but I held my ground, and eventually, he agreed to the price."

"Given the quality of the bones, 68,000 gold coins is a more than fair price, in my opinion," Madam Layla acknowledged with a smile.

Ava nodded, musing, "I suppose I do have a knack for negotiations." She then added, "Oh, there was something else. The merchant expressed interest in purchasing all the monster cores we've gathered. I declined the offer right away."

"You made the right call in refusing. I'm planning to bolster our village's defense by recruiting more soldiers. We currently face a shortage, particularly when it comes to dealing with large groups of bandits or thieves. I intend to use those monster cores to enhance their capabilities, thereby strengthening our overall combat prowess," Madam Layla explained to Ava.

After understanding her mother's plan, Ava nodded in agreement. "Naturally, as our village is expanding rapidly, we do need more soldiers to maintain peace and defend against potential threats. I'm on board with your plan, Mom."

Madam Layla beamed with pride. "That's my girl, you understood the plan really well."

A few moments later, Madam Layla suggested, "Let's save the rest of the work for later. Right now, let's go see what my son-in-law and his wives are up to."

Ava's face flushed slightly at the mention of Yuan, and she nodded. "Yes, I haven't seen him since breakfast."

Madam Layla placed her feather pen in its stand and closed the file she was reading. Standing up, she left the study with her daughter.

A minute later, they entered the living room and found Ivy tidying up, though there was no sign of Yuan or his wives.

Approaching Ivy, Madam Layla inquired, "Ivy, do you know where Yuan and his wives are at the moment?"

"Oh, Madam Layla, Yuan and his wives just went into the larger bathroom a little while ago. They're likely taking a group bath together," Ivy answered with a slightly rosy face.

Both Madam Layla and Ava's cheeks turned even redder at Ivy's words. They couldn't help but imagine what was going on, causing them to blush even more.

'I didn't expect him to be such a playboy...' Madam Layla mused to herself.

Since Yuan wasn't around, all they could do was wait for him to finish bathing. They took seats on the sofa, anticipating his return.

At the entrance gate of Pinebrook village, a luxurious carriage drawn by four horses arrived, accompanied by several soldiers in silver armor guarding it on horseback.

"Halt! Please stop the carriage!" one of the guards called out, signaling for them to stop.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt, and one of the soldiers accompanying it approached the guards with a scowl. "How dare you stop us! Do you know who's inside this carriage? Quickly, clear a path for us."

"We've been instructed by the village head to halt any carriages from entering, as the road is under construction," one of the guards explained, sounding a bit apprehensive.

"Oh, is that so..." the soldier muttered, clearly skeptical.

"Have we arrived at Pinebrook village?" a delicate female voice suddenly emerged from inside the carriage.

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