My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 159 Will Give Them Answer

"In that case, My Lord, how do you intend to handle this situation? We cannot allow the Young Lord's death to go unpunished. His soul won't find peace without justice for his killer," Butler Geoffrey remarked emotionally, his gaze fixed on Lord Harrison.

"Do you think I'd spare him or them after they took my precious son from me? They took away my own flesh and blood! Think I'd let them live?" Lord Harrison's voice trembled with pain as he stared intensely at Butler Geoffrey.

"T-This... I apologize for my impertinence, My Lord," Butler Geoffrey stammered in response.

"Sigh! It's not your fault, old man..." Lord Hardison's voice resonated with a mixture of emotions.

"I want them dead! Whoever was behind my son's murder, I want them all to suffer as he did! I want the Monore family eradicated!" Madam Haley's voice quivered with sorrow and grief, her eyes welling with tears as she held her second son, Richard, close.

Unable to bear seeing his mother's anguish, Richard took the matter into his own hands.

"Mother, fear not. Even if Father fails to avenge Henry, I promise you I'll exact the revenge. I'll annihilate every member of the Monore family in honor of my elder brother. It's a small recompense for his death," Richard assured, wiping away the tears from his mother's cheeks.

Madam Haley felt a warmth in her heart hearing her son's vow. She knew he made the promise to console her, yet it offered her solace.

Nevertheless, she vehemently disagreed. Having lost Henry, she couldn't bear the thought of losing Richard too. She was determined to prevent any untoward fate befalling him, fearing the worst if she were to lose another son.

'I can't permit another tragedy to befall Richard, just as it did with my dear Henry. I must safeguard him,' Madam Haley's thoughts whispered inwardly.

"Thank you for your intentions, my dear. But let your father handle this matter. I've already lost one son, and I cannot bear losing you as well. Do you understand?" Madam Haley pleaded with her son through her eyes, the mere notion of Richard's potential loss sending shivers down her spine.

"I-I understand, Mother," Richard nodded, sensing the gravity of his mother's worry.

Yet, the servants were left speechless. A mere thirteen-year-old harboring such venomous thoughts in his heart—what might his future hold? Could he become a cold-blooded murderer?

They were shocked to witness a child of his age discussing revenge and slaughter with such determination. The image of a thirteen-year-old speaking so gravely about such matters left them astounded, unable to fathom the depths of his resolve.

Despite having kids around the same age as Richard, none of the servants had ever heard such talk from their own children. If such words were uttered, the parents took it as an opportunity to educate their kids, often resorting to punishment to deter such behavior in the future.

A short while later, Lord Harrison turned to Butler Geoffrey and instructed, "Old Man, dispatch some of our men to investigate the villagers and find any eyewitnesses who might have seen the murderer's face. Additionally, assemble a team of skilled mages. We will pay a visit to the Monore family; I intend to personally judge if they played a part in my son's death."

"As you command, My Lord. I'll have men searching for witnesses at the break of dawn," the Butler nodded and withdrew.

With the butler gone, the room once again fell into silence.

Meanwhile, at the Monroe family manor, Yuan, his wives, and the Monore family were gathered in the living room. Having recently concluded dinner, they now relaxed, engaging in conversation and sharing laughter that echoed through the space.

"I can only imagine the kind of expression that wretched Harrison is wearing now that he's learned of his precious son's demise. Hahaha!" Madam Layla chortled, deriving satisfaction from the misfortune of the Turner family.

Madam Layla harbored a deep desire to witness Harrison suffer for the wrongs he had committed within the village. Regrettably, her husband's blindness to Harrison's true nature, due to their friendship, had left him gravely ill.

"He's likely grieving, his hideous face marred by sorrow. He must be seething, realizing all the resources he squandered in raising his son have been for naught. It's fortunate he still has another offspring to carry on his legacy... Hahah!" Julie joined in, sharing the laughter and envisioning the expression of that despised Harrison.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he lost his sanity, consumed by madness over his son's death. He's known for his temper and quick anger," James added with a chuckle, his smile indicating his amusement.

"Absolutely! This incident could trigger his recklessness, and we should exploit his fury to solidify our influence over the village. What are your thoughts on that?" Ava inquired, displaying a keen grasp of the situation.

Indeed, Lord Hardison had invested considerable resources and dreams in his firstborn, hoping he would ascend as a powerful mage and lead the family. With the young man's death, those aspirations had crumbled like a sandcastle against an ocean wave.

'Impressive growth from Little Ava. She's truly maturing,' Rose noted, genuinely impressed by Ava's strategic thinking.

"Nicely thought out, Little Ava. It wouldn't surprise me if they've already started suspecting us for their son's death, which isn't entirely unfounded. A surprise visit might be on the horizon, demanding answers," Rose commented, a faint smile dancing across her lips as she briefly glanced at Yuan.

Yuan returned her smile, his eyes conveying a reassuring message.

With Yuan and his wives present, they held no apprehension about the Turner family's potential visit. If things took a sinister turn, Yuan and his wives were ready to safeguard their loved ones using their formidable strength.

Ava blushed slightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride as her big sister acknowledged her thinking and even praised her.

"Hmph! If they demand answers, we'll provide them. After all, his foolish son brought this upon himself by provoking someone like my future son-in-law. Who told him to act so arrogantly and unruly toward my dear Rose and Yuan? It's not our fault that they were provoked," Madam Layla remarked nonchalantly.

"Mother, you're making it sound like I'm the reason that idiot is dead," Rose responded bashfully, her cheeks tinged with pink.

"Isn't it partly your responsibility? If not for you, would Yuan have killed him and his servant?" Madam Layla playfully retorted with a smile.

"Hmph! He should feel honored that my hubby put an end to his life! A mere mortal should understand his place and be grateful for being removed from this world by my hubby." Xi Meili's divine voice, cold and godlike, resounded abruptly. Her words caused everyone to turn toward her in astonishment.

The Monroe family was taken aback by Xi Meili's statement. Why should the deceased feel glad about being killed?

'Mere mortal? Wasn't Henry a third-circle mage? How can he be a mere mortal?' Rose's thoughts swirled in confusion at the term Xi Meili used to address Henry. She attempted to make sense of it, but her efforts only left her more bewildered.

'Sigh! I hope Yuan will eventually explain everything. He must have a reason for not telling me yet...' Rose thought inwardly, wishing for answers as she and Yuan spent more time together.

"It's fortunate that the perverted fool was dispatched by my hubby. Otherwise, I would have subjected him to a slow, fiery demise, watching him turn to ash as he experienced excruciating torment," Xi Meili added. Suddenly, a wisp of black and crimson flame appeared on her palm, raising the temperature in the living room.

'That heat! What kind of flame is that? I can't sense any mana within it... What's going on?' Madam Layla stared at the flame in Xi Meili's hand, her surprise evident.

'Yuan said they don't possess any mana, yet how is she producing such an immensely powerful flame without it? I'm puzzled!' Madam Layla lamented inwardly.

'I've never encountered such potent flames... What is this?' Ava and Julie marveled within themselves, struggling to believe their eyes.

The intensity of the flame was so overwhelming that it could melt even the most resilient metal within seconds. None of them had seen or heard of anything like it before.

'Wow! Such powerful flames! My goodness! Who would've thought the innocent-looking one is the most formidable among them? I need to be cautious not to offend her, or she might roast me alive without a second thought.' James recoiled inwardly, his realization dawning on him.

Anna noticed the reactions of the people in the room and intervened, addressing Xi Meili. "Meili dear, there's no need for you to be so agitated. Your husband has already dealt with it."

Xi Meili nodded with a smile, extinguishing the flame in her hand. The room's temperature returned to normal within moments.

A few moments later, Yuan addressed Madam Layla, "It's quite late. We should retire for the night."

"Oh, goodness, I lost track of time engrossed in our conversation," Madam Layla responded apologetically as she realized the lateness of the hour.

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