My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 64 Victory Celebration

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to "James_Bell_6276" for the generous gift of a "Pizza." Your thoughtful gesture is truly appreciated, and I am genuinely thankful for your kind contribution.


As Robert and Mireya approached Yuan and his wives, their pleasant smiles mirrored the relief and gratitude in their hearts. Robert made a futile attempt to detect any trace of mana in their bodies, but his efforts proved fruitless. He shook his head in awe, acknowledging their extraordinary abilities.

"Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma," Robert began, his voice filled with sincerity. "On behalf of the Association and the people of this town, I want to express our deepest gratitude. Your courage and strength protected us from unimaginable horrors. We owe you a debt that can never be fully repaid."

Yuan nodded humbly. "We were simply doing what we had to do to protect our home and loved ones. There's no need for excessive gratitude, Association Head Robert."

Mireya, her eyes still gleaming with admiration, chimed in. "Indeed, if it weren't for you and your wives, this town would have faced a grim fate. The orcs would have wreaked havoc and brought unspeakable horrors upon our people."

She paused for a moment, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and disdain. "And as for that so-called City Lord Galen Stormfall, he is nothing but a spineless coward. Hiding in his luxurious villa while his people face the perils of the outside world. He lacks the qualities of a true leader."

Robert's eyes darted towards Mireya, a mixture of concern and warning in his gaze. "Mireya, please, we must be careful with our words. We don't want to incite trouble."

Mireya nodded, realizing the truth in his words. She turned back to Yuan and his wives, her expression softening. "Regardless, we are immensely grateful for your presence and your valor. You have saved countless lives, and for that, we can never thank you enough."

Robert then shifted the conversation to more practical matters. "Yuan, I must inform you that the reward for slaying the Orc Lord and averting this disaster will be given to you and your wives tomorrow at the Association. It is a substantial sum, and it will take us some time to gather the necessary funds. Please understand that we cannot provide an exact timeframe, but rest assured, you will receive what you deserve."

Yuan and his wives nodded, their expressions filled with understanding. "We appreciate your efforts, Association Head Robert. We understand that such matters take time, and we are in no rush."

Robert's voice carried over the crowd once again, capturing their attention. "In light of this hard-fought victory and the minimal loss of life, I propose we celebrate with a grand feast tonight. Let us come together as a community, to honor the fallen and revel in our resilience. Tonight, we feast in triumph!"

The townspeople, be they hunters or mages, erupted into cheers, their voices mingling with the air of jubilation. The news of the impending feast spread like wildfire, bringing a newfound sense of joy and relief to the hearts of the people. Conversations buzzed with anticipation as plans for the feast were made, with discussions of food, drink, and stories of valor shared among neighbors and friends.

Yuan and his wives, amidst the joyful commotion, exchanged glances filled with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. 

As the crowd continued to cheer and revel in anticipation of the feast, Mireya's eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and admiration as she gazed at Yuan and his wives. A mysterious smile played on her lips as she approached them.

"Mireya, you seem surprised," Yuan remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Mireya nodded, her smile widening. "Indeed, I must admit that I underestimated you, Yuan. I never expected you to fight the Orc Lord on such equal footing. In fact, you even suppressed his strength. You've truly surprised me."

Yuan and his wives exchanged knowing glances, but they remained silent, not revealing their true abilities to Mireya. They knew that sharing their secret would only bring unnecessary complications and attention.

Mireya's eyes gleamed with fascination as she continued, her voice filled with awe. "That final attack, the one that ended the life of the Orc Lord... It was a sight to behold. It felt as if divine judgment had been delivered upon him for his crimes. You possess a power beyond comprehension."

Yuan and his wives merely smiled in response, acknowledging Mireya's words without divulging any details. They knew that the true nature of their abilities must remain hidden, even from someone as trustworthy as Mireya.

Yuan then addressed Mireya, his voice laced with gratitude. "Mireya, we appreciate your kind words. However, we don't want to burden you with the preparations for the feast. We can see that you have many things to arrange, and it wouldn't be fair to waste your time."

Mireya's expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding. "You're right, there is much to do. But please, don't worry about me. It's my duty to ensure this celebration is a success. Just know that tonight, all attention will be on you."

Grace, with her usual cold tone, added, "We appreciate your consideration, but after the grueling battle with the horde of orcs, we are truly exhausted. We need some rest before the night's festivities."

Yuan, Anna, Lily, and Emma nodded in agreement, echoing Grace's sentiment. The truth was that they were far from tired, but they wished to keep their strength concealed for the time being.

Mireya acquiesced, understanding their need for rest. "Of course, it is completely understandable. After such a battle, rest is well-deserved.Take the time you need, and we shall celebrate your victory tonight."

With a final exchange of smiles, Yuan and his wives bid Mireya farewell, leaving her to oversee the preparations for the feast. As they walked away, they knew that their absence would only add to the air of mystery and anticipation surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Mireya couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity. She was intrigued by the enigma that surrounded Yuan and his wives. Little did she know that the true extent of their powers would remain a secret, for now, concealed within their hearts, waiting for the opportune moment to be revealed.

After parting ways with Mireya, Robert approached her with a curious expression. "Mireya, where did Yuan and his wives go? I wanted to speak with them further."

Mireya smiled, revealing the information she had just received. "They've returned to their home, feeling tired after the battle with the orc horde. I believe they sought some well-deserved rest."

Understanding their need for privacy, Robert nodded in acknowledgment. "I see. They deserve every moment of respite after what they've accomplished. Let them rest and recover. We can address matters tomorrow."

With a mutual understanding, Mireya and Robert continued with their respective tasks, ensuring the smooth progress of the feast.

Meanwhile, Yuan, accompanied by his two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister Lily, and his lover Emma, reached the familiar confines of their home. The air inside carried a sense of comfort and familiarity, offering solace after the intense battle.

As they stepped over the threshold, a collective sigh escaped their lips. Yuan's voice rang out, filled with a sense of relief. "Ah, it's good to be back home. The weight of battle feels lighter within these walls."

Yuan's gaze traveled across his family, a playful gleam sparkling in his eyes. "How about we take a relaxing bath together in the main bathroom? A warm soak will soothe our tired bodies and bring us closer as a family."

Grace and Lily's eyes lit up with excitement, their seductive smiles revealing their anticipation. Their tongues flicked across their lips, subtly conveying their desire. 

Anna and Emma, on the other hand, blushed furiously, their faces turning a deep shade of red. However, they couldn't help but respond positively, their voices filled with a mix of shyness and agreement.

Grace, unable to contain her enthusiasm, spoke first. "Yuan, that's a wonderful idea. A warm bath sounds perfect right now."

Lily added mischievously, "And it's been a while since we've had a family bath together. It'll be a great way to unwind."

Anna, her voice soft and hesitant, chimed in. "I...I suppose it wouldn't hurt. A bath together could be quite nice."

Emma, her cheeks still flushed, whispered shyly, "I-I think it could be a special bonding experience for us."

Yuan's smile widened, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Then it's settled. Let's make our way to the main bathroom. We'll find comfort and relaxation in each other's company."

Yuan led the way towards the main bathroom of their grand mansion, a space much larger and more luxurious than their regular bathing area. As they entered the room, the opulence and serenity embraced them, setting the stage for a truly indulgent experience.

Without hesitation, Grace and Lily shed their clothes, standing before Yuan with unabashed confidence. Their nudity held no shame or embarrassment, as they had long grown accustomed to Yuan's gaze, having shared intimate moments together. They stood proudly, their figures on full display, their beauty both ethereal and captivating.

Anna and Emma, however, exhibited a shy and hesitant demeanor as they undressed. Their hands instinctively moved to cover their private parts, their expressions blushing with a mixture of vulnerability and modesty. Despite their shyness, they understood the love and trust that bound them, enabling them to take this step of shared intimacy.

Yuan's eyes traced every contour of their magnificent naked bodies, his gaze filled with appreciation and desire. He couldn't help but be captivated by their otherworldly beauty, a vision that seemed too exquisite to be real. The sight of his mother, Grace, and his elder sister, Lily, standing confidently before him, and his beloved mother, Anna, and his lover, Emma, their shyness only enhancing their allure, stirred a profound sense of connection within him.

He approached Anna and Emma, his voice tender and reassuring. "Mom, Emma, you both are breathtakingly beautiful. There's no need to be shy or cover yourselves. In this intimate moment, let us embrace our vulnerability and trust in the love we share."

Anna's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, but her eyes conveyed a growing sense of trust. "Dear, I... I trust you. I understand that in this family, we can be open and vulnerable with one another."

Emma's voice, laced with a mix of shyness and affection, echoed Anna's sentiment. "I may be nervous, but I want to trust in this love we share. I want to be unguarded with you, Yuan."

Yuan's heart swelled with affection for his two beloveds. He extended his hands gently, guiding theirs away from their bodies. "You both are extraordinary in every way. I want to cherish and appreciate every part of you, just as you do with me."

As their hands lowered, their bodies stood revealed, bared and vulnerable before one another. In that moment, they embraced the beauty and trust that flowed between them, their love transcending physical boundaries.

With their hearts open and their bodies exposed, they immersed themselves in the warm waters of the bath, surrendering to the soothing embrace of the moment. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows upon their intertwined figures, a tableau of intimacy and devotion.

In this sacred space, they shared whispers of affection, gentle caresses, and loving kisses. The barriers that had once held them back gradually dissolved, allowing them to fully embrace their desires, their love intertwining like a delicate dance.

As they soaked in the fragrant water, time seemed to stand still. In the depth of their shared vulnerability and trust, they discovered a profound connection that transcended the physical realm. It was a moment of pure intimacy, where their souls intertwined, bound by love and the unbreakable ties of family.

And so, within the confines of that luxurious bathroom, they reveled in the splendor of their bodies and the depth of their affection, embracing the timeless beauty of their shared love.

And so, as the town buzzed with excitement for the feast, Yuan and his wives reveled in their own sanctuary, sharing in their own private celebration of their. 


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