
Chapter 232 Convincing The Gods

With you are actively pursuing them across the galaxy, he felt the need to buy some time, and have the sages speak to the pantheon in person. Though I know he would not have harmed you, he wanted to restrict your movement, which is a great taboo in our culture, as we are supposed to treat guests with the utmost hospitality..."

Erich was not sure if he fully believed Anubis and his words, but for the sake of showing the man\'s face, he nodded his head and accepted the apology.

"I humbly accept your apology. Now, if you don\'t mind, I would like to speak more about this meeting with the Pantheon."

Anubis sighed and shook his head before expressing his lament towards his current circumstances.

"I am afraid it will not be an easy task to convince the Ennead to aid you in your search. The Sages have long since dug their claws into our society, and I do not have the influence I once had. Perhaps if this event were to have occurred a few millennia ago, I would have been able to wield adequate authority to stamp out their influence, but now... Now I am afraid only you can convince the ennead to turn against the sages."

Erich sighed. He figured it was going to be something like this, and thus, he nodded his head in silence as he accepted Anubis\' words.


Soon enough the time for the meeting was at hand, and Erich gathered in the antechamber along with the representative of the Sage\'s. The man appeared shocked that Erich was standing by his side. Meanwhile each member of the Ennead sat on a gilded throne, on a platform raised above the rest of the room. Ra was the first among them to speak, and he did so with a voice filled with authority.

"You are gathered here before the gods as our guests, to speak your cases. Osiris has sponsored the Sages of the Svartalfheim Federation, while Anubis stands in favor of the Archon of the Aflheim Dominion.

Both wish to gain our favor, and though there is an ancient bond between the Theocracy and the Federation. It has recently come to my attention that the sages have been declared as traitors, and are now fugitives from the law. Thus, preference will be given to the Archon in this debate. Archon Erich Jaeger, you have three minutes to state your case. And then we will here the perspective of the sages. The floor is yours."

Erich bowed respectfully before the "gods" of the Ennead Theocracy, as he spoke of ancient history, or what little he knew of it.

"I would be lying to you all if I said I knew much about your civilization, or your ties to the sages. But as far as I am aware, you have all once visited the homeworld of my people. Earth, a planet which was stolen from us by those less deserving. So, at the very least, I believe there is some connection between us, if not a distant one.

I come to you all today to speak on behalf of my master, Empress Lunaria Asterion. After exposing the sages as colluding together to conspire against the galactic order, she has tasked me, her newest Archon to hunt them down so that I may bring them to justice.

The sages speak of prophecy and fate, as if their visions are destined to occur. But I too have premonitions of the future, and I have drank from the so called "essence of fate" where it was revealed to me that these prophecies which the Sages speak of, are merely potential realities that may occur in the future as the result of all living being\'s actions.

They speak of some grand vision, of a so called Dark Sage who will rise and light the galaxy aflame in his wars of conquest. But what proof do they have of this? And how many other visions of of the future have they rejected to come to this conclusion, ten, a hundred, a thousand, a million?

I apologize, for my lack of understanding in these matters, my lifespan is limited to but two hundred and fifty years. Meanwhile, you who are from more ancient races are destined to live much longer lifes. And because of this, I can not adequately inform you of just how many visions they have rejected as unlikely to occur.

Perhaps this so called Dark Sage will arise as a result of the Sage\'s actions. After all, they have already made at least one attempt on my life, one that was unprovoked. They wielded their so-called prophecies to turn a comrade against me, a man who stabbed my team in the back and tried to kill me. They turned him into a traitor and a criminal. And by doing so, they had nearly plunged the galaxy into a state of total warfare.

If not for me, perhaps even the Great Ennead Theocracy would be burning in the flames of war at this very moment. I do not pretend to know everything about these visions that we, a select few, are gifted with, but I am also unbiased, for I have not been indoctrinated with an ancient and obsolete dogma about how fate guides the universe to a single conclusion.

If you side with me, and agree to hand this man over to my custody, who is a wanted fugitive, and a traitor to his nation. I promise you that I will be able to extract vital information about the whereabouts of his compatriots who are no doubt at this moment, conspiring against the galactic order, that you yourselves, as ancient beings of great renown, helped establish. I thank you for your time and humbly refer to your wisdom in how to proceed."

Anubis grinned when he heard Erich\'s statements, but remained completely silent. He did not wish to interfere in the decisions that his fellow "gods" would come to. As for Osiris he as practically scowling, as he gazed upon the representative of the Sages, as if pleading with the man to make an equally eloquent and humble response.

Unfortunately, the Sages were deeply entrenched in their beliefs, and believes their existence as prophets of fate to an almost cult like level of devotion. The moment Erich had mocked the tenants of his fate, he could not wait to respond to the man by brandishing him as a wicked deceiver. And this is exactly what the Sage did when Ra gave him the floor.

"It is your turn now, Representative of the Sage\'s speak your peace, and let us know of your wisdom."

The Sage\'s eyes were practically popping out of their sockets, and his mouth was frothing, as he spouted out the most vile condemnation of Erich he could fathom. Something which was considered nothing but distasteful in the eyes of the Ennead Pantheon.

"This man is a liar, a deceiver, and an agent of chaos! Do not believe his venomous words! They may seem sweet, but they are laced with poison! He seeks to break the ancient alliance between our two orders, and in doing so bring chaos and destruction to the galaxy!

Scoundrel! Deceiver! Fornicator! Devil! He is the Dark Sage, the one which fate has warned us about for millennia. Even the Great Sages are certain of this! Soon enough, he will coerce the bloody bride to back his wars of conquest, and in doing so set the galaxy of flame. He speaks of our intent to disrupt the galactic order, yet that is his goal!

If you do not execute this man here and now, you and your pantheon will be blamed for all eternity for the bloodshed that shall occur under his reign of terror! Do what is right! Do what fate demands of you and silence this heretic!"

Osiris was practically face palming as he looked upon the Sage as if the man was an utter fool, while Anubis\' grin had so grown wide it was almost demonic. As for the other gods and goddesses of the Ennead Pantheon, they shook their heads. Ultimately, it was Ra who finally spoke, and when he did so, his voiced was filled with authority.

"I must say, I expected more of the Sages. However, both of you have spoken your piece, and thus, we, the gods of Duat, will convene and discuss whose argument was more convincing. When we have come to a decision, you will both be notified. Until then, please continue to enjoy your stay on this sacred world."

The gods then left the antechamber, as did the sage. In fact, only two men remained behind, one of which was Anubis, who looked at Erich as if his hopes were not in vain. He could not help but compliment the silver-haired man.

"Absolutely brilliant. You spoke with humility, you spoke with accuracy, and yet you did so in a way which was intended to blind the sage with rage. And you did it all without revealing your intent to the other gods. Did you see the look on Osiris\' fate? He may try to sway the others, but I am certain that after that display, we shall emerge victorious.

I look forward to speaking with you again. Though you are young, you have a capable mind and a good heart. Please, use my mark to get whatever it is you desire from this world. When we have come to a decision, I will ensure that you are present to bear witness to it."

Erich smiled as he cupped his hand, and bowed his head in deference to the ancient "deity" he then departed from the room, and headed back to the penthouse he had been given for the duration of his stay, where he relayed the good news to his team. As for the "gods" of the Ennead Theocracy, they would have lengthy and rather heated discussion about whom to back in this interstellar dispute.

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