
Chapter 638 - Seductive Charm Causing A Mishap

Chapter 638 - Seductive Charm Causing A Mishap

"The Cosmic Emperor lost his life, but he succeeded in stopping the darkness and sealing it!" The leviathan concluded.

"So Fate won."

Kiba said as he rose to his feet.

"The question is – did it pay a price?"

The leviathan was incapable of answering as it lacked knowledge. Kiba expected this, so he wasn’t disappointed.


Jumping from the leviathan’s head, Kiba stretched his hands and looked in the distance.

Many mutants from Earth were carefully treading the maze while being awestruck by the supreme world that created it. They couldn’t help but envy the beings of that world and the era they lived in. If only they were that lucky.

"It is rather ironic."

Kiba turned back to the leviathan.

"The world everyone here so envies was just a tool for Fate to defeat the darkness."

"...." The leviathan hated the remark, but it didn’t dare retort.

"Furthermore, the beings that were the most supreme of all...now needs to rely on pitiful creatures of a tiny planet to make a comeback."


The leviathan’s pupils cramped in shock.

It was a coward and treasured its life greatly. That was why it didn’t mind divulging what Kiba wanted to know to avoid torture.

But there was one thing it wouldn’t have revealed even if that resulted in a terrifying death. Because even cowards and traitors have something they value more than their life.

And for the leviathan...it was the hope of its homeworld! Something Kiba implied he knew from his last statement!

"You know the purpose of World Fragments?!"

"Well, not fully," Kiba answered with a smile. "But I know about a lot of things, including the real reason why Legacy Orbs exists and the net that covers Earth."

The leviathan hissed in a murderous rage.

This human knew too much! He was a risk to the hope of Celestial Elysian Plane!

"Hmm?" Kiba sensed murderous intent from the leviathan, but he didn’t mind. The leviathan was already defeated by him once, and it lacked the strength to do any real harm to him.


Just then, the leviathan’s body started bloating rapidly, and an overbearing power that almost touched Level IX rippled forth. The power caused natural laws to turn berserk and fall into a chaotic mess.

"You are consuming your lifeforce to summon this power?" Kiba’s eyes flashed with surprise.

"No! I’m burning my entire lifespan!" The leviathan let out a roar and detonated its body. "To take you out with me!"

Kiba was dumbstruck.

Why did this leviathan turn crazy all of a sudden? Could it be an aftereffect of my hammer blow to its head?

The answer Kiba got was a blinding explosion of apocalyptic proportions.

Space shredded to pieces and time squeezed to nothingness. Even the explosion that cracked the fabric of reality was nowhere this frightening. Then again, this explosion was created by the leviathan’s life. Its might could only be imagined.

The instant the explosion occurred, instead of spreading through the maze, it concentrated into an arrow and shot at Kiba.

"If you were a woman with a heaven-defying beauty, I might have even considered, but since you are not – the answer is no! I’m not going out with you!"

Wings emerged from Kiba’s back, and he transformed into his Holy Form. Flapping the wings, he dashed backward. The arrow of explosion followed, bombarding out with elemental force.


Dazzling sparks sputtered while stormy winds brushed past Kiba. The arrow was powerful enough for him to turn serious, even if only a little bit.

"It is time we say goodbye."

Kiba lifted the staff and channeled out power Cosmic.


Elsewhere, mutants and beasts felt the resulting deadly fluctuations. They stared in the distance. Even Katherine turned in that direction to see the source.

Seeing it was the shameless scoundrel, and that too in the form that turned her on not so long ago, she quickly shut her eyes.

"Why are you closing your eyes?" Alan asked his loving wife.

"So that you won’t be NTRed, you stupid fool!"

"..." Alan looked at her with a blank expression. "Just what exactly is this NTR?!"


Katherine refused to explain.


Not every woman behaved as modestly as Katherine.

Some drooled at the sight of an awe-inspiring figure that was destroying the terrifying explosion arrow.

The rest ripped their clothes and squeezed hands between their thighs and b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Some of these women were here with their loving partners. When the men saw what their women were doing, their jaws literally dropped to the floor.

If this was occurring in the comfort of their homes, they would have appreciated the steamy scene that could put professional R-18 videos to shame. But now, they could only grieve.

All because their women were l.u.s.ting after that divine angel!



After destroying the explosion arrow, Kiba lowered the staff.



Breathless m.o.a.ns and seductive gasps entered his ears. Surprised, he turned towards their source and saw nude women.

He even felt hostile gazes, but he didn’t look to check their source as he didn’t want to sully his eyes.

"I’m sorry."

A melodious voice rang in the women’s heads, making their eyes l.u.s.tful eyes clear.

Before they could be embarrassed by their nudity, a power from above materialized clothes on their bodies.

Stunned, they lifted their heads to see the angel they so desired floating before them.

Even though their innate desire for volcanic l.u.s.t was suppressed, they couldn’t help but think - He was just too handsome!

"My charm subconsciously leaked and affected you," Kiba bowed to apologize. "Please forgive me."


The faces of the hostile men paled in shock.

Charm wasn’t a supernatural ability, but an attribute that one acquired. It was just like the demeanor of royalty one acquired when they reached a certain position of power.

For Kiba’s charm to make women delirious with l.u.s.t...it could only mean he has seduced countless women with his skills alone! That was the only possible way to acquire such an attribute!

But was that even possible? Surely not...

"N-no, don’t apologize!" A woman in her mid-twenties requested, much to the annoyance of her boyfriend. "Charm isn’t something that should be sealed in the first place! It is a feature just like our skin color! So, you did no wrong!"

Not every woman agreed with her, but they remained silent. Some of them were Alphas and having witnessed his powers, they knew they couldn’t handle him.

"If one needs to use charm to acquire the favor of a woman, he isn’t worthy of it."

Kiba explained while landing before the woman in her mid-twenties. His action pleasantly surprised her because her looks weren’t worth mentioning.

The other women were startled especially Alphas.

Katherine was far away and moving in another direction, but she observed everything through her perception. Seeing how Kiba was acting with those women, especially the one in her mid-twenties, she snorted and thought – stop being so cheesy! It doesn’t suit you!

The woman in focus was oblivious to the thoughts of others. She only looked at the angel in front of her.

"This is especially true when the woman is beautiful not only outside but inside as well."

Kiba flashed her a breathtaking smile.

He called me beautiful!

The woman thought as she almost stumbled from excitement.

"Thank you for having a beautiful heart that not only forgave the sinner but sin as well."

Kiba said while helping her at the right moment. She regained her balance, and her face flushed from embarrassment.

Seconds passed, and she finally remembered she also has to thank him. She started opening her mouth, but just then, he placed a finger on her lips and stopped her.

"You owe me nothing, but I do. It has been an honor to meet you."

Kiba continued with a polite smile.

"And if I can be frank, I’m going to envy the luckiest man in the universe who gets to stay in your heart."

The woman turned strawberry-red from praise.

Her boyfriend, on the other hand, paled further.

"I don’t feel lucky at all!"

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