The Way of The Dao

Chapter 714 The Former Elders & Masters Have Returned? (2)

"W-who are you? Where is the real owner of that object you have?"

Heng Jiming\'s voice faltered slightly at first, quickly recomposing himself as he asked Ling Tian becoming increasingly serious. A superior and haughty aura clearly emanated from him, wanting to assert his authority and presence before Ling Tian and trying to intimidate him. His other subordinates watched silently, but their cultivation essences flowed silently awaiting orders.

Ling Tian\'s expression remained unperturbed by Heng Jiming\'s deliberate pressure. His gaze shifted slightly to the Shadow Talisman of Lu Wuhu hanging at his waist, which was pointed out by this man.

Some time ago when they were all finally arriving at the Beyond Above The Heaven Sect, Ling Tian was very curious and wanted to see for himself the place his disciples had created. But knowing that his presence would attract a lot of trouble, he asked Lu Wuhu for some object of identification to avoid all these problems for the most part. Lu Wuhu commented to him that they had no tokens or special objects so to speak that would identify them since there was no need in the past, as they were all the only leaders of the sect and were known to all the members. But Lu Wuhu also understood Ling Tian\'s thinking and the only thing he could give him was his own Shadow Talisman that he had been tempering and refining all his life, being a characteristic object of his.

When he obtained the Shadow Talisman Ling Tian smiled mischievously and disappeared from the flying ship, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

From this, a long time had already passed. Ling Tian silently walked through all the places, concealing his presence as he quietly observed every structure and place he came to. But halfway through, Ling Tian noticed several strange patterns that caught his attention, especially in the areas and array patterns; thus, Ling Tian began to change each and every formation, also going so far as to create mini formations around the spiritual herbs so that they would get faster and better growth. In addition, he also noticed some strange places, as well as the tense and strange atmosphere in the place, very lonely and abandoned, with many disciples cultivating behind closed doors, with almost no presence outside their residences.

All went mysteriously well until he came to this place where there were only female disciples, breaking his spell on himself once his presence was gradually grasped with the number of women increasing. Ling Tian paid no attention to the women despite the large group that saw him, concentrating on continuing to care for and arrange the formations around the spiritual plants, finally confronting this guy who seemed to have a distinguished status.

"All you need to know is that you\'d better stop what you\'ve been doing all this time." Ling Tian replied indifferently, looking between Heng Jiming and then towards the group of women behind them, sighing helplessly inside. Clearly Ling Tian understood the situation from a few moments ago; in every cultivation world, whether it was in this world, the lower planes and even in the Immortal Realm there was this kind of intimidation. Weak cultivators would always be the prey of the powerful, being humiliated and attacked.

Although many times Ling Tian ignored the weak in the past because he was not so powerful back then and could not afford to attract trouble for himself, this time he would not close his eye to this; especially when this place clearly was the Sect that his disciples had made.

It seemed that this place was somewhat different from what Lu Wuhu had told him earlier, so he wouldn\'t mind helping clean up to take out some trash.

"How dare you talk back to the young master like that? Show more respect!"

Suddenly, one of the men who appeared to be about 40 years old in appearance shouted angrily toward Ling Tian.


However, Heng Jiming raised his hand and stopped him from speaking further. His gaze narrowed towards Ling Tian as hatred and anger filled his pupils, but still keeping his conscience clear. Heng Jiming knew that he could not allow himself to get out of control at this moment until he made sure that Lu Wuhu was not here.

Moreover, a slight strange shiver ran down his spine at the sight of this guy\'s jet black eyes, as if he couldn\'t hide his darkest secrets and his soul was exposed before him!

"How come you have the Shadow Talisman of Elder Lu Wuhu? Where is he? What happened to him? Lu Wuhu is here?"

Heng Jiming asked again, this time raising his voice a little higher with a stern tone, trying to get rid of the chill. His aura increased slightly, pressing Ling Tian. He didn\'t think this guy younger than him was more powerful.

Ling Tian slightly lifted the corner of his mouth, feeling the different auras on his body trying to suppress him. But to him it was nothing more than mere wisps of wind.

However, when he heard the last question, he frowned and his indifferent gaze cooled slightly.

"Shouldn\'t you respect your elders? Elder Lu is a powerhouse at the top of the world while you are barely a cultivator at the Golden Core Stage, so you should be more respectful." Ling Tian said with a serious tone, questioning Heng Jiming. He wanted to verify some things, so he paid attention to every detail on Heng Jiming looking for something different.

Ling Tian knew from a bit of information from Lu Wuhu that there were not really any young masters of their sect and, that likewise there were not many official hierarchies since none of them planned to promote towards a major sect. The little what Ling Tian knew about the famous disciples were the two Xuanyuan brothers, being recognized as the young masters by their own fellow disciples but there was nothing official.

Knowing the personality of his grand disciple Xuanyuan Ling, Ling Tian knew that she would not be very interested in this kind of attention. And it seemed that even though Xuanyuan Haoyun was the opposite of his older sister, he still had an awareness about these matters as well.

"You..." The vein on Heng Jiming\'s forehead grew for a moment, holding back his inner anger when he heard Ling Tian\'s humiliating words.

He was the current young master of this sect! Especially when his elder brother was away! His father was the first elder of the place, so when had he ever encountered someone who didn\'t give him any face?!

But Heng Jiming restrained himself. His priority right now was to let his father know that someone had appeared who had Lu Wuhu\'s Shadow Talisman, so there was a probability that Lu Wuhu was dead since it was a personal item and he would not give anyone away or, worst case scenario, he was still alive and was back!

"Don\'t you know who he is? He is the young master of the entire sect! His father is the First Elder and almost Sect Master!"

One of the men who seemed to be the closest to Heng Jiming yelled angrily towards Ling Tian, releasing more of his aura and trying to suppress him.

"Looks like you\'re a new disciple! Even if you have a background, you have to be respectful to him if you don\'t want to be expelled from the sect!"

"The Hall of Discipline will be your second home if you don\'t apologize right now!"

"Yeah! If you don\'t show respect you\'ll regret it!"

The insults were quickly coming together, looking at Ling Tian as if he was a weak prey. But despite the scoldings and exclamations, none of them took a step to suppress Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian simply stared straight at Heng Jiming, not caring about the others.

The other men glared angrily at Ling Tian but still somewhat fearful, unwilling to really move forward. The shadow of Lu Wuhu\'s presence somehow made them hesitate without a doubt.

Even Heng Jiming could not help but think twice whether to actually attack Ling Tian to take him to his father and ask about Lu Wuhu and the others, but if Lu Wuhu was in this place then they would not stand a chance. Lu Wuhu\'s presence made Heng Jiming completely uncomfortable, making him fall into thoughts of what to do.

The atmosphere quickly became tense, with nervousness and hesitation about whether to actually attack Ling Tian.

"If you really are some important disciple of Lu Wuhu, then you will have no problem if you can enlighten me a little..."

Making a decision, Heng Jiming let go of the last hesitation and said. His aura gradually rose, not so fast but not slow either, as he focused on Ling Tian and began to suppress him. His cultivation essence flowed out with great steadiness, preparing to make some move.

Ling Tian remained silent without making any movement, even his face remained unchanged. Clearly he understood what this so-called young master wanted to do.

"Heng Jiming! If you dare to do anything wrong to this junior brother you will regret it!" A majestic voice, slightly trembling but with firm resolve broke the tense atmosphere.

Hong Xian\'er, Pang Wuya and all the women had appeared a few meters away, directing firm gazes towards Heng Jiming and the others!

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