The Way of The Dao

Chapter 695 Are You Enjoying Getting Us More Sisters?

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows before smiling and looking at the source.

Yun Mengxin blinked slightly in confusion before smiling at him as she shrugged faintly. Her cultivation base was beginning to pulse, indicating that very soon she would break through the next barrier to make a breakthrough!

Long Yuyin, Mu Shuiruo, Tang Wanying and Zhang Xinya looked at Yun Mengxin in surprise, realizing that her cultivation was advancing by leaps and bounds. Not long ago they had broken through to the Great Ascension state and stabilized their bases at the Early Stage, while again Yun Mengxin had broken through and was already about to reach the Late Stage of the Great Ascension realm!

Shan Qingwu, Nalan Ziqing, Xuanyuan Ling, Xue Ning, Xi Fei, Ning Xiaoyi, Gao Xue, Gao Yue, Zhen Bingluo, Gu Yan and Zhao Yu also could not help but be surprised when they felt this faint pulse belonging to Yun Mengxin. They could assure that this little energy was very powerful and Yun Mengxin had a stable and powerful base!

Ling Tian smiled upon seeing Yun Mengxin. The soul, power and lineage of the legendary divine Ice Phoenix in her was undoubtedly the momentum of her cultivation, an endless source of power that made her stronger with every passing second even without cultivation.

"Sis Yinyin, big sister is getting stronger. We have to be very strong like her and all the big sisters too!"

"Yes, sis Shasha! We too must not disappoint Master either!"

Qing Sha and Lan Yin looked with surprise and then with several competitive smiles towards Yun Mengxin, clenching their adorable little fists as they realized that of these big sisters of theirs were getting stronger and stronger. The little white fox only wagged her fluffy white tail calmly as she lay on Qing Sha\'s shoulder, watching everyone in the place.

Ling Tian patted their heads adorably. Lan Yin\'s cultivation surprisingly was about to enter the Great Ascension realm, while more surprisingly Qing Sha had a cultivation base at the Middle Stage of the Separation and Reunion realm.

Most likely, that mysterious woman had helped Lan Yin and Qing Sha increase their cultivation bases by allowing them to consume all those grasses, essences and other natural treasures in that unknown place.

"Great Sister Mengxin, we have a place with several Chi Gathering and Star Soul Gathering formations..."

"So it could help you advance more smoothly and break through! All of you can also go in!"

Suddenly, Gao Xue and Gao Yue approached Yun Mengxin and looked at her with big smiles, complementing their own dialogues to each other. They then proceeded to look at Zhang Xinya and other women with smiles. Although they had managed to return to their Master after such a long time of longing and waiting, and especially to see that he was accompanied, none of the three were in a hurry for the first time to be near their beloved Master; now time was what was left over, distance and longing was no longer a problem and they had a whole indefinite time to know what their Master had done, as well as to get closer in their relationships and especially to have more opportunities in relation towards their desires and feelings in their hearts. But now they had a great opportunity and they were not going to waste it...

Ling Tian and Yun Mengxin were a little surprised to hear the form of address of these two twin women.

"Alright. I\'ll bother you with this." Yun Mengxin smiled slightly with some amusement as she realized their words and saw through the two of them. Despite the hidden intentions of these Ling Tian female disciples, Yun Mengxin knew that there were no malicious intentions in them and they only sincerely wanted to help her.

"I will catch up with you later, my great husband." Yun Mengxin gave Ling Tian a gentle kiss in the form of apology but full of love before leaving with Gao Xue and Gao Yue. She knew there were many things Ling Tian needed to do, but she could not accompany him without first breaking properly and not being a burden.

"Honey, I will also study about the previous formation, I think I already begin to understand about how to do it."

Tang Wanying also came over and just like Yun Mengxin she also kissed Ling Tian lovingly, apologizing also in her heart. It was mainly that she had an idea and hunch to advance her own knowledge and did not want to always depend on her husband to do everything, to be a burden to him and her sisters; although she had a lot of materials and information about all kinds of formations and their foundations that were given to her by Ling Tian, she also wanted to contribute her own strength and knowledge and help him in whatever he needed. Tang Wanying even wanted to see if she could make a special recovery formation intended for Ling Tian so that he could recover.

"You\'ve really saved yourself for now." Zhang Xinya walked over as she smiled charmingly and seductively at him before saying, "But I will also stay, my beloved hubby, I feel that I will also be able to break through if I cultivate a little more~"

Zhang Xinya gave him another big kiss again before licking her own lips as her beautiful eyes sparkled with charm and cunning, with a charming smile. Zhang Xinya also felt that she could break through to the next stage with a little more effort, but she also wanted to become stronger and not let only Yun Mengxin be in the lead, she also wanted to prove her worth and position before Ling Tian!

"Yinyin also wants to cultivate, Master!"

"Shasha too! I believe I will be able to advance to the other stage and become stronger!"

Lan Yin and Qing Sha also exclaimed and walked towards Ling Tian, looking at him with expectation and anticipation.

Ling Tian couldn\'t help but be a little surprised to hear for the first time that these two girls so attached to him chose to cultivate first rather than go with him. But despite that, he smiled calmly and nodded.

"It\'s alright, girls. Go with your big sisters and listen to them, don\'t be mischievous. If you get bored or can\'t cultivate properly you can help your big sister Wanying if she agrees." Ling Tian patted both their heads adorably, to which Lan Yin and Qing Sha nodded happily before running over and taking Zhang Xinya\'s soft hands and following Yun Mengxin, Gao Xue and Gao Yue. The little white fox on Qing Sha\'s shoulder jumped towards Zhang Xinya, as if it was always keeping an eye on Lan Yin and Qing Sha as it cast glances towards Ling Tian and then follow these two little girls.


"You girls go too. The most important thing in my heart is for you girls to recover. If you want to help me, then I need you to do that."

Ling Tian smiled at Gu Yan\'s pout and patted her head and Zhao Yu\'s head as well.

"Alright, Master!"

The next moment, Zhao Yu boldly hugged Ling Tian before leaving with Zhen Bingluo. Gu Yan was also not far behind and hugged Ling Tian before reluctantly parting ways and going with her martial sisters. Although they both wanted to stay with Ling Tian, they were aware of their injuries and that they did not have their full strength, so they might just be a burden to their Master and the two of them did not want that.

Ling Tian watched several women leave when the next moment he stretched out his arms and boldly hugged Long Yuyin and Mu Shuiruo!

"You two stay with me. Your sisters have already abandoned me and I won\'t let you two do it too~" Ling Tian chuckled slyly and naughtily.

"Husband." Long Yuyin and Mu Shuiruo blushed and nodded at Ling Tian, especially Mu Shuiruo with a rather noticeable blush.

Ling Tian could see that Mu Shuiruo intended to stay as well and probably continue practicing alchemy, while Long Yuyin would try to cultivate or practice her moves. Although he would not interfere with their decisions and force them into things they did not want, he had some plans in mind that would be beneficial to the two of them at this time.

"Do you two want to come or are you going to study everything about the inheritance you obtained?"

Ling Tian looked at Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei, asking them what the two women wanted to do. He wanted to go see Daihuang Guan at the alchemy association, with the probability that he could find grasses and natural treasures for his recovery, or at least create a special pill.

"We will study the techniques of the swords, Ling Tian..."

"Ehm, and then we\'ll have more options to help you."

Ning Xiaoyi and Xi Fei slowly replied, their gazes falling on Mu Shuiruo and Long Yuyin at Ling Tian\'s sides as their cheeks also gradually blushed. Their hearts were already at ease but with immeasurable joy at being accepted by Ling Tian, so they wanted to prove that they were great women and therefore had to learn and study well the heritage they both had. Although they were expert cultivators at the pinnacle of this world, they now knew that the great Immortal World existed and even Ling Tian had reached an unimaginable position, so they had to try much harder.

"It\'s okay, you two don\'t have to worry. This is your home from now on as well and you can stay here." Ling Tian nodded with a smile towards both women which he had reciprocated, the place where he was staying was big and spacious enough, and even more so that he now saw that his disciples had made several arrangements. He somewhat understood the pressure Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi feel having received the information from the Immortal Realm.

Both beautiful women nodded before hesitating for a second when the next moment Ning Xiaoyi walked over and boldly kissed on Ling Tian\'s cheek before quickly leaving with a beautiful and attractive blushing face.

Ling Tian was stunned when the next moment another pair of soft and cool yet conveying sweetness and affection lips stuck on his other cheek. His gaze shifted and he saw Xi Fei also giving her a kiss in the same way as Ning Xiaoyi and leaving quietly, but he could clearly notice a blush on her cheeks that she was trying to go unnoticed and her steps gradually quickening.

Both Xi Fei and Ning Xiaoyi walked towards Gao Yue, who had unexpectedly stood waiting for them having heard them say that they would stay while her twin sister was with Yun Mengxin, Zhang Xinya and Tang Wanying. Zhen Bingluo took Zhao Yu and Gu Yan to another special room.

"Are you enjoying getting us more sisters?"

Long Yuyin asked with a mischievous and direct smile. Mu Shuiruo also looked at him with some questioning.

Ling Tian had forgotten that Long Yuyin was almost equally as jealous as Zhang Xinya, and Mu Shuiruo was starting to be more confident and direct as well!

"I promise I\'ll make it up to all of you." Ling Tian smiled guiltily before squeezing his arms tighter and wrapping both women in his embrace to his body, feeling their soft and exquisite heavenly bodies.

Although he had broken his promise in the end, Ling Tian would make sure to make it up to his beloved wives, even more so that there were now two more women who entered his heart as well, bringing back his feelings from the past.

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