The Way of The Dao

Chapter 652 This Is For You, Master!

"Because of the rumor that Master had fallen a long time ago, some enemies arose and tried to seek us out and take away everything we had. Because according to Master being the world\'s number one superpower, you would have an immeasurable and rich inheritance, many tried to attack us either in groups or separately in order to get our belongings." Gu Yan added with an icy voice and a serious look that seemed to burst into killing intent at any moment.

"But there were also some who came out to defend us, Master. People who worshipped Master or were once helped sided with us and helped us several times." Zhao Yu added seriously again. Her eyes showed a casual look similar to Ling Tian, but there was also a coldness and calmness in them.

Ling Tian casually looked into the air and looked up slightly. Immortal Monarchs and Emperors were the top powerhouses in the Immortal realm only below the Great Supremes!

There would always be greedy and evil people waiting for any opportunity. Ling Tian would personally take care of it once he ascended to the Immortal World. He did not consider himself a good person who would forgive anything. His past as the infamous Dragon King that no one knew about was proof of that.

"And how was it that you ended up being attacked by the Shadow Supreme, Han Lushuo?" Ling Tian recalled the power of the black shadows that only Han Lushuo could make. Although they were powerful to his current cultivation and it should be impossible for him to eliminate them, they were still weak compared to Han Lushuo\'s direct power, which made him hesitate.

Although Ling Tian did not find it strange that his disciples were attacked by Han Lushuo because of their accounts with him, he still found it strange that he himself personally attacked and not his disciples and followers under his command.

The state of a Great Supreme is horrible, especially if they decide to make a move... they could affect the balance of the current world the most.

"It was Feng Heng, Master. The Shadow Supreme did not appear in person." Gu Yan replied as she recalled what had happened a few moments ago, attracting Ling Tian\'s attention and said, "Feng Heng had an immortal weapon in which contained some of the Shadow Supreme\'s power and could execute it himself, and although it was not as powerful as the person in presence, we had to use and sacrifice many extreme grade immortal defensive treasures to resist. But it was still horrible and we couldn\'t do much to defend ourselves in the end..." Gu Yan clenched her delicate and tender hands in helplessness as she recalled how her senior martial brothers did everything to defend Zhao Yu and her so that they could enter the space crack while being besieged by countless cultivators. Although the force that hit them was very weak and they could have eliminated them with their current cultivation, they had sacrificed a lot of power and were in crisis.

"I see." A cold and low voice was heard.

Finally, Ling Tian understood why these shadows on their bodies as well as the shadow sword attack that chased Gu Yan and Zhao Yu through the space crack were weak and could be countered with their current cultivation power. If Han Lushuo himself had attacked, even an Immortal Emperor at the peak would not be able to survive for long against these shadows. Not even Ling Tian would have a way to counter the shadows on Zhao Yu and Gu Yan\'s bodies unless he used the mysterious power of the Sacred Heavenly Scriptures, but he did not know if it would be enough with its current power...


Gu Yan suddenly exclaimed in surprise as she remembered something. Zhao Yu also noticed it.

What\'s wrong?

Ling Tian wanted to ask when he heard Gu Yan say, "I have no shadow destructive power presence!"

"Master..." Zhao Yu was also surprised when she checked her body and found no strange presence at all. Although her meridians were somewhat cracked and she had burned a lot of immortal essence and blood essence, she was out of danger!

Feng Heng had used his immortal weapon and attacked them all, so they suffered serious injuries in the end. But despite this, they still managed to break through the space-time rift.

The power of the Shadow Supreme was nothing to take lightly; its power could even last for as long inside the enemies until it ended their lives from within. The power of a Great Supreme was terrifying...

But seeing Ling Tian really alive and feeling that he was not an illusion, Zhao Yu and Gu Yan forgot about everything including themselves; the presence and proof that Ling Tian was alive, as well as an immense and indescribable happiness, were the only things that filled their consciousness.

Zhao Yu and Gu Yan quickly looked at Ling Tian and smiled gratefully. A happy and love-filled expression painted their beautiful faces. After all, who else but Ling Tian could have gotten rid of these horrible forces they had been hit with?

Their Master would always help them and save them from even the most hopeless situation! They would always feel at peace and protected being near him, so they would unconsciously lower their guards and simply behave differently with Ling Tian unlike the others!

"You really need to be punished for not caring about yourselves." Ling Tian smiled with a hint of mischief. That these two women didn\'t even care about themselves and only kept him in their consciences at the moment happily sweetened his heart. But he was also a little annoyed that they didn\'t care about their own well being.

Zhao Yu and Gu Yan smiled happily but then a blush colored their cheeks when they heard what Ling Tian had said.

"And your older brothers? Little Kai? Little Ling? Little Wenqian? Little Zem?" Ling Tian asked about his other disciples. If Zhao Yu and Gu Yan were in such a situation before they came to this world, the other boys should be the same.

"Big brothers helped the two of us pass through the rift that had formed while they were stopping Feng Heng and the others." Gu Yan replied, remembering the last thing before parting ways with her senior martial brothers.

"But they will be fine, Master. We prepared many routes and ways of escape on the spot. Since we knew that what we were going to do would attract unwanted guests and we could not go unnoticed, we prepared for everything." Zhao Yu added at once, wanting to calm the worry in Ling Tian as she noticed his frown in regard to his senior martial brothers who had stayed behind.

Zhao Yu and Gu Yan also had concerns about their senior martial brothers. But knowing of all the escape routes and ways they thought of and prepared, the worry was less and they were confident in their senior martial brothers that they would be fine.

"Fine." Ling Tian also couldn\'t help but sigh upon hearing this. His concern for both his male disciples and these female disciples were the same; each of them is his beloved disciple and family member, so he didn\'t want anything bad to happen to them.

But a glimmer of happiness and pride welled up even more in his heart. These kids had really grown up and were not just children! Their abilities and thoughts to cover everything showed the maturity they had attained!

A Master and two female Disciples met again and talked about many things for an indeterminate amount of time. Ling Tian sat on one of the beds and listened quietly and with a gentle smile to Zhao Yu and Gu Yan talk about what had happened all this time in the Immortal World after his supposed death.

Zhao Yu and Gu Yan, each on either side of Ling Tian, talked happily while behaving like little girls. They even moved happily around and in front of Ling Tian while explaining some things, sometimes dancing happily with spectacular smiles, as if both women wanted to show some moves or techniques to their Master, or simply because happiness overwhelmed them and they could not sit still as their hearts were excited. Gu Yan and Zhao Yu let out the worries and relief from their hearts, feeling a peace and tranquility they had not felt in a long time.

"Sis Yan\'er, take that out!"

Almost immediately, Zhao Yu\'s mind seemed to remember something as she turned to look at Gu Yan and said, making possible reference to something.

Gu Yan was stunned for a moment before understanding and quickly nodded to Zhao Yu. Rising up and approaching in front of Ling Tian, her faint spiritual sense searched her exquisite fine storage ring before withdrawing something from within.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrow full of curiosity when he saw Gu Yan pull out what looked like a special small wooden box, which was reinforced with various seals and patterns on its surface.

Gu Yan and Zhao Yu quickly undid the patterns by making a few seals with their soft and slender fingers. A faint, small spiritual energy flowed out from them enveloping the small wooden box as at once the patterns disappeared and the small cover was opened.

The room was soon filled with an incredible exuberant vitality that even began to slowly heal the internal wounds of both women.

"This is..." Ling Tian couldn\'t help but be surprised when he felt the rich vitality coming from inside the small wooden box.

""This is for you, Master!""

Zhao Yu and Gu Yan smiled happily and together handed the small wooden box to Ling Tian as their expressions showed anticipation and high expectations.

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