The Way of The Dao

Chapter 588 Li Fengyuan's Heavenly Tribulation

Ling Tian smiled amusedly towards Li Fengyuan, urging her to move.

Li Fengyuan quickly stepped out of the formation and positioned herself in a spacious area away from the formation they were in.

Her cultivation essence flowed quickly as her consciousness ached slightly, as if something began to move in her. Her cultivation technique was executed quickly as well, drawing in much more energy from around her and concentrating on her golden core.

Ling Tian sent out his spirit sense and directed some of the spiritual energy from the formation towards Li Fengyuan, so that she would not lack the Chi to break through.

"What you are going to face right now will be your first heavenly tribulation, the first of many to come."

Ling Tian\'s voice reached towards Li Fengyuan, nodding firmly as she focused on circulating her cultivation technique and concentrating on breaking through.

"This heavenly tribulation will test both your strength, endurance, mentality and over, your heart. It will try to make you fall, to make you doubt, to make you hesitate, to make you afraid, to make you nervous so that you will fail and not move forward, but that is where you must move forward steadily without hesitation."

"The heavenly tribulation is the test that every cultivator must go through if they want to keep advancing, if they want to reach the top of the world and become powerful!"

"This level is also where you will officially enter the Nascent Soul realm, where you will have to transform your Golden Core into an embryo and break it to have your own Nascent Soul, which will be of use to you for many things in the future. Moreover, it is also in this realm where you can officially open your Knowledge Sea, which will be the place where you can store your memories, practice techniques, movements and so on without the need to do it in reality. This Knowledge Sea will also be a means to attack in a battle and much more."

Ling Tian explained to Li Fengyuan in a nutshell the step she was about to take. He didn\'t know if Li Fengyuan knew the basics of this realm, so he decided to tell her these things.


"I need you to fully concentrate on facing your heavenly tribulation, I know that you alone can make it. You don\'t need to worry whether I will help you or not, with me you will not fall."

Ling Tian lifted the corner of his mouth and looked at Li Fengyuan, urging her not to worry. It was common knowledge that anyone going through heavenly tribulation needed someone else to help them.

But Li Fengyuan only shook her head and said, "It\'s not that, Master. I just wanted to say, thank you!" Li Fengyuan smiled and closed her eyes, concentrating on her cultivation technique as her cheeks blushed charmingly and a shy feeling covered her body.

Ling Tian narrowed his eyes before letting out a small laugh.

"This girl..."

* Boom! *

Lightning flashed across the sky and an arc of 9 lightning bolts fell in the direction towards Li Fengyuan. These lightning bolts were the size of babies\' arms, somewhat small but long, carrying a monstrous and terrifying destructive energy.


The lightning bolts fell on Li Fengyuan one by one, who clenched her teeth tightly and circulated her cultivation essence over her meridians, feeling the horrible impact and devastating power of these lightning bolts. A few small wounds on her body formed, but Li Fengyuan ignored them and continued to concentrate.

The golden core in her body began to spin with incredible speed, attracting as much energy as it could and even absorbing a small part of the energy of the rays, changing from a bright golden color to a transparent one slowly.

Her spirit also began to ache, as if something in her consciousness began to stir as thin strands of energy gathered in it.

"Concentrate on breaking through first! Once you achieve that, it will be easier for you to open your Knowledge Sea!"

Ling Tian shouted, reaching Li Fengyuan\'s consciousness quickly.

The second arc of lightning struck and again another 9 lightning bolts fell on Li Fengyuan, these being slightly larger than the previous ones.

The lightning struck Li Fengyuan fiercely, creating yet more wounds on her body. Her meridians cracked slightly as the cultivation essence circulated insanely, hitting that barrier harder and harder which prevented her from breaking through.

Li Fengyuan frowned, finally feeling pain but not giving up, circulating her cultivation essence faster, ignoring the pain in her consciousness and what was happening in her. The barrier to the next level seemed to become weaker and weaker, as if on the next strike she could finally break it.

The third wave of lightning struck without giving Li Fengyuan time to wait, also bringing with it 9 lightning bolts slightly larger and fiercer than the previous arc.

Li Fengyuan groaned in pain, her clothes ripped and wounds on her body appeared.

* Crack! *

The faint sound of a leaf being torn was heard inside Li Fengyuan\'s body, feeling shocked for an instant before her cultivation essence flowed freely with much more speed, carrying a much larger amount than before and bringing with it a free and new feeling.

The barrier to the Nascent Soul was broken and the golden core that had transformed into an embryo opened as well, drawing in an unimaginable amount of energy!

"This is..."

Li Fengyuan blinked in a daze before taking a deep breath and feeling as if she was reborn, with a sense of euphoria and well-being that she had never felt before!

It was as if an imperceptible layer fell from her eyes and she could see the world more clearly!

The feeling in her body that she could absorb energy from anywhere was clearer and lighter!

Cultivation essence flowed freely in her meridians, which seemed slightly larger and stronger, repairing the small cracks that were there before. The quantity and quality of cultivation essence were also significant, giving Li Fengyuan the feeling of having a much greater and more powerful strength.

Li Fengyuan looked into her Dantian and could see a mini her in that place, as if she was another being, but feeling like she was herself when they saw each other, as if they were the same consciousness.

"Congratulations, you\'ve made it into the Nascent Soul realm."

Ling Tian\'s voice reached Li Fengyuan, bringing her out of her euphoric state.


Li Fengyuan turned to see Ling Tian who was smiling at her, which she also smiled gratefully and happily that she had broken through.

"Now, with the remaining 6 arcs of your heavenly tribulation, try to open your Knowledge Sea."

As Ling Tian\'s voice came, the fourth wave of lightning struck down.

Li Fengyuan nodded and even ignored the arc of lightning that was heading towards her. The energy she gathered quickly recovered and healed her injuries from the moment, even making her body stronger little by little. The power of the heavenly tribulation rays could no longer cause her any harm now that she had broken through.

Li Fengyuan focused her spirit on her consciousness, gathering every strand of spiritual energy in it.

"First, attract only one strand of spiritual energy. No matter if it disappears from your sight, you keep it with you and don\'t let go of it while trying to attract another strand of spiritual energy."

"Try to have three points of spiritual energy."

Ling Tian\'s soft voice reached Li Fengyuan\'s consciousness, guiding her in the formation of her Knowledge Sea.

Li Fengyuan listened attentively to Ling Tian\'s instructions as she carefully did what she heard.

She somewhat awkwardly picked up a small strand of spiritual energy and held it, causing a light from that spiritual energy to illuminate before disappearing. Li Fengyuan did not despair remembering Ling Tian\'s words. Then, her spirit attracted another strand of spiritual energy, with two lights illuminating at once. The third light lit up as it brought in another strand of spiritual energy, getting three lights to illuminate the dark space in Li Fengyuan\'s consciousness.

"Good. Now, with those three strands of spiritual energy, try to infuse your consciousness into them and attract as much spiritual energy as you can..."

Ling Tian\'s voice came right after Li Fengyuan got the three strands of spiritual energy, startling her instantly.

Ling Tian could clearly see into her consciousness directly?

Putting that issue aside, Li Fengyuan concentrated again.

Her spirit focused on those three strands of spiritual energy and began to attract spiritual energy.

Slowly, that dark place lit up with three lights, which was followed by four, and then five, just like that, starting to have many bright spots little by little.

Li Fengyuan let out a sigh after a long time when a small river of spiritual energy which became a tiny lake about 3 meters in diameter formed in her Knowledge Sea. She looked at herself and realized that she had a ghostly form at this moment, clearly resembling her appearance from the outside.

Then, different types of energy startled her slightly as they began to gather in her Knowledge Sea.

"Those are your memories of your entire life, as well as the experience and sensations you have gained up to this moment. All of that will be stored in this place."

A familiar voice came and Li Fengyuan looked to the side of her, finding a ghostly figure of Ling Tian that looked like her.


Li Fengyuan was startled and a blush formed, creating a small storm in her consciousness sea as she felt nervous. She was nervous at the thought of Ling Tian being able to see all her memories and feelings!

Before Li Fengyuan could think of anything else, the spiritual energy of the place attacked Ling Tian, who only waved his hand gently and the place calmed down.

"I\'m sorry!"

Li Fengyuan quickly apologized having let her own Knowledge Sea attack Ling Tian as it thought he was an enemy. She quickly tried to calm down to keep the place under control. But Li Fengyuan was still somewhat nervous and shy.

"I should be the one to apologize." Ling Tian shook his head with a smile full of apology and said, "I didn\'t want to intrude too much into your consciousness sea, but I just wanted to explain some things to you and that you wouldn\'t be surprised by everything that would be happening in this place."


Ling Tian smiled before speaking again.

"Congratulations, Fengyuan. You are now officially a cultivator in the Nascent Soul realm."

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