The Way of The Dao

Chapter 515 Nightmare Valley

Ling Tian looked at the old book in his hand. He hadn\'t put it away, so without thinking he had it in his hand when he went out to see these guys and ask him about what world this was. He hadn\'t even read the first page to begin with.

"Young Master Feng?!"

Instantly, another guard who also had an emblem of a star and a sword on his chest shouted in surprise, looking at Ling Tian in shock, scanning him from head to toe. The other guard who had approached first reached Ling Tian and circled around him several times, looking shocked as if he couldn\'t believe it.

"Yes it\'s you, Young Master!" The Feng family guard finally spoke with a gleaming look, as if he had just met the person he hadn\'t seen for a long time!

"I can\'t believe you\'re still alive, Young Master! Where have you been all this time?" The other guard from the same Feng family asked similarly surprised and stunned as he moved unconsciously, grabbing Ling Tian\'s shoulders and scanning him completely several times.

\'Young Master Feng? They\'re definitely mistaking me for someone else...\' Ling Tian thought to himself as he flashed a poker face.

"How do you know that he is the missing Young Master of the Feng family?" However, one of the guards asked with some confusion, not believing that this young man really was the young master of the grand Feng family. He had disappeared more than 5 years ago!

"By our Young Master\'s personal book." The guard pointed to the old book Ling Tian held in his hand, quickly beginning to show an expression of excitement and more, "Young Master would always carry his personal book with him, he would never lose it! That is the proof that he is our Young Master!"

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, curiously looking at the old book in his hands.

"Besides, our Young Master was the most handsome young man in Ronchen City!" The other guard spoke with an enthusiastic face as well, adding, "Although he has clearly changed totally as he has grown and looks as if he is someone else evidently, he still has some shades of when he was younger!" The guard looked every inch Ling Tian\'s face, as if he was sure that he is their young master.

The others looked with surprise and watched Ling Tian\'s face in detail, remembering the appearance of the missing genius of the Feng family and trying to compare it with that of the young man in front of them.

"Now that you say so, I can still see some small traces of his face when he was younger." One of the guards put his hand to his chin, speaking with a thoughtful expression as he scanned Ling Tian. The others nodded as well, as if they were beginning to believe that this person was the young master who disappeared long ago.

Ling Tian did not say a word, his gaze watching each of them as well, especially the two guards who had approached and exclaimed that he was their missing Young Master. Ling Tian also noticed the emblem on their robes and it was easy for him to relate it to the emblem on the book in his hand.

"How do you know I\'m your Young Master?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, showing a confused expression along with a small smirk.

"Young Master, you would never leave your personal diary." The guard pointed to the book and said, "Even if it got dirty or broken, you would repair it again but you would never exchange it for another one."

Everyone knew about the care and dedication Young Master Feng had for his personal diary, this item had been left to him by his late mother!

"Besides, the last time we saw you, it was that you entered this place alone on your own and left no trace behind." The other guard added. The last time they had seen this young man he was barely between 15 and 16 years old and had entered this place, and then mysteriously disappeared.

* Sigh *

Ling Tian sighed and finally said, "I\'m not your Young Master, but would you help me a little in telling me where I am." No longer wanting to continue with this drama, Ling Tian wanted to know what this place was and if this world was a Cultivation World.

"Young Master!" However, one of the two guards of the Feng family shook his head and said with some concern, "Stop making jokes, it\'s been a long time since we heard from you or what had happened to you. Even your father left the Patriarch\'s seat and had been searching for you for a long time."

Ling Tian frowned, did he really look a bit like that Young Master of their family? It seemed that rather than acknowledging him, they were attaching more importance to the small book in his hand.

"Unless..." The other guard looked up in surprise and asked, "Don\'t you remember who you are, Young Master?"

Could it be that Young Master has lost his memory?

That could be why he didn\'t recognize the two of them! Let alone remember his real identity!

And especially adding the fact that this Young Master had become a cripple, there is even more reason for him to have lost his memory. Most people would go crazy if they became cripples, especially when they had great strength and were above others. There are some who have lost their memory and have no recollection of who they were...

Observing the indifferent look of this person in front of them, as well as a body with no Chi at all, they understood that this must have been the case.

The guards sighed with regret and disappointment; such a Heaven\'s genius that is only seen every 10 generations had become like this...

Obviously, Ling Tian realized what these people were thinking and did not care.

Ling Tian thought quickly and had something in mind: "Then as your Young Master, I order you to tell me what place that is and the name of this continent." Seizing the subject at once and not to waste any more time, Ling Tian asked what he needed to know.

"This place is the Nightmare Valley, Young Master." The guard looked with pity and regret at Ling Tian, still accepting that this brilliant, genius and dazzling genius of his family had fallen into such a state.

"Nightmare Valley?" Ling Tian raised his eyebrow, obviously not having any information about this place.

"Yes. This place is an area where hundreds of powerful beasts have inhabited since ancient times." The Feng family guard replied with a touch of respect, although now the position of the Feng family\'s Young Master had changed, still this person was the previous great Young Master who defeated all the geniuses in the city. Even he had great admiration for this young man who was brilliant at that time in the past.

"No wonder." Ling Tian nodded slightly as he sensed the wild Chi in this place. Wild Chi belongs to the animal race, so in places where you can find powerful animals, there will be wild spiritual Chi.

Even in the Immortal Realm there are also such places, where powerful immortal beasts with high levels of cultivation reside without any problems.

"Kid, do you know where the senior who defeated the Celestial Tiger is?" The leader of the guards asked Ling Tian, pointing at the corpse of the Celestial Tiger.

Although they had accepted that this person was once the Young Master of the Feng family, only the two guards belonging to this family treated him with respect. The other guards belonged to other families, so they would not lower their level, especially to a cripple.

Ling Tian raised an eyebrow and smirked faintly, knowing that if he told them that he himself had killed that creature they would clearly not believe him.

"I don\'t know. Just that senior killed that beast and left." Ling Tian shrugged naively and said, "He told me to wait in the cave until the guards from the place arrived." His hand pointed behind the waterfall.

"I see."

"That makes sense."


"I had even thought that this kid had been responsible and had become quite the expert!"

The guards laughed and nodded at what Ling Tian said, easily believing it. Who would believe that a kid could kill the fierce Celestial Tiger? This must have been done by the hand of a great expert!

"Then it looks like the senior is gone." The leader nodded with some relief. Dealing with seniors, especially great experts, put pressure on anyone.

"Now that we have found you, we must take you back, Young Master." The guard belonging to the Feng family spoke, once again showing a look of pity.

However, Ling Tian faintly lifted the corner of his mouth.

It was just what he had expected!

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