The Way of The Dao

Chapter 476 An Exercise Series For Older Adults?

"That\'s good, son. We just have to wait for little Tian." Tang Zhi nodded and immediately tried to calm the other adults together with Zhang Ruoyan.

Mu Shen was also on the spot with his wives, Hu Wenxin, Deng Xie and Fu Ling. Similarly, the parents of these women were here, less than 10 people.

Long Cheng, Zhang Chao, Yun Dong and Tang Wei arrived shortly with other older men, some grandfathers of Ling Tian\'s wives: Yun Song, Tang Nu and Zhang Leng. Zhang Xie and Zhang Li, who were Zhang Xinya\'s protective former family elders, and elders Tang Nan and Long Hong, were also with them.

Chu Feng and his mother, Jiu Ming, were also there.

An average of 30 people were gathered even without counting Ling Tian and his wives and disciples.

Although it was still somewhat early and the sun had not yet risen, they could be sure that in a while the first rays of the sun would finally rise.

"Are we leaving here that early?" Tang Wei asked his wife once she had finished talking to the others. They all thought they would be leaving a little later.

"Probably." Tang Zhi nodded and then added, "Although the girls don\'t know exactly because Little Tian have been cultivating nonstop since yesterday, she said that probably once Little Tian finished we would all leave."

Ling Tian had been submerged in his consciousness for a long time since the previous day and until this moment he did not show any movement. The women said not to disturb him, so they could only wait.

"What will he be trying to remember?" Tang Wanying asked quietly as she carried a sleeping Qing Sha in her arms. Lan Yin was sleeping peacefully in Mu Shuiruo\'s arms as well. The little white fox was also sleeping beside Yun Mengxin, giving the image of a whole white fluffy ball to anyone who saw it.

Zhang Xinya and Long Yuyin also looked at Ling Tian who still had his eyes closed. They somehow understood that Ling Tian was trying to remember something, so he was not actually cultivating. Shan Qingwu was also with them and looked curiously at Ling Tian. She had already received a "talk" with these future women who would become her true sisters for life.

"I think some special technique or method." Yun Mengxin replied and said, "This could probably help him repair his meridians and Dantian faster." She knew that Ling Tian was trying to remember a technique to help him recover faster, that\'s why he was focused in his mind trying to remember.

What Ling Tian did know was that he had to do it just as the sun began to rise, a somewhat strange requirement. That\'s why he wanted to wait one more day before leaving.

A yawn came from an adorable Lan Yin right away, her cute and pretty eyelashes trembled slightly before she opened her eyes, "M-Master... play with me too..." She mumbled still somewhat sleepily as she rubbed her eyes gently.

"I-I also want to... Master..." As if showing that she wasn\'t the only one, Qing Sha unconsciously mumbled as she began to wake up as well. She blinked several times, stretching lazily to shake off the sleep and quickly looked around for Ling Tian.

The women let out a few small chuckles as they saw the obvious affection and obsession these two sweet little girls had for Ling Tian.

"Shhh, your Master needs to stay focused." Mu Shuiruo smiled lovingly and whispered to both girls.

Qing Sha and Lan Yin nodded once they were fully awake and looked at Ling Tian silently.

Hao Zhentian, Ying Chen and Shin Wei were watching Ling Tian as well. An ashamed Sun Xiang from the previous day\'s events was with them as well. Apparently Ling Tian would not leave him hanging for a long time, so over time, Sun Xiang was regaining control of his body and when he was able to mobilize his energy he finally broke free from the strange technique Ling Tian had imposed on him. Xuanyuan Ling was also close to them and would occasionally open her eyes and watch Ling Tian and the others, but she was mainly focused on comprehending her own Potential. An expectation and gratitude towards Ling Tian manifested in her as she was able to understand many things and clarify some doubts she had about cultivation and mainly to better understand the basis for the creation of the Potential.

So, when everyone was chatting with each other thanks to nervousness, a while later they noticed that Ling Tian moved.

Ling Tian opened his eyes but had a slight frown. At once, he stood up and looked at the dark sky that was beginning to lighten slightly, indicating that any moment now the first rays of the sun would enter and the dawn would officially begin.

After pondering for a few seconds, Ling Tian closed his eyes and immediately brought his hands together forming a strange sign and then slowly separated them, raising his right hand upwards in a mysterious way while his left hand went downwards. His arms stretched out fully as his hands spun around attracting curiosity. He took a deep breath, as if trying to execute a deep breathing technique.

Then, his right foot moved forward and immediately moved to the side. When this foot touched the ground, a slight strange feeling came over everyone.

Ling Tian soon took another step and moved his left leg, moving in a strange position while his arms and hands kept moving in different directions. His knees flexed slightly before he turned his waist and took another step again, this time throwing a fist with his right hand forward, then opening that same hand and stretching out his fingers. A small bead of sweat appeared on Ling Tian\'s temple head the more he did this, as if he was really exerting a lot of energy.

Everyone present watched attentively without saying a word. The movements Ling Tian made were strange like a series of simple exercises for the body evidently very slow, moving slowly as if he wanted everyone to look at him and appreciate these movements. If they did not know Ling Tian, they would think he wanted to show off in front of everyone.

"Isn\'t this an exercise for older people to do for have good health?" After a while of watching intently, Long Cheng blinked in surprise at the sight of Ling Tian and then looked at his daughter and the girls, only to realize that they were also watching Ling Tian intently.

Ling Tian\'s series of exercises clearly had a slight similarity to health-enhancing exercises for the old people!

Could it be that he was trying to improve his body by doing these exercises?

This was certainly strange. But even though they found it strange, they still just watched without saying anything.

Hao Zhentian and the others also looked curiously at Ling Tian\'s movements, this being the first time they had seen him do this. It was really the first time Ling Tian performed a series of exercises, presumably for the body.

Ling Tian kept moving his body and limbs in mysterious and strange ways while breathing deeply and exhaling slowly and concentrating as much as possible. Soon he began to feel a slight pressure all over his body, the more he continued to perform the movements, the pressure on him would gradually increase.

Although he could mobilize the energy of the Sacred Heavenly Scriptures to eliminate the pressure in his body, Ling Tian did not do so, letting the pressure gradually cover him completely.

A vague notion of a knowledge about these mysterious movements subtly appeared in his mind, as if they were clearly blurred memories about to be forgotten and disappear, which made him have to concentrate much more to feel and get those series of movements and at the same time perform them. The more he concentrated and extracted these movements, that mysterious information was reinforced and slowly became clearer. Ling Tian did not know why, but he had an intuition that he had to learn and perform these movements. Maybe it could help him recover faster.

The pressure increased in several folds at one point, causing Ling Tian to start frowning for various reasons as he focused so as not to get distracted and lose his rhythm. His movements gradually became slightly slower after several minutes, Ling Tian felt that he was about to experience something strange.

Finally, the first rays of the sun reached the world and reached the place, beginning to illuminate the sky, giving a beautiful and wonderful sight to this sunrise, but with a mysterious energy that was directed towards Ling Tian when a pressure burst on him.

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