The Way of The Dao

Chapter 326 Mysterious Old Man

Ultimately he would remove the Heavenly Seal so that he could fight and defend himself from the entity that was in hiding. He was not going to allow himself to die here.

Nevertheless, Ling Tian got no response after several seconds.

Puckering his eyebrows, Ling Tian again asked, "I know you are here, you have been watching me since I arrived." He could still feel the look on him.

Ling Tian carefully scanned the entire space with his spirit sense in search of any little sign that might be there. The only thing he avoided was the mysterious altar.

"You are the first being who has been able to discover me since I can remember..."

Shortly thereafter, an old but soft voice that seemed to carry a relaxing and peaceful feeling responded to Ling Tian who was alert.

Instantly, an old man appeared in front of Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was surprised inside and could not help but take a step back when he discovered this person appearing out of nowhere in front of him.

Space Law Control?

Ling Tian knew instantly that this man was a great expert who could use the Space Principle better than he could. Most likely he could hide in the other plane of space and leave no trace.

No doubt he was a powerful Immortal!

However, Ling Tian soon discovered that he felt no evil or killing intent coming from the old man.

On the contrary, a soft, calm smile was formed on the old man\'s face as he looked at him with calm, peaceful, light hazel eyes. His hair was long and white, as well as his peculiar beard that reached his chest. Although his robes seemed simple, it combined with his aura and exuded a more relaxing and soothing feel.

It is as if this old man was a monk with the illumination of great heavenly wisdom.

Ling Tian remembered that there were several sects related to Buddhism, but none of those Immortals and even their Sect Masters could emit such a calm and relaxing aura as the old man before him.

It was like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

This man exuded subtly like a relaxing breeze on a calm day full of quiet and peace, like when one was free of certain ties that impeded progress and thus could finally see the sun behind the mountains, obtaining absolute peace.

Although Ling Tian could not feel even a hint of his power, he knew that this old man was powerful. But his intuition was calm without expressing any sense of danger, so this person should be someone good.

He even had a vague feeling that the old man could be in the Supreme Realm as he had been before.

Knowing that this old man had no bad intentions towards him, Ling Tian joined his fists in greeting and said, "Greetings, this junior\'s name is Ling Tian, may I know the name of the senior?" He decided to show respect and avoid creating suspicion about his identity and former power for now.

The old man continued to show that soft, calm smile as he looked directly into Ling Tian\'s eyes, bringing the feeling that he was trying to see his soul.

"What a curious name, hehe." The old man laughed a little but contained no trace of mockery but surprise at understanding Ling Tian\'s name: "Mmm you can call me Linqi." He showed a smile after he finished speaking.


Ling Tian found the name a little strange but knew that he could not ask for more at this point.

"So it\'s Senior Linqi." Ling Tian greeted him again.

Linqi nodded with a gentle nod and said, "Oddly enough you are the first being to discover my presence, how did you do it?" He asked, keeping that gentle smile on his face.

"It\'s because of my intuition, it has always helped me and saved me countless times in my life, so even now it was telling me that I was not alone in this place and there was someone watching me."

Ling Tian responded without thinking when seconds after he instantly alarmed inside.

Had he honestly answered his question?

What was going on?!

Was it a skill of the soul that had affected him without him realizing it?!

Ling Tian raised his guard against the old man even though he did not know why his instincts did not express any sense of danger. These had never failed him in his entire life...

His consciousness was right on the Heavenly Seal, waiting for the slightest movement against him to remove it and fight.

Linqi seemed to see through Ling Tian and spoke in a soft, reassuring voice, "Don\'t worry, I won\'t do anything to you, I\'m just an old pacifist living life quietly."

Ling Tian heard this but still had some doubts. He checked his body, his Chi, and even his sea of consciousness; all of these were calm without showing signs of being affected by anything.

His soul was calm and did not seem to be affected by any kind of delusion or illusion that would make him respond without thinking.

It seemed that this old man really harbored no evil intent towards him. He even seemed to feel calm, cool, relaxed, as if his problems were fading away and his spirit was beginning to relax.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian looked at Linqi and asked him, "Mmm, you said I was the first being to discover you, are there other kinds of beings?" He decided to break the strange atmosphere and said something else.

Ling Tian remembered that Linqi had emphasized the word \'being\' twice. He only knew about the demonic race and his race of humans, but he was also aware that hundreds of thousands of years ago there were records about the animal race in the Immortal World; these beings could be transformed into monsters according to their type of race and descent. Seemingly later this race became extinct and never again was seen in the Immortal World, as if they had suddenly vanished. Now there were only the spiritual and immortal beasts that the cultivators could tame or hunt.

He knew only these three kinds of races until now.

Linqi nodded and replied gently, "Since ancient times, there have been many kinds of races, whether human, animal, marine, celestial, demonic, and more. Although so far I have only known directly the animal race and the human race, I am sure that there are diverse races throughout the universe."

Ling Tian reflected on what Linqi had said. It seemed that he really was a monk.

"Sorry to bother you, Senior, but isn\'t there a way to get out of this place? It\'s just that I got here by accident while looking for something." Ling Tian asked after thinking about it.

If there could be some way out of this dimension, then that would be great.

Linqi shook his head and responded, "I\'ve been guarding this place for as long as I can remember, but there isn\'t exactly a way out of this sealed space."

Ling Tian frowned inside when Linqi mentioned that there was no way out. Linqi was no doubt an expert on the Space Principle, so he could easily break out of the space.

Lifting and directing his hand to where the skeletons were, Linqi added, "10 people had come to this place at different times, but none of them could get out and ended up dying." Linqi let out a sad sigh as he looked at the pile of bones.

Ling Tian was disappointed that there really didn\'t seem to be a way out of the place, but he quickly recovered because he had found a way to escape from this dimension. He only had to try harder to break through the void.

"Those people were desperate at first and tried everything they could to get out of this place, but they didn\'t get any results. There were even two people who arrived at the same time and kept trying to kill each other without paying attention to where they had arrived." Linqi closed his eyes, seemingly disillusioned by human nature.

"But curiously enough, you relaxed in the face of such a situation and even managed to find your own way out of here... there are almost no individuals who have any knowledge of the Space Law, and those only individuals are the ones who have taken their level of cultivation to great realms, precisely in a realm called Supreme..." Linqi smiled again calmly as he watched and raised his eyebrows at Ling Tian to the surprise of all he had done until recently.

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