The Way of The Dao

Chapter 80 Yun Mengxin In Distress

Yun Yin observing this, immediately informed Ming Zeng.

Ming family.

"Haha" Ming Zeng laughed fiercely when he was informed that Yun Mengxin had left and apparently would not return to her home for a day or two: "That means I will be able to have fun with her without alerting anyone for a few days..."

Ming Zeng prepared as well and left, with the directions for the route given to him by one of his servants when he was secretly following Yun Mengxin.

Today would be the day when he could make his dream come true...

Ze Family

Ze Yu also received a report that Yun Mengxin had left and was apparently carrying a suitcase. He inferred that she planned to be away from home for a few days.

"Haih, Mengxin, who is the bastard who wants to take you away from me? The love I have offered you has not been enough?" Ze Yu clenched his fist. He would follow her and see who the bastard was who snatched his future wife.

Ze Yu got ready and came out too. He had gotten the indications that Yun Mengxin had left the night before, so he was sure she would take the same path.

On the outskirts of Star City

Yun Mengxin was currently walking to the place where she would meet Ling Tian. She was carrying a medium-sized travel bag in which she carried her things.

She was walking quickly, hoping to shorten the path and meet him soon.

Yun Mengxin had not noticed that some people were following behind her, a little less than a kilometer away.

Hundreds of meters away from Yun Mengxin.

"You bastard! What are you doing here?!"

"I ask you the same thing!"

Ming Zeng and Ze Yu met halfway, when they were going to follow Yun Mengxin.

Ming Zeng was upset to find this guy too, so he decided to face him and defeat him quickly with his power in Emperor rank.


Ming Zeng threw his aura and directed his hand towards Ze Yu, to hit him right in the face.

Dry hit!

Ze Yu managed to react in time and covered his face using his left arm, while immediately hitting with his right arm in the direction of Ming Zeng.


Ming Zeng defended himself too.


Ming Zeng and Ze Yu were stunned when they had just exchanged blows.

Did they have the same strength as each other?

Ming Zeng roared, "Damn you! How could you have ascended to Emperor rank too?!"

"That should ask you!" Ze Yu didn\'t answer his question. He was also stunned that he thought he could beat up Ming Zeng easily the next time he saw him, but now, it seemed that they were still the same in terms of strength.

Ming Zeng got upset and threw a punch again at Ze Yu, causing him to take a few steps backwards, and then he ran away, towards Yun Mengxin, wanting to get there first before Ze Yu.

Ze Yu knew instantly what Ming Zeng wanted to do. He also ran to get to Yun Mengxin first. He was sure that he was faster than Ming Zeng, so he would get there first with Yun Mengxin.

Each one had the same thought.

Whoever gets to Yun Mengxin first will snatch her and escape!

Tonight it will be decided who will get Yun Mengxin!

They knew that Yun Mengxin was still in the rank of Great Heaven, so it would not be a problem to capture her with his power of Emperor rank.

Within seconds, the distance between Yun Mengxin and them was reduced.

The two continued to throw punches at one another in an attempt to slow down their opponent and give them more time and space to reach Yun Mengxin.


A fierce, horrible roar was heard, alerting those in the forest.

Yun Mengxin was also startled and turned to look where she was coming from.

Vaguely, she noted that there were some demonic beasts, but, they were not looking at her.

\'It seems that someone else attracted their attention.\' Yun Mengxin thought when she began to walk faster so that the demon beasts would not find her. She remembered that she should not use her strength right now.

Ming Zeng and Ze Yu stopped instantly and stopped fighting each other, while they saw a demon beast, which was a Drake, while on its back, there was another demon beast in the shape of a Wyvern.


The Drake roared fiercely and charged at them as the Wyvern flapped its wings and flew into the sky a few feet away.



The Drake\'s claws and tail landed on the chests of both boys, which, they flew off the blow, hitting trees and bushes.

Holy shit!

This demon beast must be at least at the top of the Emperor rank!

And what is this other demon beast?!

This is the first time they\'ve seen a demon beast that can fly!

Ming Zeng and Ze Yu started running back towards the city. They didn\'t care about following Yun Mengxin anymore.

Life was the most important thing!

If they died, they couldn\'t continue to enjoy the beauties and riches another day.

The Drake started chasing them both. It seemed that he was not willing to let his prey go.

Ze Yu and Ming Zeng ran as fast as they had ever run in their lives, while the Drake followed behind them without stopping.

The Wyvern began to flap its wings in their direction, but instantly, it stopped and changed its gaze to the forest.


The Wyvern let out a roar and headed into the forest.

Yun Mengxin heard the noise and turned her head back.


She saw a demon beast, flying in her direction.

Yun Mengxin tried to run faster. She firmly held her sword that she carried with her for any trouble.


The Wyvern came quickly to Yun Mengxin, its claws trying to cut her up and tear off parts of her body.


Yun Mengxin could barely dodge the attack because it was so fast, but unfortunately her suitcase where she was carrying her things was destroyed when the Wyvern\'s claw attack caught up with her.

The Wyvern destroyed her things and roared back in her direction. The Wyvern continued to force Yun Mengxin with its attacks.

She dodged and ran with all her might. She never hit back.

Yun Mengxin held her sword tightly. In her hands there also seemed to be a small object.

\'Will I have to use my martial artist strength? But he told me I shouldn\'t use my inner strength...\' Yun Mengxin hesitated to use her strength to face this strange demon beast.

She had never seen this demon beast, so she didn\'t know its level of strength.

Yun Mengxin did not know whether to use her strength to try to defeat it or at least wait for someone to come and help her. She did not know if Ling Tian would appear, because she had gone too far from the place where they always met.


The Wyvern didn\'t give her time to think, so it pounced on her once more.

The speed of the demon beast doubled, so Yun Mengxin had no time to avoid it.

Yun Mengxin was surprised to see the demon beast up close suddenly, so unconsciously, she unleashed her inner martial arts strength to bear the blow with her blade.



Her blade easily snapped in two, but at least it managed to reduce the force of the impact on Yun Mengxin.

However, she was still sent flying several meters away, managing to land a little well, still with pain all over her body.



The cold suddenly invaded her body, freezing her bones, organs and skin, making her barely able to move.

This cold was much stronger than the one she had fought against all her life. It felt as if her entire body had been submerged in a tub of sub-zero ice.

Yun Mengxin managed to crawl backwards a few steps, leaning against a tree, while her body trembled with pain and cold. Even parts of her clothing were torn by the impact.

She was watching the flying Wyvern as he moved toward her with his claws, wanting to kill her.

The image of Ling Tian came to her mind. She could not help but squeeze the remaining object in her hands, which was the ruby, as she held it to her chest, trying to protect it, as if it were the most precious thing to her.

Am I really going to die?

The Wyvern arrived instantly in front of her, piercing her body with its claws.

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