I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 444 444. A Lonely Night

Sylvester had never mentioned leaving his current residence. He didn't spend much time there anyway, as he had his own secluded spot under Bard's restaurant. So there was no reason for him to move, particularly since Xavia would feel lonely in the larger house.

Xavia rejoiced silently. "You're not leaving then?"

"Leave? Mother, I plan on breathing my last breath here," Sylvester declared. "Don't worry, and please convey my message to all the Bright Mothers. It's touching how concerned they are for me. Maybe I should organize a grand terrace barbecue again, with the excellent food from the Bards this time."

Aurora chirped quickly, "That's a splendid idea. We never properly celebrated your promotions. You might even be declared a Saint soon."

"Don't get your hopes up," Sylvester cautioned. "Throughout history, Saints have been people with long beards, destined to waste away on their deathbeds. Do you think the council would make a nineteen-year-old boy a Saint? Let's be realistic; they'll do everything in their power to prevent it."

"Ugh... politics," Aurora grumbled. "Why can't they just die?"

"Please don't say that, Aurora," Xavia interjected. "Come, try my banana pie and honey cake. You become feisty when hungry."

Aurora jumped to hug Xavia. "Ah, my pretty little sister, you know me the best."

Sylvester smiled, happy to see the two women getting along. But he also felt an odd emptiness in his heart, as he had missed witnessing how they had become such close friends. That made him wonder what else he had missed.

"I'll go and turn on my room's lights. That should signal Felix about my arrival."

In the meantime, Xavia discreetly placed a slice of banana pie on a plate and stashed it away in a corner where Miraj could enjoy it. Then she put the rest of the dessert on the table and sat down.

Soon, Sylvester also returned and began to relish his meal. "This is amazing! Nothing beats home. The southern food was excellent, but this is the real deal."

He noticed Aurora also devouring the honey cake, as they both had a fondness for honey. It was another reason why Xavia had made so much of it.

"Aurora, you will grow fat if you eat too much cake. Give your half to me." Sylvester politely suggested.

Aurora knew very well about his tactics, however. "Buzz off, Sylvester. I will not fall for your tricks. I'll simply run ten miles after eating this, and everything will be alright."

Bam! Bam!

"Sylvester, you have returned?"

Suddenly, loud knocks resonated on the door as if someone was vigorously kicking it. With Felix's voice, it became evident who it was.

"That was not very long." Sylvester was astonished. "Did he camp outside the building?"


Xavia went to open the door. Without greeting, Felix ran into the house and jumped to hug Sylvester, his brother from another mother.

"My brother!"

Sylvester retreated quickly with his plate in hand. It was a treasure, after all.


Felix received Sylvester's foot to his face, halting him mid-air. However, the man seemed unfazed. After eight months, Felix appeared even taller and more muscular than before, much more so than Sylvester. It was apparent that he had focused on his training.

Sylvester put his plate away and then hugged Felix. "Are you trying to grow into a giant or something? And I hope it's not just for the looks."

"Shut up!" Felix blurted. "Stop talking about me. Tell me about yourself. How was your journey? I heard you defeated two Grand Wizards and killed one of them. How did you do it? Did you learn metal manipulation? What about Sorrow Kingdom? Do the people pray to you like a god now? Oh, and why is there a rumor about you slaying a dragon?"


Sylvester was speechless as he had already lost count of the questions that Felix excitedly asked. "Breath, my friend. We have all night to talk and exchange our experiences. But, first, tell me, where is Isabella? Are things proceeding well between you two?"

Felix sighed. "She is at the School of Dawn, and things are nearly perfect. I have decided to relinquish my position in the clergy and join the Holy Army to be with her. Nevertheless, her brother discovered our relationship, and he is opposed to it."

"Opposed? Why?" Sylvester inquired. "Your father is a Count. You hail from a long lineage of Gracia's most illustrious warriors who defended the kingdom against Western invaders. House Sandwall is held in high regard throughout the Sol too. Moreover, you possess the best genetic traits to produce a strong future generation for the royal family."

Felix sighed and clarified some matters. "The issue is, King Harold is indifferent to my bloodline or my house's history. He desires political advantages, and that is the last thing my family can offer. We are warriors, and throughout our house's history, when we attempted to play political games, we failed miserably. Hence, we do not engage in politics and power struggles, which also implies we hold no political power to offer."

"Indeed." Isabella arrived at that moment, looking as stunning as ever, even more mature if one looked beyond her face.

She smiled and closed in to hug Sylvester. "Welcome back to the land of the insane, Sylvester."

He chuckled. "Alright, no need to label the land insane solely because of Felix."

She laughed and left the embrace to stand beside Felix and hold his hand. "My brother is foolish, forgetting who my good friend is! The great Sylvester Maximilian, youngest Archbishop, and the future Saint!"

"Haha, you're right about that." Sylvester had to agree. "You have my blessing."

Tap! Tap!

Felix scoffed and knocked on Sylvester's head. "Oh no, what have you done, Isabella! His head is growing big. Quickly curse him, or he'll explode with too much arrogance!"

"Enough jesting. What have you been up to these past eight months? Have you grown stronger?" Sylvester got straight to the point. "And what about Gab?"

Felix took a seat at the dining table with Isabella. "I requested to be sent on Church bounty missions since all the individuals on the Church's wanted list are powerful and wicked. I completed nearly sixteen bounty assignments and gradually progressed. I am now a level four Golden Knight and a level three Master Wizard. Just a little more and I will reach Diamond Knight status."

Sylvester was pleased with the update. 'He's on the right path considering his age. Since Golden Knight has only five levels, he's already near the peak. Same for his Master Wizard level, being on level three out of five is great.'

"What about Gabriel? Where is he?" he inquired.

"Oh, he's probably somewhere with Archbishop Noah, performing some religious rituals. He has delved deep into learning the art of rituals. He wants to become a religious scholar," Felix revealed. "But he's also been training."

'A religious scholar? Well, given his talents limiting him to the rank of Master Wizard and Diamond Knight, it's not a bad profession. He could potentially become my left-hand man when I ascend.'

Sylvester then turned to Lady Aurora. "And what about you? Is the Inquisitor High Lord doing well?"

She was busy stuffing her mouth with cake for a few seconds. "I'm doing well, as usual. The old man is also doing well, though he's a bit frustrated as his oath to kill all Bloodlings remains unfulfilled. He's been trying, but it's difficult since each Bloodling is unique and requires different army expertise."

As she spoke, Sylvester remembered the project he had commissioned with Cardinal Robert Maxim, a young and gifted alchemist with no magical or knightly abilities. He was currently heading the Science and Weapons division of the Church.

'The apparatus should have been constructed by now. All I need to do is test it on a Bloodling, and if it works, I'll have the Inquisitors' eternal gratitude.'

They spent the rest of the evening conversing about their past few months. A few jokes and laughs made the night enjoyable, and with food ordered from the Bard's, the night became a small celebration. Miraj quietly enjoyed sitting in Xavia's embrace, while Sylvester and Felix occasionally teased each other, with Aurora occasionally joining in and losing since the boys would join forces against her. Brotherhood was eternal, after all.

Eventually, it was time for sleep, and since Felix had to return, Sylvester decided to let him share his room and sleep on the floor.

But as Sylvester lay in his bed, contemplating his future plans, he noticed something. The room was mostly dark, with only faint moonlight filtering in from the window. It was a comfortably calm and cold night, but someone was certainly looking for a bit more warmth.

"Where are you going?" Sylvester suddenly voiced.

Felix stopped crouching and stood straight. "T-To drink water."

Sylvester gestured towards his table. "I have water here."

"I need fresh water… Be right back." Felix proceeded to the door.

Sylvester chuckled, aware of where the nineteen-year-old was truly headed. After all, Isabella was only a few rooms away in the same house.

"Be careful, buddy. Unless you want to be called dad this early." Sylvester teasingly replied.

Flushed and red-faced, Felix quickly opened the door. "I'm not dumb, nor a heathen. I am still bound by the vow of celibacy, so we merely cuddle."

"Sure. Close the door properly when you leave for 'cuddles'."

Gently, Felix closed the door and vanished. Shortly after, the faint sound of another door opening and closing came, and with it, silence once again filled the air.

Alone, Sylvester gazed at the ceiling and sighed. "Dammit, now I miss her."

There, there." Miraj abruptly woke from his slumber on the table and moved to sit beside Sylvester's chest beneath the blanket. "I cuddle here."

Then, Miraj used his paws to rub the bed a few times to make a warm, cozy spot and then nestled close to Sylvester's chest.

Sylvester chuckled and closed his eyes, patting Miraj's head, who seemed more like a child at that moment. "Thank you, my little anti-depressant."

Miraj giggled and soon began to snore. Sylvester, although didn't sleep, felt much more calm and carefree as at least he had the solace of knowing there was someone he could share his secrets with.

'Why do I not feel attracted to another human anymore? Does one only fall in love once?'

Despite being an old man in his mind, some questions remained unanswered even for him.

'Constant fighting and scheming will be the death of me. What should I do, Diana?'

He pondered while gazing at the twin moon through his window.

'Are you also alive somewhere out there? Or is it only me, cursed to relive the life we both loathed so much?'

"Unnn… Meowxy tiny… Meow big… mumumu…"

'And there goes Chonky sleep-talking again. What on earth does he dream about?'


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