I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 337 337. Worst Fear Comes True

They stopped for a short time in Pitfall town to pick up some more supplies. After that, they turned east and headed to Frozen Town, which spanned around Duke Iceling's castle.

As they crossed Pitfall town, the air became much colder, and sheets of snow covered everything. The animals nestled in their little homes, some hibernated, and some greeted it as their death domes.

"Wear something thicker. Let's not waste our solarium reserves just to keep ourselves warm." Sylvester suggested to them, putting on a thick fur cloak over his armour-clad shoulders.

"This year, the winter is harsher than before, Lord Bard. Similar to how the previous year was colder than the year before." Baron Strongarm informed.

Sylvester helped Sir Dolorem get the fur cloak and put it on while talking. "How long has this cycle been going on?"

"It has been five years now. The winter is getting stronger every year."


All of a sudden, the carriage halted and shook them all up. Soon, a call from the front came. "Lord Bard, the snow is too deep! The carriage can't move any further."

The road they were travelling on couldn't even be called a road as it was now hidden underneath the vast plain fields of snow. So there was no telling what path to take to keep the carriage on the road.

Baron Strongarm picked up his bags. "We will have to walk from here. If we take the shorter path, the Duke's castle should not be more than an hour away."

Sylvester could have tried to turn the carriage into a sleigh-like vehicle, but that would have taken much time. So, he decided to go on foot.

"Take the carriage to Baron Strongarm's castle and keep it there. Do not let anyone enter. Am I clear?" Lady Aurora ordered the two reinsmen; threatening was a better word. She really loved her handmade carriage.

Soon, they all held massive luggage on their backs and started walking north directly. The snow went as high as their thighs, but for their battle-hardened bodies, it was nothing. They didn't talk, as even that consumed some of their energies. Even Miraj, with his fur, felt cold and tucked himself in Sylvester's fur cloak, only keeping his head out to look around.

For the first time, Sylvester felt the effects of nature actually disturbing him. Before he could always shrug it off, be it winter or summer, but now, in the true north, he felt it just fine.

It took them more than an hour, but eventually, they saw the snow-covered town in the distance and a tall castle ahead of the town. Smoke was coming from hundreds of chimneys, which already spread warmth to all of them.

"Lady Aurora, you take charge. You are the highest clergyman in the entire Duchy right now, no matter who the battle commander is." Sylvester suggested, knowing that his pretty face was sometimes not enough to establish authority.

So they changed their formation, and Aurora went in the middle. The entire town was brick walled, so there were only two entrances. Soon, they arrived at the southern entrance, where at least ten soldiers stood guard in their heavy armour, and fur cloaks much thicker than Sylvester's.


In an instant, all swords were unsheathed by the guards, and one of them ran to the alerting bell beside the gate inside, ready to ring it.

"Give me a reason not to sever your heads, strangers!" one guard questioned.

Lady Aurora proudly, with her chin up, ordered them in return. "Stand down, sons of Solis. I am Aurora Foxtron, Ninth Guardian of Light, here by the holy order of the Supreme Pontiff. Step aside and guide us to the Duke."

Sylvester also raised his right palm and shined some light on them. "This bard of the Lord comes in peace to help against the mountain barbarians, my brother. The man to my right is Sir Dolorem of the Inquisitors, and the one behind me is Baron Strongarm."

Of course, nothing does the job better than a good dose of light magic. Since it was so rare and automatically perceived as something blessed by Solis, nobody doubted him.

"Apologies, Lady Ninth and famed blessed bard. We have been ordered not to allow any to enter since the mountain barbarians have been trying to enter the town and start fires to create chaos covertly. They wish to stop us from gathering our armies." The guard explained and gave way to them. "Please, proceed. I will guide you to the castle."

Sylvester kept his senses open, the same as Sir Dolorem and Lady Aurora. They looked around at the town folks. They all seemed extremely busy, as everybody appeared to be working. People were either running or nearly running.

The anvils were being hit overtime as the entire town became a warzone. Swords, armour, food rations and clothing, everything was being prepared in mass numbers. Men, women, and even kids, anybody with hands, were at work.

'They seem quite experienced with this, and I sense not an ounce of fear from them. On the contrary, it seems the cold, harsh north and the constant threat from barbarians has strengthened their minds and bodies.' Sylvester observed in silence.

"This way, please." The guard finally brought them to the final gate that led them into the castle. The building was majestic, as all castles are. But this one seemed slightly different due to its nearly black colour. The stone used to make the building seemed to have gone through some chemical process.

The castle was one giant unit with various towers at the front and the back, with one tall, enormous pointy roof in the middle. It didn't have many widows, however, and it was understandable. Meanwhile, the town around it was so well connected and integrated with the castle that one might think the castle extended into the town.

Then in no time, they were allowed entry and brought to the Duke's office in one of the tallest towers of the castle, from where a ranged view of all sides could be taken from the windows on all walls.

Sylvester took the lead from there as words became much more meaningful. However, he couldn't seem to find the Duke, as there was just one old, grey-eyed woman with ashen-black hair sitting behind the majestic oak table in her chest armour.

'Sadness, hopelessness, pain, fear, anger, and so much more... What happened to this woman?'

Sylvester smelled her emotions and bowed his head while taking a wild guess. "May the holy light enlighten us, Duchess Melina."

She stared at him with a gaze full of annoyance. "Take your light somewhere else, clergyman. They already stole mine,"

'Fuck! Great luck, Sylvester' He cursed himself.

"When did it happen, your grace?" He asked respectfully, having realised that the Duke was dead.

"This morning. Ten thousand went, half returned, without the love of my life." She clenched her fist at the end.

"Forgive me for intruding at such a troubling time, your grace. I am Sylvester Maximilian, widely called the Bard of Solis. This is Lady Aurora, the ninth Guardian of Light. We are here to help you. As I speak, an army of at least fifty thousand is headed this way. The snow may slow them down, but they shall arrive soon enough." He revealed his support loud and clear.

The Duchess stood up, being six feet tall. She appeared old, but her ferociousness didn't stop screaming, 'I'm a warrior'.

"You came all the way here to help the Duchy of Iceling? Why? Not even the King cares about us." She snarled.

"You're right. I have one more reason for coming here. My friends Felix, Gabriel, Elyon and Bishop Lazark came to this Duchy months ago to investigate something. I wish to know where they are." He inquired.

"Hmph!" She scoffed. "I knew it. Nobody in this world is selfless. Nobody risks their life for someone else for no reason. I know you will leave once you have your friends. I know it. But I will not stop you either, for this is my battle to win--That's what my husband would have wanted. Go to the infirmary. Your friends came back with the returning soldiers this morning."

But instead of leaving, Sylvester raised his palm and sang a short hymn to reassure her that he was there to fight, not flee. Instantly, the halo appeared and changed the Duchess' expression.

♫The northern heart is strong.

Here, only the mighty belong.

By Lord's will, you've lasted this long.

For centuries more, this will prolong.♫

♫Generals have fallen across history.

Solis embraces them. That's no mystery.

Now the mantle is yours, my lady.

You are the general to lead us to victory.♫

♫So sharpen your blade, and warm your fist.

Under your wrath, heathens shall not exist.

For you are blessed with iron guts.

I pray only once. May Solis bless us.

May the holy light enlighten us!♫

"Amen!" Sir Dolorem bowed his head, as did Baron Strongarm and Lady Aurora.

Soon enough, even the Duchess did the same and finally appeared somewhat energised. The scent of hopelessness turned into hope itself.

"How are we to fight them? They number more than fifty thousand?" She asked him.

"I have hired the entire Headless Order, your grace. They shall arrive here soon."

That alarmed the woman. "I do not have much money to hire mercenaries, Lord Bard."

Sylvester smiled warmly and softly spoke. "I never asked you for money, your grace. The army is paid by me--I shall manage even the grains and clothing. All I ask is that you allow me to lead the army beside you."

She walked closer to Sylvester and glanced into his golden eyes, only to receive a stronger gaze from Sylvester.

"Lord Bard, who has not heard of your exploits? The bards sing your stories here too, and the battle of three fingers, where you defeated Duke Daemon Gracia, is a legend among all soldiers. But why? What's in this for you? I know the church. They never involve themselves unless we fail."

Sylvester pressed his hands together and closed his eyes. "Your grace, every man is born with a purpose. If you realise it, you can forever be free of the mad circus we call society. I, too, have found my calling. I hear words, commands... I follow them with no question."

​ He didn't lie outright but made sure that he implied it. Sylvester knew he could even prove a dead man alive by invoking the name of Solis.

She also clasped her hands together and deeply bowed her head to Sylvester, this time with worship and respect. "If only all men and women were like you. I shall start preparing for the arrival of armies, Lord Bard. You may go meet your friends."

Sylvester nodded and turned around, feeling satisfied with the meeting as he secured a leadership position for himself. But still, the restlessness was not gone.

Soon enough, he arrived at the giant sick bay where beds upon beds were placed. Soldiers rested on them, some crying in pain, some crying for the lost limbs.

Amidst that, he finally found Gabriel, also resting on a bed, but fortunately with no limb missing. Instead, he was just covered in bandages from head to toe, bloodied still.

"Gab!" Sylvester exclaimed.

Gabriel's eyes instantly teared up after hearing his voice. He tried to get up but failed. But still, he spoke with much effort, in a broken voice.

"F-Forgive me, Max... We couldn't..."

"What happened?" Sylvester questioned in a rush.

"H-He... He stayed behind for us... They captured Felix!"


[A/N: Check this for the map of the northern region.]

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