I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 331 331. Chonky Meets Big Mum

"There is no way to know who placed the bounty, I presume," Sylvester asked as he folded the document and placed it in his pocket.

"Impossible unless you're close to the leader of one of the strongest guilds, such as Weeping Ghosts or Red Knights." Count Raftel replied while still reading the agreement.

Sylvester sighed and thought about a way out. "Do these guilds accept bounty on one another?"

Countess Melinda replied, leaving her husband to read the important paper. "No, they never attack each other, no matter the money. Infighting is bad for businesses, and they know it."

'So there's no way to get to them?'

"I've read it, Lord Bard." The Count interrupted. "The deal sounds good, but I have a request. I do not want to accept the agreement right now, as I have no idea what the cost of producing all this will be. If it's too high, then nobody will buy it, and I will lose money from having a small margin. So, I wish to return and set up warehouses for these and see how fast and cost-effective we can make them."

'I don't smell any lies or jealousy. He should know very well the price of messing with me.'

"I can understand your concern, and I agree. You should go ahead and first see the production cost. Here, this is my initial investment in your business--Ten thousand Gold Graces!" Sylvester pointed to a small chest at the side.

Sylvester honestly had too much money at the moment. The money he got from looting Duke Daemon's castle was so much that he couldn't even count. Chonky had no idea either, as all he ever said was that the treasury was enormous, and he emptied half of it.

"The agreement did not mention this." Count Raftel asked. He was a seasoned politician, after all. He knew that nobody is ever kind for no reason.

But how could he ever imagine that there was a madman who just wanted to burn money?

"It's alright. I know Northern Duchies are facing problems right now, and it'll be hard for you to set up a factory for production on a large scale. So use this money for it and go all out. Don't worry about me. I earn a lot from other business endeavours,"

Sylvester glanced at Countess. "You should also use the innerwear I invented called 'Bra.' It might help in your healing."

"You invented that too?! My Lord, so many Bright Mothers told me about it during my time." She exclaimed as excitedly as before. "I even bought it, and it has truly made my life better. It helps with the pain from recent medical processes, and I feel more confident while walking fast now."


'She'll die in the future when my other inventions go mainstream,' Sylvester thought.

Still, he felt proud and happy that his actions affected the people for good. The more his name spread among common people and nobles, the better it was for him.

"Thank you for your words, my lady. Make sure you tell the Duchess Colorwood about it."

She smiled big and showed her thumb. "Don't worry, Lord Bard. I shall convert them to the cult of the bra."

Sylvester chuckled. 'Felix would have loved to see her again. He used to talk so much about her beauty and antics.'

He got up after that. "Then, I shall await your response, my Lord. Tell me the numbers after you produce the test batch."

"I will, Lord Bard."

Pleasantries were exchanged, hugs from Lady Melinda were received, and soon, they moved their separate ways.

Sylvester rushed home as Isabella left for the School of Dawn at that time, leaving Xavia alone for a brief moment before the trainee Bright Mother came to take care of her. Sylvester had set up the whole system to ensure that Xavia was never alone for more than fifteen minutes.

"Mum, I'm back!" He voiced as he entered the house and locked the door.

Xavia was knitting a sweater on the balcony under the bright sunlight. She had nothing else to do, so she decided to make a sweater for her beloved Max.

"Mum, I have something extremely important to show you. Come with me." He didn't wait for an answer and pushed her chair inside.

He brought her to his room and shut the door. Then he also put the blinds on the window to ensure no possibility of anybody hearing them.

"W-What happened, dear? You're scaring me." Xavia asked worriedly.

Sadly, Sylvester had to tell her this. "Mum, don't be shocked by what I'm about to tell you. I expected this to happen one day anyway."

"What happened? Are you alright? Are your friends fine?"

"I was attacked by elves in the last assignment. They said they had come to take the prince back home. I killed them all, but still, Sir Dolorem was there, and he heard them. So, I believe that father knows." Sylvester told her the worst part first.

She reacted by suddenly stopping breathing as her eyes widened in shock.

"Breathe, mum. Take long breaths. I'm still alive and fine. Sir Dolorem was elated, and he now firmly believes I'm some special god's gift meant to unite the two worlds."

"What should we do now?" She asked in panic while clenching her hands.

Sylvester put his hand on her shoulder. "Nothing. Holy Land is still the safest place for us compared to anywhere else. I will only have to ensure I get stronger and rise in clergy before the elven problems truly reach our doors. As for you, there is a need to get stronger. But also spreading the intelligence web further.

"I have another thing to tell you. This concerns your safety directly. Someone has put a bounty on you, and it's more than mine."

"They want to hurt you through me?" She instantly grasped the situation.

"That's right. They want to kill you, as that would definitely affect me negatively. I don't know how I can make this mess go away, but I will ask the Holy Father about this in the evening. I only ask you to stay alert and never go to places you know attacks on you can occur." He warned her while moving to clean the table near his bed.

Xavia got teary-eyed as she felt helpless. "I'm sorry, Max. I didn't know things would devolve into this."

"Why are you blaming yourself? I am thankful that you brought me into this world. I exist because of you. Sure, the situation with my father is problematic, but why blame something that's out of our control? As for this bounty thing, they are purely political problems that can be solved as I grow more powerful.

"Anyway, cheer up. I want to introduce you to someone extremely important to me, someone who has saved my life many times."

He put Miraj on the table. The good furry fluff was excited and eagerly waiting to be introduced to Xavia. Unable to hold himself from tapping his little front paws.

"Mum, be mindful of this. If you reveal this secret to anybody, he will disappear, and I will again be left without divine protection. He is my little guardian angel, and only I can see him. But he is sitting right here, waiting for you to pat him." Sylvester kept a serious tone the whole time.

Xavia gulped and moved her wheelchair closer. "W-What does he look like?


Sylvester chuckled. "He's a cat, mum. A very strong and magical cat that can understand us. He has fluffy white fur and is fat... No, he's just too furry."

He then held Xavia's hand and brought it to Miraj's forehead. "Touch him; he won't mind."

"Ah!" At first, Xavia snatched her hand back in shock. She could see nothing there, but her hand was touching something. But then she tried again and, this time, caressed Miraj's head. "H-He's so soft and... Fluffy. What's his name? How long have you known him?"

Sylvester saw Miraj purring under the soft scratches on the head.

"His official name is Miraj, but I call him Chonky. He's been with me since we arrived in the Holy Land. Over the years, he has protected me more times than I can count. He's been our invisible member of the family, mum. I hope you'll keep him a secret so he can be with us forever."


Xavia slammed her head on the table instead, near Miraj's paws. "Oh, holy guardian angel! This mother thanks you for protecting my son. I vow to never reveal your secret until I die."


Miraj patted Xavia's head. "Mew Meow!"

"Haha, he blessed you too, mum. By the way, his favourite food is banana, so you can always give him some."

"Ah! So now I understand why you were obsessed with bananas!" Xavia realised something as dots connected, and it all made sense. "So it was Lord Chonky?"

'Lord Chonky? Hah, he's already gloating over it.' Sylvester held himself from laughing.

"Indeed. So, from now on, Chonky will remain beside you whenever I go for training with the Pope. He can understand you and likes cuddles. So keep him beside you, and if you ever need something in the house, just tell him."


Miraj jumped onto Xavia's lap and hugged her tummy with wide arms. "Meow!"

"He's calling you big mum. He already loves you for being my mother." Sylvester ensured that Xavia felt attached to Chonky.

"Lord Chonky calls me mum? T-That's so... Heartwarming. Okay, let's go to the Kitchen. We have some bananas. Do you also like banana pie? I can make it for you."

Miraj grinned and rubbed his face on her, gesturing his nods. "Meow!"

'This greedy boy! I hope she won't spoil him too much.'

"I will head out for training now, mum. Remember, keep him a secret. Never call him in front of someone else." Sylvester warned her while packing his small bag.

Xavia didn't even reply and enjoyed squishing the fluffy boy. So Sylvester silently left and locked the door carefully.

But, with a step out, his face changed, and the forced smile turned into coldness. Seeing Xavia happy and giggling increased his worries for her safety. The sad truth was that the stooges of many nobles were inside the Holy Land as clergymen. He always wondered when one of them might attack Xavia for the big prize.

He glanced back at the door one last time and moved out. The whole way to the Pope's palace, he thought about the bounty and the elves that attacked him.

'I solve one problem, a worse one arises. It's as if fate has decided to push me to rise no matter what. But, there is no way to find out who put the bounty. Could it be Saint Seer? I can never know. As I grow stronger, the bounty will only increase.'

He stared at his hand in the darkness of night and made it shine. "If the divine will wishes me to suffer, then my divine light must react tougher."

He looked ahead at the Pope's palace as he clenched his fist so tight that veins popped into sight. 'They left me with no choice. I will kill them--I will kill them all.'


[A/N: The following two chaps contain kingdom and world-building aspects.]

1000 GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

1 Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Ape Together Strong

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