I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 289 289. Sigma Cat

Of course, he didn't stutter. After all, Chonky Bank of Commerce was filled to the brink. Not to mention, Sylvester didn't even need to use his black money as he was making ample money from the royalties he made from the bra and the 'donation' he had taken from the various lords.

Soon, he was also going to enter some other business ventures and hoped to make enough high-stakes income streams so he won't have to worry about money. Not to mention, he didn't even know how much was in Miraj's belly at the moment. And he was afraid he would never see it as it was hard to find a place he could unload that much money.

"Y-You will buy it?" Baron Loveland asked again, unable to believe that the deal went so smoothly.

"I must tell you, the actual price of the land is not more than ten thousand, but because this is the last patch of commercially sellable land before the Holy Land, its price is supposed to be higher. Depending on who bought it, it can easily be someone's greatest investment, as it's close to the Holy Land. So I never lowered the cost. I hope you don't think I'm duping you, Lord Bard."

Sylvester waved his hand and looked around the area. It was a plain grassland with some flowers. It was surrounded by trees on all sides except one, where the road passes from. The trees were all colourful, some green and some amber, and there were a few cherry blossom trees too, giving it a great cheerful personality. The birds were also chirping around, elevating the mood.

"What will you do with this land, Lord Bard?" The Baron asked.

"I will… Build a house. But I will also be selling something from here, so perhaps you can come and try it out next month. As for the payment, is it alright if I pay through the Demand Invoice from the Quad Bank of Solis? Then, you can transfer the money from the bank with the slip later, as it's impractical to move around with fifty thousand coins." Sylvester asked.

"No problem, Lord Bard. I will return here tomorrow with the proper deeds. When should I expect your arrival?"

"At the same time. One more thing, my lord. I was wondering if you'd be free to draw another portrait of my mother and me and one with all my close friends—Including Princess Isabella and Lady Aurora." Sylvester also threw some shiny fish in the form of the two women. After all, when again would he get an opportunity to draw them?

As expected, Baron Loveland's eyes shined with happiness, and his mouth went agape in a big smile. "That would be an honour, Lord Bard. Let's discuss the further details tomorrow then. I will come with all my equipment. And if you find time, you are always invited to my castle. It's adjacent to the Trident Lake, near the Gold Road."

Sylvester respectfully nodded his head and moved back. "I just might, my lord. Now, I must move as some tasks remain unfinished. I shall see you tomorrow."

Sylvester had to hurry as he had to meet the slaver man he had contacted. Of course, it was just a middleman who he had found out through some connections in the Guild Peninsula. The man's job was to go around and inform the seekers about locations where the most recent slave auction would take place.

So he got on the stagecoach and moved further ahead near the Graced Village. But, the village was just a landmark, and Sylvester had to look around inside the roadside forest on foot.


"Hey! Here!"

Sylvester turned around and glanced at a thick-trunked tree. The voice was coming from behind it. However, Sylvester didn't act like a dumb, brainless kid and instead whispered to Miraj. "Chonky, go and see if there is any danger behind the tree."

Miraj loyally jumped away and quickly checked the tree. Then soon, he gave a thumbs-up towards Sylvester with his fluffy little paws.

But Sylvester still kept his long dagger out and got closer. "Show yourself. Are you the one they call Columbus?"

A head peeked from behind the tree. It was a skinny white man, bald and had blue eyes. However, he didn't appear as old since his face seemed too clean, without a wrinkle. In fact, the man even lacked an eyebrow or any hair on his head.

'Does he have cancer?' Sylvester wondered.

"Aye, I am Columbus. Are you the bard of the lord? You want to buy a slave?"

Sylvester looked left and right and rephrased the man's question. "No, I am looking for a person who needs my help. It can be a slave, sure. What can you tell me as the middleman?"

Columbus was also doubtful about Sylvester, as he didn't know if this was a trap or a real purchase. But he was thirsty for money, and money can make anyone stupid. So, he was ready to take the risk. "The auction is scheduled to happen the day after tomorrow, just opposite the Graced Village, on the riverside. A ship carrying the slaves will stop there for a short period."

Sylvester could imagine why and how these slave traders probably acted. Using the river was the fastest and most effective escape route if the situation were to worsen. Yes, slavery was not outlawed, but most of the slave traders were the first target of bandits, and various noble lords, as slave traders also didn't enjoy any legal immunity.

"How many slaves will there be? I'm looking for someone young, working age." Sylvester inquired.

Columbus abruptly put his hands inside his tunic from the chest and started to fiddle something out. Sylvester raised his dagger simultaneously, not wanting to take any chances.

Columbus then started to read the list. "I have the list, Lord Bard. Quite recently, slave trading has seen a significant boom due to the tragic war and destruction of the Sorrow Kingdom. As a result, many refugees are either willingly selling themselves to slavery or borrowing money for food only to be unable to repay.

"In total, this shipment will have fifteen young ones, boys and girls aged five to fourteen, sold by their parents or orphaned. There will be two Grade A women, best suited for bed slaves due to their good looks. Then twenty ordinary women of Grades B to E, these are your usual work slaves. Then there are also three Grade F women. These are the old folks. Usually, Dark Wizards buy them for their human experiments.

"Then there are the Five Grade A men, rarely known for their looks, but mostly known for their top-notch physical abilities—Best for guard duty or specialised physical labour. Then there are thirty Grade B to E and one Grade F man. I can book some of them in advance if you want to, respected Lord Bard."

"What about wizards and knights?" Sylvester asked further.

Columbus' face turned sad, as if he was disappointed in himself. "Forgive me, Lord Bard. If you're looking for a Grade S slave, then you'll have to go to a major slave market in any major city. Or, if you want a further specialised, magically strong slave, then go to the Tower of Godless. You can find anything there. From an Archwizard to an Elven beauty—As long as you have money, they can get you anything. Do you want me to represent you there and get you a deal?"

Sylvester was speechless, however. He knew that slavery was widespread worldwide, but it was this systemised. He didn't know. But what hurt him the most was the first part. 'So many child slaves? As young as five? To even think about what will happen to them makes me feel disgusted. I can somewhat feel what they must be feeling right now—scared, confused and hopeless. Tears were no longer in the eyes as the rivers they had already shed had never brought any mercy or help.'

"No, I don't need any special slave and don't book any. Just tell them that I will be coming there, and I reserve the first right to choose. Once I've made my purchase, they may sell others." Sylvester ordered in a stern voice. "If they ignore my wish, then I will unleash the Inquisitors on them—Remember, I am also the official Grand Crusader."

Columbus saluted quickly to show how respectful he was towards the faith. "Ah… Yes… May the Holy Light enlighten us, my lord. I will go now… Please be there exactly at noon."

Sylvester just nodded and saw Columbus run away, scared one hundred per cent as the scents were not hidden.

Sylvester sighed and walked back towards the stagecoach. He knew he couldn't do anything about the slave situation. He knew he didn't have that much power yet, so he could only be a part of the system, no matter how vile it was.

"No matter how many hardships I've faced until now, I must also recognise the fact that I've been very lucky and not the opposite. I've lived and thrived—But I can't keep testing my luck since one day it might just run out, and I'll drop dead."

"What do you think, Chonky? What should we do to help the slaves?" Sylvester asked the furry cat on his shoulder.

Miraj stayed silent for a while. But when he opened his mouth, it was explosive. "Kill them! Kill them all!"


"You mean, kill the slavers?"

"No, the slaves, Maxy."



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