I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 272 272. Money, Money, Money…

The bloodbath wasn't fast, and in some cases, swords were not even used. When the news of Conrad becoming the King spread through the castle halls, many women in the Harem wing of the castle shut themselves inside their rooms with their children.

There, some slit their own wrists, along with their children's. At the same time, some who lived on higher floors jumped out with their children to their inevitable death. It was not a good sight to hear the screams of someone falling from a tower in the castle every few minutes.

But still, Conrad didn't show any mercy or stop the massacre. Instead, he ordered his soldiers not to stop until each one of his stepmothers and step-siblings was dead, for even a tiny glance at them enraged him, reminding him of his childhood that he spent in pain and misery despite being the Crown Prince.

Sylvester didn't like what happened. But he was neither in a situation to stop it nor did he want to stop it. He knew if he were in place of Conrad, he'd have done the same as each of the women from the old King's harem and their child were a threat to the throne.

For now, Sylvester knew that he was done, and it was time to head out. After all, his plan wasn't to use Conrad anyway since he didn't trust the latter as much. Yes, there can and will be many excellent partnerships in the future, but he knew he couldn't influence Riveria like he was going to do with Gracia soon.

'I hope you succeed, my Spartacus.' So he thought and waited until the throne room was cleaned.

At the moment, the only survivors were the Council members and some visitors who had come to meet the dying King. Everyone else was killed without any mercy.

In his defence, Conrad said only one thing. 'Marrying another woman while being married to someone is against the law of the faith. He didn't only marry different women over time but also held a giant harem. So he and all his wives are—sinners."

That was true, but not completely. Most noblemen could keep as many women as they wanted but only as their concubines. They could only have one real woman as a wife, and if they want to remarry, then the current wife either should be dead or the marriage mutually annulled.

Killing the concubines was a bit too much. But, since the children were illegitimate, no one could meddle in the matter. As the law clearly states that concubines should not be used to further the bloodline.

But, at that point, nobody among the court members of the palace wanted to open their mouths due to fear. So, silently, they watched as all the dead bodies were taken away and some wizards cleaned the area.

But once everything resumed, Conrad made his first announcement, and it couldn't come as more of a shock to Sylvester.

"First of all, from today onwards, I will be creating a new position in my court that shall be equal and even slightly higher than all the Council members. Perhaps equal to my Prima. From today onwards, I am naming Lord Bard, Sylvester Maximilian, the official Faith Advisor of Riveria!"

Sylvester glanced at the man in shock and somewhat hidden excitement. Being a religious advisor was an extremely overpowered status. Sylvester remembered how various Kings in the old times were controlled by religious figures, as scaring someone in the name of God was easy.

Newly self-crowned King Conrad looked at Sylvester with respect. "Lord Bard, you are perhaps the holiest man in the faith, along with the Holy Father. This kingdom will be blessed to have your grace shine upon us and help me usher all of us into an era of prosperity."

Sylvester bowed his head. "I will be glad to help you, your majesty."

"Wonderful!" King Conrad clapped and looked at the Council members. "I want a detailed record of all the work each of you has done over the years since the day you started working. I want every single detail with no omission—Or else, remember, these Grand Wizards who stand beside me are older than your fathers—They remember what you might want to forget."

All of the ten Council members bowed their heads while their feet shivered. They soon bid farewell and went to work in their official work chambers.

With that, the throne room became empty, as other than Prima Jeremiah, Lord Atlas and Duke Rainer Fitz Riveria all left.

Sylvester decided to bid his farewell as well. "Now, I'm afraid I must return to the Holy Land and file a report of whatever happened here. But I'm sure we will meet again soon, as my work demands that I travel."

King Conrad stood up and walked down his throne to Sylvester. "Thank you, Lord Bard. You were instrumental in my rise. You can expect full support from me in anything you need—In anything the Holy Land may need."

Sylvester shook the hand but didn't sing any hymns as he understood that threatening the King even indirectly now could be harmful.

"Then, I will look forward to it. I wish you good luck and hope you stay vigilant, for the enemies are often closer than you may expect. Don't trust those Council members. They may try to bring you down." He warned.

King Conrad laughed. "Haha, they? Don't worry, Lord Bard. I asked them for all their work summary so I could get my own selected men from the realm to understand the duties and the past. Once I have my team ready—The older Council members will have no place in this Kingdom—Or the world. They were among those who stayed silent when my father abused my mother, after all."

Sylvester didn't try to correct the man. He had no moral high ground to tell him not to take his revenge, as he himself had killed the old King for being a threat to him and trying to hurt Xavia.

"Good luck, young King." Lady Aurora also waved her hand as they proceeded to head out.

Soon, they climbed onto the carriage seats, and Sylvester drove it out of the River Castle, perhaps one of the most beautiful castles in the world. But today, it had rivers of blood flowing through its halls and towers.

Only time would tell if this bloodshed was worth it, however. As long as sanity prevailed in the new King's brain, his work won't be in vain—He hoped.

Sylvester didn't take any rest this time and headed straight towards the Ironstone Duchy to regroup with his team and head to the Holy Land together.

On the way, they also came across a few refugees who were going towards the Holy Land. Sylvester would randomly give a few some money to buy food or give some grains directly. It was the Season of Solis, after all, and showing some kindness to them could go a long way.

Soon, without any mishaps, he crossed over the border, entered the Hideport and went right towards the Three Fingers Village, beyond which was the Duke's keep.

It took them a few days to complete the whole journey, but the best part about having a carriage with a house was they could rest anywhere. Still, Sylvester tried to find a monastery in order to stay safe from the Shadow Knight.

Eventually, they arrived at the town outside the Ender Castle of Ironstone. The town was now immaculate, and flags of the church were everywhere, along with patrolling Holy Army men, ensuring that the law and the faith were followed strictly.

"They must be inside the castle." Sylvester reckoned and moved right into the castle.

He stationed his carriage and tried to look for Felix and the rest. Only after asking around did he find out what status and work had been assigned to Felix.

'I have a bad feeling about this.' Sylvester mumbled to himself as he proceeded to Felix's office.

"Felix?" Sylvester entered the room and looked around. It was a standard room with a table at the end, and behind it was Felix with Gabriel.

Felix stood up, jumped over his table and gave a hug to Sylvester. "My brother is back! I heard what you did, Sylvester. You're one badass guy. Pfft… You simply changed the King."


Sylvester knocked his fist on Felix's head. "Never speak of it to anyone, Felix. It's not supposed to be even discussed anywhere."

"See, I told you." Gabriel stood up and came forward to give Sylvester a brotherly hug. After all, everyone was worried for the latter as he went straight to the den of his enemy. "Felix was warned by Bishop Lazark and Sir Dolorem as well, but he didn't listen."

Felix defended himself. "Man, do you understand the gravity of this? My brother here had a problem with King Riveria, so he changed the bloody King itself. How crazy is that?"

Sylvester chuckled. Indeed, it was somewhat inspirational and terrifying. But Sylvester also understood the gravity of the situation. "Never speak of this again to anyone, Felix. If people find out, especially the nobles, they will start fearing me, thinking that I can change any of them through underhanded means."

Felix nodded. "I know. I'm not that stupid."

Lady Aurora scoffed. "Just like all thieves say they are not thieves."


"Haha." Sylvester chuckled and walked close to the table, and took a seat. "So, what have you been up to?"

A big, scheming, wild grin appeared on Felix's face. "Hehe… Sylvester, thanks to your teachings, I have successfully taken some 'donations' from families of nobles we caught."

"How much?" Sylvester asked without much thought.

"Many of them didn't pay. But, a total of three hundred nobles have 'donated' me three hundred and forty thousand gold Graces!"


Sylvester froze, and his eyes opened wide. "Can you repeat that number?"


500 GT = 1 Bonus chapter.

1 Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.


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