
Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Thank you. As you may have already heard, all the monsters in the four great mountain ranges have been wiped out. However, the threat of the Demon God is only beginning.

I am well aware. If the Hellgate which can summon the legion from the Hell Realm opens, there will be a disaster incomparable to the monsters threat. Pamar IV said.

Yes. It would be great if we could block it off before the Hellgate opens, but its not an easy task. As such, we must unite the powers of the empire and the six kingdoms into one and establish a system where we can move in unison so that we can counter the Hell Realms legion.

Actually, I have called for an emergency meeting as the Anti-Demon God Alliances leader. When the kings of the six kingdoms gather, we can discuss that then. Putting that aside, I heard you broke through Gods boundary and entered the Dragon Mountain Range. What happened there?

Thankfully, the Dragon clans decided to join our cause and fight against the Demon God.

Are you serious? But why didnt you come with the Dragons? asked Pamar IV in disbelief.

The Dragon clans are monitoring for signs of the Hellgate in the six kingdoms.

Only at the six kingdoms?

I will be in charge of monitoring the Pamar Empire, so you dont have to worry.

You will? asked Pamar IV with a displeased expression.

While acknowledging Mu-Gun as an extraordinary individual, Emperor Pamar IV harbored the belief that Mu-Gun\'s strength might not surpass that of the Dragons. Such was the immense stature attributed to the status of Dragons.

I wont be alone. The Wind Spirit King, whom I have signed a contract with, and the Wind Elves will be monitoring with me.

After hearing Mu-Guns remarks, only then did Pamar IV nod with relief.

If the Wind Spirit King is with you, then there is nothing to worry about.

"By the way, have you contemplated how to organize and distribute the forces between the empire and the six kingdoms?" Mu-Gun inquired.

"I believe it\'s time to unite and stand together for the sake of Avalon, irrespective of affiliations. The Avalon Order, fighting alongside you, serves as a commendable example."

You intend to integrate the knights of the empire and the kingdoms into the Avalon Order, huh?

If the kings of the six kingdoms agree, then I will.

What do you plan to do after that? Mu-Gun asked.

I will divide the knights based on the proportions of the empire and the six kingdoms. The key consideration is ensuring an equal distribution of forces among the seven Knight Orders.

Do you mean that you will equally dispatch the Grand Masters and Master Knights?

Thats right. Our Pamar Empire will make a big concession for the sake of the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

The Pamar Empire boasted a surplus of Grand Masters and Masters compared to the other kingdoms. Distributing the knights equally to all the kingdoms would inevitably result in Grand Masters and Masters being assigned to other territories. This, in essence, meant the Pamar Empire would be making significant concessions.

Mu-Gun gained a newfound perspective on Pamar IV. If the emperor solely prioritized the Pamar Empire, he wouldn\'t have considered dispatching the empire\'s knights to other kingdoms. Pamar IV, however, prioritized the well-being of the Avalon Continent over the exclusive interests of the Pamar Empire. It became apparent that Pamar IV regarded it as crucial to safeguard not just the Pamar Empire but also the six kingdoms. Truly, with great strength came great responsibility.

Mu-Gun deemed Pamar IV\'s decision fitting for the Emperor of the Pamar Empire, the most formidable nation in the Avalon Continent.

I salute your resolute decision, Your Majesty.

It is embarrassing to hear that from you. You, as Gods representative, are fighting against the Demon God with the determination to protect Avalon without putting your family or your country into consideration. Pamar IV said embarrassingly.

"No, on the contrary, it was simpler for me as an individual to make such a decision. However, as the Emperor of an Empire, the complexity lies in considering the Empire\'s benefits and diverse interests. Yet, you decided to prioritize Avalon. Your Majesty\'s discernment merits respect, and in comparison, my actions seem inconsequential," Mu-Gun expressed with reverence.

You are too modest. Anyway, your noble feelings for Avalon have impressed me, and I have decided to follow your lead as much as I can. So, you should continue setting an example and lead me in the future too. Pamar IV said humbly.

I am overwhelmingly grateful that you look at me so highly, Your Majesty. I am just doing my best to complete the mission granted to me by the Sky God Yupir. That will not change in the future.

Then thats good enough. Also, I have a question to ask.

Please go ahead.

I heard that many Avalon Knights have grown from the Expert Rank to the Master Rank. Moreover, I heard that it was all because of your authority, is it true?

Yes, it is.

Then, can you grant that authority to the knights of the Empire and the six kingdoms? The more Master Knights we have, the easier it will be to deal with the Demon Gods legion.

If all the knights of the Empire and the six kingdoms are integrated into the Avalon Order, I will gladly use the Sky Gods authority on them, Mu-Gun replied.

That means we should first prioritize uniting the knights of the Empire and the six kingdoms.

I do not use the Sky Gods authority based on affiliation or family status. I only look at one thing: whether the said knight is prepared to give their all for the sake of Avalon. The Avalon Order is the starting point of that feeling, Mu-Gun explained.

I understand what you mean. I will discuss it well at the meeting of the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

I will be waiting for your good news, said Mu-Gun in a pleased tone.

If you want, you can attend the meeting together.

No, as I have already mentioned, I will focus on looking for signs of the Hellgate.

I see. Then, keep up the good work.

Understood. If there is nothing to discuss, I will get going now.


Mu-Gun respectfully bowed to Pamar IV before departing from the Imperial Palace\'s throne room. Representing the Sky God Yupir, Mu-Gun\'s status was not inferior to that of Pamar IV, the Emperor of the Pamar Empire. One might argue that Mu-Gun even held a superior status. Nevertheless, Mu-Gun chose to humble himself, displaying respect towards Pamar IV.

Mu-Gun refrained from asserting his authority as God\'s representative, understanding that doing so could only breed hostility from Pamar IV. His attitude likely played a role in fostering Pamar IV\'s recognition and respect, rather than causing discomfort due to Mu-Gun\'s position as God\'s representative.

Having exited the Imperial Palace\'s throne room, Mu-Gun made his way to the guest hall of the Pamar Empire. Reserved exclusively for nobles of Marquis rank or higher, the fact that the Pamar Empire extended this privilege to Mu-Gun, who held no nobility rank, showed the extent of their respect for him.

Upon reaching the guest hall, Mu-Gun immediately called upon the Wind Spirit King Nervatum. He tasked Nervatum with investigating any indications of the Hellgate\'s formation in the Pamar Empire\'s Imperial City. Nervatum willingly embraced Mu-Gun\'s request, summoning all the high-ranked spirits and those above under his command to scour the city for signs of the Hellgate.

Having delegated the search in the Imperial City to Nervatum, Mu-Gun summoned Fraus, the chief of the Wind Elves, for a separate task. He requested Fraus to investigate any indications of Hellgates in the Empire\'s fief. Fraus, demonstrating willingness, accepted Mu-Gun\'s request and organized groups with the Wind High Elves to conduct a thorough search throughout the Pamar Empire\'s fief.

Mu-Gun wasn\'t solely reliant on Nervatum and the Wind Elves. Independently, he actively investigated, personally checking for any signs of the Hellgate.

As Mu-Gun soared through the Imperial City and its vicinity using the Thunder God\'s Shadow, he used the Thunder God\'s Heavenly Eyes to search for any peculiar qi wavelengths. However, nothing remarkable caught his attention.

The Dragon clans, like Mu-Gun, had begun searches across the six kingdoms, finding nothing of relevance. Nevertheless, the pursuit of signs of the Hellgate was far from over. The impending certainty was that the Demon God would eventually unseal the Hellgate and summon the legion from the Hell Realm.

Regardless of the immediate results in finding Hellgate signs, a relentless, continuous search was necessary until the Hellgate manifestedthat was their resolve. As Mu-Gun and the Dragon clans continuously scoured for any indicators, the Emperor of the Pamar Empire and the kings of the six kingdoms convened in a meeting as members of the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

In alignment with what he had discussed with Mu-Gun, Pamar IV suggested to the kings of the six kingdoms the integration of the knights from the empire and the six kingdoms into the Avalon Order. Subsequently, they would distribute the knights evenly based on their skill and rank, ensuring they were well-prepared to thwart any potential assault from the Demon God targeting the empire or the six kingdoms.

The kings of the six kingdoms unanimously embraced Pamar IV\'s proposal. From their standpoint, the proposition seemed entirely advantageous, devoid of any drawbacks. Once decided upon at the Anti-Demon God Alliance\'s meeting, the integration of the knights swiftly unfolded. Those knights from the empire and the six kingdoms holding ranks above the Expert level were seamlessly assimilated into the Avalon Order.

Subsequently, the Avalon Order evenly distributed their forces, forming seven corps with an equal allocation of Grand Masters and Masters. The assignments were made without regard for their original affiliations. However, it was notable that the number of Grand Masters was limited, with only eleven Grand Masters from the empire and the six kingdoms combined.

Given the inherent limitation in equal Grand Master numbers for each corps, Mu-Gun addressed the imbalance by incorporating paladins from the Yupir Church\'s Paladin Order into the Avalon Order.

Within the Yupir Church\'s paladins, there were a total of twelve Grand Masters. Mu-Gun allocated ten of these Grand Masters to the seven corps, ensuring an equal distribution of three Grand Masters in each corps. The remaining two paladins, who weren\'t assigned to any of the seven corps, were designated to accompany Mu-Gun, the representative of the Sky God Yupir.

Following the distribution of Grand Masters, the Master and Expert Knights were likewise evenly assigned to the seven corps. Once the seven corps were fully organized, they proceeded to their designated nations. Notably, the Avalon Order\'s seven corps encompassed not only the human knights but also the Dragon clans and the Elf tribes.

The elves were evenly distributed among the seven corps. However, a challenge arose with the allocation of the Dragon clans. With only six Dragons available, one of the corps would be without a Dragon companion. Yet, there existed a capable substitute for a DragonMu-Gun himself.

In light of the limited number of Dragons, Mu-Gun opted to assist one of the seven corps instead of assigning a Dragon. The chosen corps for Mu-Gun\'s support was the First Corps, responsible for defending the Pamar Empire. The remaining six corps had no objections, believing there was an inherent advantage of having Dragon support over Mu-Gun\'s assistance.

In the eyes of the people of Avalon, Dragons held the status of the strongest beings both in name and reality. The prevailing sentiment was that, despite Mu-Gun being the representative of the Sky God Yupir, he couldn\'t surpass the Dragonsunquestionably regarded as the mightiest entities in Avalon. Consequently, there was no discontent among the populace about receiving Dragon support instead of assistance from Mu-Gun. On the contrary, many welcomed it.

Had the people been aware that Mu-Gun had triumphed over three Dragons from the Red clan, their perceptions might have shifted. However, this information remained undisclosed as neither Mu-Gun nor the six Dragons, with knowledge of this achievement, shared the news with anyone.

In light of the decision made by the Anti-Demon God Alliance, all the knights from the empire and the six kingdoms seamlessly transitioned into members of the Avalon Order. Thus, they commenced the battle to safeguard Avalon from their designated positions.

In keeping with his commitment to Pamar IV, Mu-Gun resolved to bestow the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell upon the knights of the Avalon Order. To prevent any potential power imbalances among the seven corps, Mu-Gun selected one individual from each corps and used the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell on them.

Selecting one individual from each of the seven corps resulted in a total of seven people. If Mu-Gun applied the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell to one person per day, all seven individuals could receive the spell within a week. After the initial seven were granted the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell in the first week, the cycle would continue with the selection of another person from the seven corps, repeating the process over subsequent weeks.

While the process of selecting one person from each of the seven corps every week presented its challenges, Mu-Gun deemed it more favorable than applying the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell solely to the knights of a specific corps. Doing so could risk fostering misunderstanding and distrust among the corps, potentially disrupting their unity. Thus, despite the inconvenience, Mu-Gun found it far preferable.

Even as Mu-Gun applied the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell to the Expert Knights, he remained diligent in searching for any indications of the Hellgate. The Dragons, too, tirelessly dedicated themselves to scouring for signs of the Hellgate without a moment\'s rest.

Despite an exhaustive search spanning over a month, there were no discernible signs of the Hellgate anywhere on the Avalon Continent.

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