
Chapter 1077 Breaking A Strike

Another month came and went as the war continued in the Pacific. With the Germans taking a step back and allowing their allies to take the brunt of the conflict, they had severely reduced their casualties. 

Korea had turned into a major conflict, where the Joseon and Japanese troops battled for supremacy in the cities and towns. As the war continued to wage in the region, the Southern Joseon Resistance continued to strike at the heart of their Japanese occupiers, all while the conventional army of the north continued to press south with German support. 

Meanwhile, in Borneo the Royal Majapahit Army had forced itself into the meat grinder, and continued to press forward towards the bay of Brunei, where the bulk of the Japanese forces had fortified their position, and lied in wait for their enemy\'s advance. 

If the massive losses suffered during the war weren\'t bad enough for Japan, then the hyperinflation had only made things worse. With the over printing of Japanese bank notes in order to keep funding the military during this disastrous war, the treasury department had created an inflation rate which rose rapidly by the day. 

Just one month ago, there was an inflation percentage of one hundred percent within the Empire of Japan. Now it was at one thousand percent. The currency which the soldiers of Japan were paid with had become worse less than a bowl of rice. Meanwhile, the compensation their families received as a result of their deaths was no better. 

For some time now, morale had been low in the ranks of the Imperial Japanese Army, but now, with the economy in the toilet, this lack of morale suddenly turned to dissent. This same spirit of rebellion was not only found among the ranks of the Japanese Army, but among the labor force back home.

While the Empress sat back in her palace, feasting on the most luxurious delicacies, the people starved. This cause resentment among the common populace until it had finally reached a boiling point. Currently, at the Osaka Armory, there was a massive strike of workers, who demanded to be paid more for their arduous labor. 

While this strike was occurring, Empress Itami Riyo sat in her war room, wondering just what drastic measures she would need to take in order to get her workers to do their jobs. On the one hand, she wanted more than anything to send in her Imperial Guard to break off the strikes, and force her people back into the factories.

On the other hand, Berengar\'s words stung her heart. Whether it was from the brief discussion they had during their sole conversation, or the speech he had made when declaring war on Japan. For too long, Itami had seen her people as nothing more than resources to ensure her ambitions came to pass.

Yet, after being lectured by her rival about her overall lack of humanity, she now found herself struggling to give the order to put down these revolts before they could get out of hand. Her people were starving, while forced to work long hours with dangerous machinery, and those were the lucky ones. The young men of Japan had been sent to die off in some foreign war, caused by their Empress\'s own greed. 

The only reason the people had stuck by her for so long was because she had guaranteed them a better future than that of medieval serfdom. Yet, how was their current state any different? No, it was even worse.

As a result, A General of the Japanese Imperial Guard by the name of Otagi Kiyotsune stood by Itami\'s side and watched the conflicted expression on her exquisite face. He was quick to give his own input on the situation in order to alleviate her suffering.

"Kami-sama... If we do not put an end to these strikes soon, it will lead to revolution. You must use a heavy hand to force these ungrateful peasants back into the factories where they belong. If you do not, you could lose everything!"

These last words spoken by the leader of the Imperial Guard caused Itami to scoff before repeating them with a hint of defeat in her voice.

"Lose everything, huh? At this point, that doesn\'t sound so bad..."

Seeing that his goddess was on the brink of despair, the man stood firm in his resolutions and began to scold the woman for losing her faith in her own ability.

"Kami-sama! You are the War Goddess of Japan. You deposed the tyranny of the Ashikaga shogunate and pressed your claim to the throne without concern for anybody\'s opinion. You have always done what was necessary for the continued survival of our people. Do not lose faith now, just because these blue-eyed devils are posing more of a challenge than you initially thought! You must take control and do what is necessary for the good of your people!" 

Though only one man spoke to her, Itami could hear the voices of two different individuals speak their opinions on how to proceed. On the one side was the leader of her Imperial Guard, suggesting violence and tyranny as a means of solving this crisis. However, in the other ear, whispered the voice of a ghost from her past life. In fact, Itami could even see Julian in his cadet uniform, shaking his head in disgust before giving his voice of wisdom to her ears. 

"Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... My dear Ai, you have listened to these wicked men and their ill advice on how to run your country for far too long. I am disappointed in you. Since you first took up the sword, you have used violence and tyranny to accomplish everything you have achieved in this life, and look where that has led you.  Your people bleed for your avarice, and their families starve while you work them to the bone to support your ambitions. All with the promise of a better life, but is such a thing even viable at this point?

In pursuit of your goals, you have burned all the bridges that once existed between you and your former trading partners, and in doing so, alienated your Empire from the rest of the world. As a result of your reckless behavior, you now found yourself at war with a superior foe. And yes, Ai, before you raise your voice at me, Berengar is indeed your superior in nearly every way. He has proven such a thing time and again. 

If you continue to listen to the advice of evil men who only have their own interests at heart, then I am afraid I will have to leave you. Though I do not wish to do so, I will not sit here and watch as you become more of a tyrant than you already are. It is not too late for you to choose another path. You can still redeem yourself in the eyes of your people!

Do not respond to these strikes with more violence and oppression. All that will cause is further division and strife. Instead, give the people what they need so that they continue to believe in you. Do whatever is necessary to pay these men so that they can afford to feed their families, or better yet, offer food itself as payment, rather than your worthless fiat currency. This is my advice to you, and I hope you will take it." 

Though Itami had heard an entire speech from Julian about what she should do to redeem herself. Not even a second had passed from the time the leader of her Imperial Guard given his advice to her. After listening to the advice of Julian\'s ghost, or should I say the part of her mind which manifested such a thing, Itami knew what she had to do.  In fact, the words her General had spoken suddenly seemed to laughable to her now, which elicited a scoff along with a slightly mocking tone in her voice. 

"The good of my people? And what, pray tell, would you, a butcher whose only value is putting down rebellion, know about that? Perhaps it is time I send you and your men to the battlefield so you can prove to me just how loyal you really are?

My the young men of my country are dying by the hundreds of thousands in a war against an enemy that seems invincible. If that weren\'t bad enough, then there\'s the fact that the families of those same men are being starved to death while simultaneously working themselves into an early grave. 

What my people need isn\'t more violence and bloodshed, but food, water, medicine, and shelter. Something that is nearly impossible to provide during these grim times. No, I will not use force to coerce these poor souls back into the factory, while their payment doesn\'t even cover the cost of a daily meal for their families. 

Instead, I will pay these workers with food, even if I have to give up my own reserves to do so. Now, unless you want to be sent to the front lines, I suggest you begin distribution of proper payment to my workers immediately!"

Though the General of the Imperial Guard was stunned by this response, he did not dare disobey. Partially in fear of serving in actual combat, and partially out of respect for the War Goddess, even if she had taken a different approach to dealing with this internal strife.

While Itami had taken measures to prevent a total rebellion on her hands. The appeasement of the common people could only last so far as Itami\'s food reserves did, and they would be depleted at most in another three months. So, in a way, all she had managed to accomplish was buy herself time. 


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