
Chapter 82 King and the tailor man- Part 3

82 King and the tailor man- Part 3

"I think it\'s gotten better. The dust must be out," Madeline didn\'t want Sophie poking her eyes with her fingers and calling it to be an accident. Madeline knew she wasn\'t dreaming and could feel Sophie\'s dislike towards her. The vampiress smiled at Madeline, who felt as if the dust had been only a ploy by the village girl who wanted to get close to the King.

"It is good to see that everyone is up early," Sophie clapped her hands together, "Maybe we can make some plans together and maybe go out later at noon?" she asked Madeline as she was the subject of her interest right now who had to be kept away from the King.

Calhoun had been looking at Madeline\'s eyes that didn\'t meet his when he said, "I will be busy here in the court. I would rather prefer to have Madeline stay in here, and it includes you too Sophie. I wouldn\'t want Aunt Rosamund to complain like one of those times when you almost got attacked by the Jackal."

Sophie blushed hearing this, as if she was embarrassed by Calhoun\'s words of that particular incident, "That was just one time that happened."

"Indeed," said Calhoun, breaking his gaze away from Madeline to look at his cousin, "Once is enough. There won\'t be a second time in my presence."

Madeline couldn\'t help but wonder how exactly the family dynamics worked around the King. It was because Calhoun called Sophie\'s mother as Aunt and Sophie addressed Calhoun as \'Brother Calhoun\' where there was nothing brotherly about it if one looked closely. She wondered if it was common for close relatives to get married to each other when it came to the night creatures. Maybe not direct brothers or sisters, but perhaps it was okay for cousins to marry each other to keep the blood clean and thick without bringing the humans into the picture as they were considered to be weaklings.

Calhoun had returned to take his seat on the throne. After a few minutes, Theodore entered the courtroom where the three of them were present.

"Milord, the tailorman has arrived," informed Theodore. It didn\'t go unnoticed by Calhoun on how Madeline\'s heart skipped a beat when Theodore mentioned about the tailor.

The time Madeline had been dreading was here since she had found out that Calhoun had planned to get James in the castle. As she heard the footsteps come from behind Theodore, her eyes darted towards Calhoun who was looking at the entrance of the courtroom. She bit the inside of her cheek so that her nervousness didn\'t appear to be apparent.

Calhoun noticed this little exchange and smiled, a smile that was pleasant but one that had scheming ideas in the back of his mind.

Madeline was quick to lower her gaze so that they wouldn\'t share anymore looks in front of the demon who was present in the room. She heard James speak,

"Thank you for taking the time to see me. It is a privilege to be in the presence of the King," he bowed his head.

She turned her head so that she could look at both of them and she noticed how Calhoun had his chin tipped slightly that showed the authority he held in here or the lands everyone now stood on.

The moment the tailorman had stepped foot into the courtroom, the King had put him under his intense scrutiny. His eyes looked unmoving to an onlooker, but that didn\'t mean Calhoun was not gauging the man who was under keen observation. There had been several times the tailorman had arrived at the castle to take in the measurements but never had he directly dealt with the King as there were other tailors who did that.

By looks, the man was average to look at, which made Calhoun question what Madeline saw in this man, and as he thought this, his lips twitched.

"The honour is all ours," replied the King with a smile on his lips that didn\'t turn the tailorman as wary as he was supposed to be, "I have heard so much about your work and decided it was time that I saw what use you can be for us."

Madeline gulped at Calhoun\'s words. She didn\'t know if he was speaking casually or if she was reading too much between the lines right now. She would continue to worry until James left unharmed from the castle.

"It will be of great privilege to be able to make clothes for you. If you allow me, milord," James answered with a polite tone. The man didn\'t know by first hand on how the King was except for the fact that he was holding Madeline as a hostage. It was only yesterday did he come to the castle to meet her, but when he had proposed to speak to the King, Madeline had refused the idea, and she looked scared.

The King was smiling at him with a kind smile that made James wonder if he told the King that it was him who Madeline liked, the King would let her go.

"Theodore here needs new clothes, so does Mr. Flaren. They have been working very hard to keep Devon in a good state and out of danger. I thought it was only right I shower them with some presents. What do you think, Mr. Heathcliff?" asked Calhoun to James.

James looked slightly startled that the King knew his last name. The King was an important person and to have him know his name, he could only wonder if it was because of his tailoring skills or if it was because of the girl in the room with brown eyes.

"You are a generous man, milord," answered James.

The first one to be measured was Mr. Flaren, who had come with James inside the court, and once he was done, he was dismissed from the room. Then came Theodore\'s turn, where James asked the man to raise his arms so that he could take down the measurement. During this time, Madeline\'s eyes kept moving back and forth between James and Calhoun.

Sophie, who was standing there, said, "Lady Madeline had lost her handkerchief. Maybe you can ask the tailor to get some of them done for you," she reminded, letting everyone know how thoughtful she was.

Hearing Madeline\'s name, James who was done taking the next set of measurements from Theodore turned to look at Madeline to say, "I will be sure to make them if you let me know what kind you are looking for."

Madeline only nodded her head as she didn\'t want to ignite a spark of fire in the room.

"On that same note," started Calhoun and Madeline\'s heart felt like it started to slip down from her ribcage, "Do you only work with men\'s clothing or with women\'s clothing too?" He inquired even though he knew the dress Madeline had worn during the ball was stitched and made by James. Madeline didn\'t know why Calhoun asked this, and she looked at the King.

James answered with a smile on his face, "I have worked on women\'s clothing, milord. The dress that Miss Harris wore for the Hallow was made by me." James had made sure to let Calhoun know that he knew the woman.

"That is good to hear. I have been thinking about getting something stitched," upon Calhoun\'s words, she wondered if the King had just brushed away James\' words until he continued, "A pale peach garter that is made of lace with frills that I can give. Not to have too tight elasticity so that it can be easily removed."

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