
Chapter 235 Baby Snakes

Of course, there were exceptions. One was obviously Biano, Julian, and the members of the same branch as her. The other was the Headquarters, who had access to the hidden details about her identity.

One of the examiners of the headquarters just so happens to be checking her information at the moment.

"Hum... So she is just 18 at the moment and was a Three Silver Stars Formations Master five months ago, is that correct?"

The subordinate in front of him nodded.

"Correctly. Unfortunately, we couldn\'t find out what Feier\'s background is, just that she probably came from another universe."

The examiner nodded.

"Well, there is nothing surprising about it, we get batches of new kids from everywhere all year round. A lot of them are prohibited from using their backgrounds during their training time in our Dalin Universe, it just seems like she is one more of those cases."

The examiner pondered a bit and then said.

"Let\'s pay some attention to this girl, depending on how she fares in the rest of the competition, we might extend an olive branch for her in the future. The Formations Master Organization is always open for big talents, after all."

The subordinate nodded and then left.

Krune\'s group then returned to their home after the end of the first day. As expected, Feifei couldn\'t help but laugh when she heard about Krune\'s day on his side.

"I say you are more like a magnet of attention. Except for the Golden Stars Level Alchemists, you basically crushed everyone else there. No wonder you are in the news at the moment. Fortunately, your real appearance and identity aren\'t being disclosed."

Krune sighed and said.

"That\'s not my fault, I was just answering the questions. Not to mention that all the information is available in the Alchemist\'s network. How could I expect that the other Silver Stars Alchemists couldn\'t answer as much as me, it\'s their lack of study, not mine."

Feifei showed a playful smiled and asked.

"Oh, does it mean that it was my lack of study that I got only the 168th position then?"

Krune immediately stiffed.

"Err... Your case is different, you had been here for Five Months only, the others probably passed their life in this place."

Even Tiane and Ruik couldn\'t help but laugh at that scene.

Feifei then gave Krune a kiss and said.

"I\'m just joking. Anyway, If I had used my Destiny Core, I could have done a lot better. But you know me, I won\'t use it unless it is essential or won\'t bother anyone. I don\'t like to know about the future. Also, I\'m already pleased with what I got in just five months. Besides, it\'s not like I wish to make a life out of formations, right?"

Krune and the other two nodded.

They kept at it for quite a while before returning to their own rooms.

The next day soon arrived, and the group parted ways again.

On the way to the Alchemist Competition site, Krune wondered if he should change his appearance once more but soon gave up the idea. He would be using the same working station anyway, so it was too obvious who he was.

Just as Ruik and Krune were about to arrive there, they were stopped by a girl.

"Wait a moment, please."

They could feel from her aura that she is also a demon beast, just like they are.

Krune then asked.

"Do you need anything from me?"

The girls shook her.

"Not you, him."

She pointed at Ruik.

Immediately, Ruik and Krune had the same idea.

Ruik came forward and asked.

"Are you perhaps from the Snake Clan?"

The girl showed a surprised expression but nodded nonetheless.

"So you know about us already, that makes things easier then. Would you mind to have a chat for a minute?"

Krune and Ruik looked at each other and nodded. The Alchemist Competition would only start an hour later, so Krune could hear what she had to say too.

The girl didn\'t expect Krune to tag along but didn\'t mind that much. Soon, they entered a private room in a nearby restaurant.

"My name is Katia Kaku, a member of the Snake Clan of our Riren Planet. I\'m here to invite you to join our ranks, Ruik."

Ruik, on the other hand, didn\'t seem very interested.

"I\'m sorry, but I don\'t have any intention of being bound to some force. I\'m pretty happy with my freedom, you know."

The girl nodded and then said.

"We don\'t have any intention of locking you away, you would still be free to roam anywhere you want as long as you at least tell the Clan where you are going. Of course, the Clan would need your strength now and then, so some of your time would be needed. But I can assure you that the time on those tasks won\'t be any longer than the ones that you get from the Mission Hall. In exchange, we are able to provide a lot more resources than what you are getting at the moment."

Ruik then commented.

"It does seem like a good deal, but is it really everything? I might as well tell you that I came from another universe, and I will have to return sooner or later."

The girl seemed to be already expecting those words.

"There are indeed a few more things that we will have you taking care of. As for the fact that you will have to return to your own Universe, we can deal with it. Our Snake Clan can apply for a permanent stay so that you will never need to go back. I believe you won\'t want to leave a place as good as this one, right?"

Instead of telling her about the fact that he wants to go back, he decided to ask something else.

"What are those things that you said that I will have to take care of?"

Katia then smiled and stood up. She went to the middle of the room and returned to her true form.

It turns out that Katia was from the same species as Ruik, a female Two-Headed Demon Snake. Krune and Ruik were a little surprised by that scene but waited to see what she had to say.

"The other task is obviously to increase the Snake Clan\'s talents, which means having children. We are a very open clan when it comes to this principle. Any snake with high talents can copulate with other snakes of the same level and talent as long as both parties agree with it. Still, Two-Headed Snakes aren\'t that common, so I was quite happy when I heard about you. So if you don\'t mind, I would also like to have talented children with you."

Ruik then glared at Krune and sent him a Divine Sense message.

"You had to say that they would want me for breeding. Look at it now, Katia is totally ready to have baby snakes with me. Do something, this grandfather has no intention of having a family any time soon."

Krune was taken aback. That was just a comment that he said in the passing back then. He didn\'t really expect that Ruik would be used for breeding snakes.

"You can\'t blame me, whether I had said it or not wouldn\'t change the fact that they want you to do this anyway."

Katia was quite beautiful in her human form, but Krune and Ruik didn\'t care about that. Still, it was a different story now for Ruik, as someone of the same species, he had to admit that Katia is a gorgeous female Two-Headed Snake. It would be a lie if he said that he wasn\'t the least bit enticed.

"Cough, cough. Even though you are really beautiful, I have no intention of starting a family, I\'m sorry."

Katia then shook her head.

"Don\'t worry, you don\'t need to take care of the children since the Clan has a section specially made for it. We just need the seed of talented snakes, that\'s all. Not to mention that the Clan gives even more support to parents who can give birth to excellent talents. So you can basically put your seed in me and stop minding it completely after, the Clan will take care of your children for you."

Both Krune and Ruik were even more surprised now, they didn\'t expect that the Snake Clan was so... \'open\' to these matters.

Ruik then shook his head.

"Err... I admit that it would be quite blissful to have the opportunity to do \'that\' with you. Still, I don\'t intend to leave my children in the hands of someone else, so I\'m sorry again."

Katia\'s eyes lit up when she heard that.

"That is great, then let\'s take care of them together!"

Krune looked at Ruik, who was digging his own grave and couldn\'t help but intervene.

"That isn\'t the problem here. It\'s just that Ruik already has his reasons to not be bound to your Clan. He has to go back to our Universe since he has responsibilities to take care of there."

Ruik immediately nodded vigorously.

"Yes, yes! That\'s precisely it!"

Katia pondered a bit and then said.

"Well, depending on your accomplishments, you might get the help of the elders to deal with your issues in your home universe as well. The Snake Clan is a lot bigger than you think, after all."

Ruik shook his head.

"It has nothing to do with strength but a duty. This Sect Master here has a Sect to command once he is back, so I can\'t accept your offer."

Krune heard that and smiled a bit.

As for Katia, between the various reasons that she had thought, Ruik being a Sect Master definitely wasn\'t one of them.

She then returned to her human form and then put her clothes on again. They are all demon beasts here, so whether they were naked in front of each other meant nothing to anyone in this room to start with.

Katia seemed a little disappointed but said it anyway.

"I see, I will have to go back and talk to the higher-ups, I will be taking my leave now."

Krune and Ruik nodded.

Once Katia disappeared in the distance, Ruik asked Krune.

"Do you think they will come back?"

Krune shook his head.

"Who knows? If they do, just refuse it again."

He then started walking back to the Alchemist Competition site.

"Anyway, for now, there is no point in overthinking about this issue, so let\'s go back."

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