The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 931: James' birthday party (6)

Chapter 931: James' birthday party (6)

As the cake was served to the guests, people started mingling.         

Damon and Talia met with Maddox, Tatiana, Tony, Kalina, Cristian, and Michelle. None of them noticed anything out of the ordinary. It looked just like any other birthday party.     

People moved in their usual groups. Luna Layla played a good host by weaving among guests and asking if they were having a good time, music was playing, and people were engaged in chatter over food and drinks.     

George found an opportunity to join Dawn, Zina, and Owen.     

"I don't see a fly pestering you anymore," Dawn said to George.     

George smiled, knowing that the fly in question was Penelope. "I think she found another victim." Penelope was not in sight anymore, and neither was Alpha William.     

"You think so?" Zina asked. "She looked quite persistent. Women like those don't give up."     

"Shush!" Dawn exclaimed. "Bite your tongue, so you don't jinx it."     

Zina giggled and looked at Owen dreamily. She wanted to jump on him and kiss him all over.     

"When can we leave?" Zina asked.     

Dawn turned to look questionably at George.     

George observed the crowd with a small frown on his handsome face. Was it wise to leave now?     

"A bit more," George said. James still didn't return, and George could not mind-link the birthday boy. He wanted to ensure that things with James were fine. If Alpha Edward gets a whiff of the relationship type between James and Cornelia, hell will break loose. Another worrying thing was that Alpha Edward was not in sight.     

George mind-linked warriors that were standing guard nearby, and there were no suspicious movements. However, his instincts told him that the situation was unstable.     

George wanted to send Dawn and Zina with Owen home, but if there were an ambush, it would be safer for them to stick together. Just in case, George reminded Owen through the mind-link, 'If any trouble starts, I will count on you to take care of Dawn and Zina. I'm going to check the perimeter. If you notice anything suspicious, let me know.'     

It was around midnight when it became obvious that guests started dispersing. Not everyone was staying for the night, and some retreated into their rooms.     

Luna Layla spent a good half an hour with Talia and Damon, congratulating them on being mates, thanking them for coming, and engaging in casual chit-chat that mostly revolved on the topic of James' training while he stayed at the Dark Howlers pack. The photographer followed Luna Layla, and they took group photos.     

Eventually, Luna Layla left to chat with other guests, and Damon and Talia moved to sit at the bar. It gave them a good view of the venue.     

Maddox, Tatiana, Tony, Kalina, Cristian, and Michelle were in attendance as well, with people from their packs. They agreed to stay together in the event hall in case something happened.     

'Is it possible that tonight will pass without incidents?' Talia asked Damon through their mind-link.     

'Let's not relax too soon,' Damon said, gesturing with his eyes toward the left.      

Talia turned that way to see Alpha Edward, Alpha Richard, and Alpha William approaching them.     

"Alpha Natalia, Alpha Damon," Alpha Edward called. "I apologize for not greeting you in person so far. I was busy with other matters."     

"We understand," Talia said. "Alphas are busy, especially when they are hosting an event like this one."     

"I hope you don't mind that we hijacked this event to show up officially as a mated couple," Damon said while tightening his hold on Talia's shoulder.     

"No harm was done," Alpha Edward said. "If anything, people will talk about this event more. My Luna will appreciate it. I must ask, why were you hiding it so far?"         

"I wouldn't call it hiding it," Damon responded. "You saw us together on several occasions. When we met, it was a surprise for both of us. We agreed to prioritize figuring out what it means to our packs."     

"I see," Alpha Edward said while nodding faintly. "And what does it mean?"     

"We opened the borders between our packs," Talia responded.     

"Does the open border policy mean you will accept visitors to the Midnight Guardians pack?"     

Talia was unsure where Alpha Edward was going with it. "In due time."     

"But you are letting your pack members come out to see how other packs live and to find their mates," Alpha Edward pressed.     

Talia didn't want to deny it. "Yes."     

"The Midnight Guardians pack is flourishing under your guidance," Alpha Edward said, and his eyes turned toward the group where Owen was with Dawn and Zina. "If you didn't encourage your pack members to come out of your territory, my Lieutenant wouldn't find his mate. I can assume you changed your policies if you are allowing your pack members to settle with their mates outside of your pack."     

Talia's brows came together when she realized that Alpha Edward was talking about Owen. Why did he think that Zina came from the Midnight Guardians pack? No, wait! Alpha Edward thought that Dawn was Owen's mate… and there was a misunderstanding of Penelope assuming that Dawn was from Talia's pack. No wonder she didn't see Penelope. That female reported to Alpha Edward what happened in the restroom!     

'Zi,' Talia called through the pack link. 'How much does Alpha Edward know about you and Dawn?'     

'Uhm… the story is that Dawn is Owen's mate, and I'm Dawn's friend who came for a visit.'     

Talia quickly put the pieces together. 'Damon, Alpha Edward believes Dawn and Zina are from the Midnight Guardians pack.'     

Damon's jaw ticked. If the story of Alpha Edward being involved in a witch hunt in order to harvest organs was true, Dawn and Zina would be in danger. Maybe not tonight, but they couldn't leave them in the Red Moon pack. Will Alpha Edward believe that George had Dawn and Zina in his villa without knowing from where they came? This was getting more complicated by the second.     

Talia glanced at Damon, and they didn't need the mind-link to understand each other's thoughts.     

"I wouldn't say that we changed policies about where my pack members will settle with their mates," Talia said.     

"Oh, no need for secrecy," Alpha Edward said. "We are all family here." Alpha Edward's eyes lost focus for a moment, and Owen stiffened on the other side of the event hall.     

'George!' Owen called through the pack link. 'Alpha just summoned me to go to him with Zina and Dawn!'     

'Don't panic,' George responded. 'He won't do anything drastic in front of witnesses. Alpha Damon and Luna Talia are there. Trust in them.'     

Talia watched as the trio approached them, and she could see so many ways this would end wrongly.     

"Lieutenant Owen, why don't you introduce us to your mate and her friend?" Alpha Edward asked.     

Dawn and Zina kept their heads low while giving their names. It was normal for Omegas to bow their heads in front of an Alpha, and they were standing in front of five. Dawn's wolf protested, but Dawn focused on Talia and Damon.     

"Dawn and Zina," Alpha Edward said. "Beautiful names for beautiful ladies. I hear you are staying with Commander George. Is he treating you well?"     

"Yes," Dawn and Zina responded in unison.     

"It's a pity I was unaware of your special background," Alpha Edward said. "If I knew, I wouldn't let you suffer in his house. Starting tomorrow, the two of you will work in the packhouse."     

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